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Posts posted by RallyAK

  1. 14 hours ago, binhex said:

    ok so the problem you are going to have is that if you do long term seeding from your array then your disks will be spun up most of the time, using more electricity, if this isn't a problem for you then you could simply do that, so stop the container, copy/move the long term seeded downloads to the array, add in an volume mapping to the array and then start the container and re-located the long term seeded torrents to point at the array. This really is your best option for doing this as it will mean you won't run out of disk space and you could then use your cache drive for short term seeding only, you could mess around with unassigned disks and perhaps work around it using that, but it might be quite complex to do, i have no experience with using that so you would be on your own.


    8 hours ago, deusxanime said:

    As binhex said, I think this is a prime usage for Unassigned Devices. Put in a dedicated non-array drive and mount with UD so that you aren't constantly reading from/writing to entire array and causing drives to be spinning 24/7 (unless you are ok with that, then just put on array somewhere).


    Thanks for the feedback, to save power I'd rather not seed from the array. I'd like to go the UD route but I'm having trouble mapping a new path to one of the 2TB drives. In docker settings I've created a 2nd host container path called "/data2" mapped to a 2TB UD drive but after restart ruTorrent does not recognize the new path.


    Is it even possible to map this docker to multiple /data paths or drives (e.g. cache + UD)?


    Another option is running DelugeVPN and mapping it to a UD drive but I prefer to stick with rTorrent since that's what I'm familiar with and migrating hundreds of active torrents from rTorrent to Deluge appears to be a tedious process. :-\

  2. I'm almost out of space on my cache pool (2x4TB in raid1), 95% of which is being used for longterm seeding. I have 2x2TB drives at my disposal and I'd like to use them to expand capacity for rTorrent but not sure how to go about that.


    From what I've read in the FAQ's it doesn't sound like it's possible to expand the cache pool with smaller drives, so wondering if it's possible to add the 2TB's to my current array, create additional /data path's to each, and use them for rTorrent exclusively?

  3. On 5/24/2017 at 10:57 AM, binhex said:


    iptable_mangle support is only required if your accessing the webui outside of your defined LAN network, are you sure your connecting to the webui using your internal lan ip address?, your connecting to your home LAN via a VPN are you by any chance?.


    ps. thanks for the beer money, all donations are very welcome indeed :-)


    I was having trouble accessing the webui inside my LAN (10.x.x.x) and outside my LAN, on all ports. The only way I could access the webui was by disabling VPN.


    Since running the '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle' command I haven't had any access issues, inside or outside of my network.

  4. 9 hours ago, binhex said:


    please don't make sweeping assumptions :-(, your issue is not specify to version 6.3.4, this is a known issue since unraid build 6.1.8, you can see the issue in the log:-


    [warn] 'iptable_mangle' kernel module not available, you will not be able to connect to the applications Web UI or Privoxy outside of your LAN
    [info] unRAID users: Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host:- '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle'

    you can read more about this in my FAQ:- 



    See FAQ Q1.

    Thanks binhex! I ran '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle' restarted the docker and I'm able to access the WebUI again. Hallelujah!!! \o/


    I saw this command reading through your FAQ but didn't think it applied because I was having issues locally, not outside my LAN as specified in the Q&A.


    Apologies about the comment to hold off updating unRAID, that was merely a warning to others that updating may have been the culprit. Having ruTorrent running for a week, with hundreds of torrents seeding and no visibility is a little stressful.


    Thanks again for your help, I appreciate everything you do and hope the beer $$$ I sent a few weeks back went to good use. :)

  5. On 5/22/2017 at 4:06 AM, binhex said:


    i see no problems with the log supervisord-2.txt, that is a clean start.

    That's what I thought, thanks for taking a look!


    Do you have any thoughts on why I can't access the WebUI when connected to VPN?


    I've confirmed that nothing on my network is using ports 9080, 9443, 3000, 5000 or 8118 so there shouldn't be any conflicts. Should I try changing the default http and https ports to something else like 9081 and 9444?


    Of the 5-6 dockers I'm running this is the only one that broke after updating to 6.3.4. I'm able to access the WebUI's on all others via my host ip and default ports.


    If anyone else is considering upgrading 6.3.4, you might want to hold off until this is resolved. (See below...)

  6. On 5/18/2017 at 10:46 AM, RallyAK said:

    After upgrading to the latest unRAID OS (6.3.4) I'm no longer able to login to the ruTorrent web gui.


    According to the log, the docker appears to be starting fine but I'm getting time out errors when logging in to... 


    http://<host ip>:9080/

    https://<host ip>:9443/


    Flood and Privoxy access are also broken.

    http://<host ip>:3000/

    http://<host ip>:8118


    I've restarted the docker and server several times, and have tried using different VPN servers from my primary provider and AirVPN, but I'm still having the same issue. 


    Here's a portion of my log, IP's and credentials have been edited, let me know if you need anything else to help troubleshoot.


    EDIT: I'm able to access the gui if I shut off VPN but prefer not to run that way for very long, for obvious reasons. : |


    Anyone else having the same issue?




    Hi @binhex I switched to an AirVPN account to see if that made a difference with my access issue, but unfortunately it didn't. Here's a new log with DEBUG turned on. Take a look when you have a second and let me know what you think.


