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Posts posted by Seryth

  1. 4 hours ago, ich777 said:

    If you are able to connect it can be a port forwarding issue or a problem with your ISP.


    Please go to your router and look if you forwarded all 3 ports UDP (please only UDP not TCP or both, only UDP) in your router so that they are reachable from "outside"

    How they try to connect? Steam Server Browser? Keep in mind they have to connect with YOURPUBLICIP:PORT+1 (eg:

    I found this article and added the ports listed in it as well and rebooted the router and everything is working fine now.  I am not sure if the additional ports are needed and will perform some more testing to see if I can close them.  I know I should have done one at a time to better nail down what change worked, but I will update you incase it is the ports.  


    Thanks for trying to help.  


    Port Forwarding on Your Router for Valheim

  2. 6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    If you are able to connect it can be a port forwarding issue or a problem with your ISP.


    Please go to your router and look if you forwarded all 3 ports UDP (please only UDP not TCP or both, only UDP) in your router so that they are reachable from "outside"

    How they try to connect? Steam Server Browser? Keep in mind they have to connect with YOURPUBLICIP:PORT+1 (eg:

    I checked my router.  UDP only is selected. I added the range of 2456-2458.  They have tried using ports 2456 and 2457 to connect.  I checked with another friend and they are not able to find my sever in the community listing, but I see it there.   I will check with my ISP, however, my Emby server is able to talk to the outside world.  



  3. 20 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Have you enabled ValheimPlus?

    Can you give me your log output?

    With which IP do you connect?

    With which IP do your friends connect?



    I do not have ValheimPlus enabled

    Log output below (I hope what I added is correct)

    I use my internal IP 

    I have given them the external IP for my network



    ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
    ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
    ---Setting umask to 000---
    ---Checking for optional scripts---
    ---No optional script found, continuing---
    ---Update SteamCMD---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...OK.
    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    ---Update Server---
    Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
    [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
    [----] Verifying installation...
    Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
    -- type 'quit' to exit --
    Loading Steam API...OK.
    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK
    Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
    Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
    Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.60 (16777216 / 1051599543)
    Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 28.03 (294787688 / 1051599543)
    Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 45.76 (481160680 / 1051599543)
    Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 60.71 (638428296 / 1051599543)
    Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 85.67 (900896639 / 1051599543)
    Success! App '896660' fully installed.
    ---Prepare Server---
    ---Server ready---
    ---Starting Backup daemon---
    ---Start Server---
    ---Update Check for Valheim enabled, running automatically every 60 minutes.---
    [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local 'steamclient.so' OK.
    CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 1 milliseconds to initialize
    CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamGameServer013 /
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamUtils009 /
    Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 892970
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamGameServer013 / GameServer
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamUtils009 / Utils
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamNetworking006 / Networking
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamGameServerStats001 / GameServerStats
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION003 / HTTP
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V003 / Inventory
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION014 / UGC
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 / Apps
    [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils003 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamNetworkingUtils003 /
    RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 88): SteamNetworkingSockets008 /


  4. I have a Valheim server running and I am able to connect and play on it.  I am able to join the server every which way possible; Steam, direct IP address input in game, as well as finding my serer in the list of public servers.  My friends, however, are unable to connect.  I am able to find my sever using sothnode.net.  The ports are forwarded and my password is 5 characters.  


    And ideas why other people cannot connect to the server?  

  5. I'm lost....  All of the sudden while adding a link deluge just crashed.  WebuUI stopped responding and just general funky behavior.  Try a few thins and realize that I am not updated to the latest version of anything so I update unraid and everything else.  Still having issues so I figure I will redo my deluge install.  I follow spaceinvaderones video (as always) and get it back to where I can get into the webUI.  Great.  I am going to set up my download preference to /data/incomplete and /data/complete (those are the names of my folders) and I can not apply my changes.  The word "error" is visilbe in the complete lower right corner and the message is "free space in downloads folder".  There is no visible IP address.  When I go the plugins section of the preferences it is blank.  There are no options form me to choose.  



    Created by...
    ___. .__ .__
    \_ |__ |__| ____ | |__ ____ ___ ___
    | __ \| |/ \| | \_/ __ \\ \/ /
    | \_\ \ | | \ Y \ ___/ > <
    |___ /__|___| /___| /\___ >__/\_ \
    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

    2020-03-28 18:09:39.406140 [info] System information Linux c04960187034 4.19.107-Unraid #1 SMP Thu Mar 5 13:55:57 PST 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.425014 [info] PUID defined as '99'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.446853 [info] PGID defined as '100'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.801880 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.824684 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.848633 [info] DELUGE_DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.868224 [info] DELUGE_WEB_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.890018 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.924339 [info] OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at /config/openvpn/openvpn.ovpn
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.960297 [info] VPN remote line defined as 'remote ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com 1198'
    2020-03-28 18:09:39.978968 [info] VPN_REMOTE defined as 'ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.001227 [info] VPN_PORT defined as '1198'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.022166 [info] VPN_PROTOCOL defined as 'udp'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.039892 [info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as 'tun0'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.060326 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'pia'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.078984 [info] LAN_NETWORK defined as ''
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.096752 [info] NAME_SERVERS defined as ',,,,,,,'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.117838 [info] VPN_USER defined as 'changes for privacy'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.149591 [info] VPN_PASS defined as 'also changed for privacy'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.176399 [info] VPN_OPTIONS not defined (via -e VPN_OPTIONS)
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.203194 [info] STRICT_PORT_FORWARD defined as 'yes'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.221357 [info] ENABLE_PRIVOXY defined as 'yes'
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.241426 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
    2020-03-28 18:09:40.260245 [info] Starting Supervisor...
    2020-03-28 18:09:40,364 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/delugevpn.conf" during parsing
    2020-03-28 18:09:40,364 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
    2020-03-28 18:09:40,366 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,367 INFO spawned: 'start-script' with pid 162
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,369 INFO spawned: 'watchdog-script' with pid 163
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,369 INFO reaped unknown pid 8
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,372 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] VPN is enabled, beginning configuration of VPN

