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Everything posted by mrklaw

  1. Hi, Apologies if this has already been covered, but can an N36L use 4TB drives without needing a custom BIOS etc? I'm currently running 5x2TB drives with unraid 4.7, and would like to upgrade the storage. But before I start down that road I'd like to check it will work.
  2. got it in the end. Switched the router to 192.168.0.xxx but I don't think that made a difference in the end. Switched unraid to DHCP and that updated the DNS servers and it can see the outside world again. phew
  3. Hi, Yesterday my unRAID was fine. I shut it down neatly as I was getting switched over from ADSL to cable broadband. Guy comes and installs me, and away I go. Everything seems fine except unRAID can't get out to the internet. Sabnzbd can't connect to my newsgroup, unmenu can't download anything or check for updates etc. Its odd because I can access tower just fine - all the unRAID web servers, sab's front end. I can access my shares and download/stream etc. Its just the WAN part. my unRAID is wired into my cable modem/router, just like it was on my previous setup. I've tried disabling the firewall in the router, tried port forwarding a bunch of different ports (shouldnt' make any difference though), but still nothing. All other devices accessing the internet either wireless or wired are just fine. any suggestions? The router (a virginmedia superhub) is netgear based. It defaults to but I changed that to match my previous (so no changes needed to my network.conf in unraid). That took a little finding as the router has a 'guest network' option which was clashing at first but I got round that. I have DHCP set on, but in the LAN section of the router it correctly shows the unRAID system's IP address with **static IP address** next to it (set to in network.conf). And it shows up in trusted devices. I've tried restricting the DHCP server to 2-20 so the static IP address is outside the range of dynamic ones but no difference. help!
  4. do I need to shut down running apps like sabnzbd/sickbeard/minecraft before sleeping? can I call a script from sabnzbd when it has an empty queue? Here are my situations I want to try and cover: 1) wake up on a schedule so my kids can play minecraft and sabnzbd/sickbeard can check for new items. eg wake up around 4pm. Then sleep at midnight if drives are all idle and sabnzbd queue is empty. Otherwise delay until they are. Alternatively I could make them run a simple script (double click an icon, all the same to them) to wake it up on the days they are playing. 2) wake up from OSX for backups. I use chronosync with the NAS run weekly for backing up my mac mini and MBP overnight. If necessary I could edit a schedule on the unraid to sync the timings so it is awake, but chronosync can run commands before backup, so might be able to wake it up? Then sleep it afterwards. 3) wake up from plex. Don't know if this is possible but other than minecraft, the main use is media streaming, and I don't need that every day. Is there some way to issue a WOL command when trying to play a video from plex? If not I could run something from my ipad/ipod touch like a bookmark to initiate a script but not ideal. Not sure if its best for me to simply set up a window where its awake eg 4pm-midnight every day, and then on weekends (when I run my backups) keep it awake until 3am. But I'd still want to keep it awake in case of sabnzbd downloading.
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