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Posts posted by Camilla

  1. Hello

    I added a drive to my unraid server but it got registered as parity 2. I then unassigned it and reboot but again it registerd as parity 2. Then I went to the tools new configuration and reset only the parity in a hope that the parity2 entry will dissapear from the array and the disk will not register as parity2. 

    Now I disconnected the new drive and I am rebuilding / Parity sync.

    How can I add my new drive as data drive?

    Thank you

  2. Hello. 

    I am trying to copy the data from the Hdds of an Unraid 4.7 server that the motherboard died. Since I have a new Unraid 6.3.2 system I installed the drives in that and I am trying to copy the data using the unassigned devices. The drives mount correctly as unassigned and Dolphin, file manager in docker, sees them. Problem is when I try to browse the contents of the drives so that I can copy them it asks for user name and password that obviously I don't have unless they exist in the usb stick of the Unraid 4.7 where the drives belonged.

    Any suggestion?



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