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,372 INFO success: start-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,372 INFO success: watchdog-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
    2020-03-28 18:09:41,408 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Default route for container is

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,410 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,413 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,415 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,416 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,418 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,420 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,422 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,424 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,452 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Docker network defined as

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,454 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Adding as route via docker eth0

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,455 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] ip route defined as follows...

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,456 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,456 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,457 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    iptable_mangle 16384 2
    ip_tables 24576 4 iptable_filter,iptable_nat,iptable_mangle

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,458 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] iptable_mangle support detected, adding fwmark for tables

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,481 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] iptables defined as follows...

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,482 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 1198 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8112 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8112 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 58846 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s -d -i eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -i tun0 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 1198 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8112 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8112 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 58846 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -s -d -o eth0 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -o tun0 -j ACCEPT

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,482 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,483 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting OpenVPN...

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,486 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible

    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 OpenVPN 2.4.8 [git:makepkg/3976acda9bf10b5e+] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Jan 3 2020
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,487 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] OpenVPN started

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,487 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,488 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,489 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 UDP link local: (not bound)
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]

    2020-03-28 18:09:41,596 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:41 2020 [ba900c88cc6f18b52fd8aedf7fdd21cf] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,802 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:42 2020 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:42 2020 /usr/bin/ip link set dev tun0 up mtu 1500

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,803 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:42 2020 /usr/bin/ip addr add dev tun0 local peer

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,804 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:42 2020 /root/openvpnup.sh tun0 1500 1558 init

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,808 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    Sat Mar 28 18:09:42 2020 Initialization Sequence Completed

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,915 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Port forwarding is enabled
    [info] Checking endpoint 'ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com' is port forward enabled...

    2020-03-28 18:09:42,918 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to curl https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82...

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,178 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Curl successful for https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82, response code 200

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,236 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] PIA endpoint 'ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com' is in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,236 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] List of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding:-
    [info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-berlin.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] france.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] czech.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] spain.privateinternetaccess.com

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,236 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] Attempting to get dynamically assigned port...

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,240 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to curl

    2020-03-28 18:09:43,305 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx
    [warn] Exit code 56 from curl != 0
    [info] 12 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,279 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Curl successful for, response code 200

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,302 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Successfully assigned incoming port 56807

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,303 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Checking we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address...

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,440 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] DNS operational, we can resolve name 'www.google.com' to address ''

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,441 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to get external IP using Name Server 'ns1.google.com'...

    2020-03-28 18:09:54,557 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Successfully retrieved external IP address

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,009 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge listening interface IP and VPN provider IP different, marking for reconfigure

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,013 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge not running

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,015 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge Web UI not running

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,017 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Privoxy not running

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,017 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge incoming port 6890 and VPN incoming port 56807 different, marking for reconfigure

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,017 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to start Deluge...
    [info] Removing deluge pid file (if it exists)...

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,334 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge key 'listen_interface' currently has a value of ''
    [info] Deluge key 'listen_interface' will have a new value ''
    [info] Writing changes to Deluge config file '/config/core.conf'...

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,502 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge key 'outgoing_interface' currently has a value of 'tun0'
    [info] Deluge key 'outgoing_interface' will have a new value 'tun0'
    [info] Writing changes to Deluge config file '/config/core.conf'...

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,630 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge key 'default_daemon' currently has a value of '5978a02494d949cc9f5fb371d6b734f8'
    [info] Deluge key 'default_daemon' will have a new value '5978a02494d949cc9f5fb371d6b734f8'
    [info] Writing changes to Deluge config file '/config/web.conf'...

    2020-03-28 18:09:55,842 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge process started
    [info] Waiting for Deluge process to start listening on port 58846...

    2020-03-28 18:09:56,052 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Deluge process listening on port 58846

    2020-03-28 18:09:57,766 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    Setting "random_port" to: False
    Configuration value successfully updated.

    2020-03-28 18:09:59,195 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    Setting "listen_ports" to: (56807, 56807)
    Configuration value successfully updated.

    2020-03-28 18:10:00,813 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] No torrents with state 'Error' found

    2020-03-28 18:10:00,813 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Starting Deluge Web UI...
    [info] Deluge Web UI started

    2020-03-28 18:10:00,817 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to start Privoxy...

    2020-03-28 18:10:01,820 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Privoxy process started
    [info] Waiting for Privoxy process to start listening on port 8118...

    2020-03-28 18:10:01,823 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Privoxy process listening on port 8118


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