    On a side note, have you considered supporting mullvad's VPN service on future builds? I setup a trial account with them today and tried logging in but the docker froze at the following line in their ovpn. I tried removing it but that didn't make a difference.


    # Daemonize
    service mullvadopenvpn




  7. On 5/6/2017 at 6:00 PM, poots said:

    I've just recently started having problems where torrents communicated from Sonarr/CouchPotato are added paused and can't be started, there seems to be no available peers. The same torrents will go fine if using BlackHole.


    I'm connecting through a VPN, and I have the little "49160: Port is closed". I'm not sure if that's auspicious, but I'm not sure where I forward ports (is it my router? or VPN?). The setup was working up until recently.


    Has anyone had similar symptoms?


    I'm having a similar issue, after one of the updates a couple weeks ago my listening port went down and I started having peering issues with a number of users. I've tried changing ports on the docker, config and my router but can't get the port to stay up. Not sure what to try next, have you had any luck resolving the issue on your end?

  8. After upgrading to the latest unRAID OS (6.3.4) I'm no longer able to login to the ruTorrent web gui.


    According to the log, the docker appears to be starting fine but I'm getting time out errors when logging in to... 


    http://<host ip>:9080/

    https://<host ip>:9443/


    Flood and Privoxy access is also broken.

    http://<host ip>:3000/

    http://<host ip>:8118


    I've restarted the docker and server several times, and have tried using different VPN servers from my primary provider and AirVPN, but I'm still having the same issue. 


    Here's a portion of my log, IP's and credentials have been edited, let me know if you need anything else to help troubleshoot.


    EDIT: I'm able to access the gui if I shut of VPN but prefer not to run that way for very long, for obvious reasons. : |


    Anyone else having the same issue?



  9. Hi binhex, great work on this docker! It took a couple days of fiddling, and some minor hair pulling, but it's working great!


    Couple questions, would it be possible for you to include the filemanager and autodl-irssi plugins on your next commit?...How much beer are we talking? :D


    I've tried installing them myself but haven't had any luck. The install process a bit more involved than copying plugins to the folder and expecting them to work, which has surprisingly worked on a couple others. 


    The most important for me is filemanager. I've tried running ArtyumX's install script (https://github.com/ArtyumX/Filemanager-install-script-for-ruTorrent) but when I get to the last step and run ./filemanager.sh, I get the following...


    Please type your ruTorrent path folder: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn/rutorrent
    ./filemanager.sh.1: line 26: apt-get: command not found
    --2017-04-10 21:15:08--  http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-x64-5.4.0.tar.gz
    Resolving www.rarlab.com (www.rarlab.com)...
    Connecting to www.rarlab.com (www.rarlab.com)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1156900 (1.1M) [application/x-gzip]
    Saving to: ‘rarlinux-x64.tar.gz’
    rarlinux-x64.tar.gz                                100%[================================================================================================================>]   1.10M   408KB/s    in 2.8s    
    2017-04-10 21:15:11 (408 KB/s) - ‘rarlinux-x64.tar.gz’ saved [1156900/1156900]
    'rar/rar_static' -> '/usr/local/bin/rar'
    svn: error while loading shared libraries: libaprutil-1.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    chown: invalid user: ‘www-data:www-data’


    I know this isn't your script but wondering if you might know what the issue is and why it's hanging on install?


    Here's the full filemanager.sh for reference...


    # Link: https://github.com/ArtyumX/Filemanager-install-script-for-ruTorrent
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
    # * <[email protected]> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
    # * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
    # * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Poul-Henning Kamp
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Checking if user is root
    if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
    	echo "Sorry, this script must be run as root." 1>&2
    	exit 1
    # Asking for the ruTorrent path folder
    read -p "Please type your ruTorrent path folder: " -e -i /var/www/rutorrent rutorrent_path
    # Installing dependencies
    apt-get install subversion zip
    cd /tmp
    if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "64" ]
        wget -O rarlinux-x64.tar.gz http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-x64-5.4.0.tar.gz
        tar -xzvf rarlinux-x64.tar.gz
        rm rarlinux-x64.tar.gz
        wget -O rarlinux.tar.gz http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-5.4.0.tar.gz
        tar -xzvf rarlinux.tar.gz
        rm rarlinux.tar.gz
    mv -v rar/rar_static /usr/local/bin/rar
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/rar
    # Installing and configuring filemanager plugin
    cd $rutorrent_path/plugins/
    svn co https://github.com/nelu/rutorrent-thirdparty-plugins/trunk/filemanager
    cat > $rutorrent_path/plugins/filemanager/conf.php << EOF
    \$fm['tempdir'] = '/tmp';                // path were to store temporary data ; must be writable
    \$fm['mkdperm'] = 755;           // default permission to set to new created directories
    // set with fullpath to binary or leave empty
    \$pathToExternals['rar'] = '$(which rar)';
    \$pathToExternals['zip'] = '$(which zip)';
    \$pathToExternals['unzip'] = '$(which unzip)';
    \$pathToExternals['tar'] = '$(which tar)';
    // archive mangling, see archiver man page before editing
    \$fm['archive']['types'] = array('rar', 'zip', 'tar', 'gzip', 'bzip2');
    \$fm['archive']['compress'][0] = range(0, 5);
    \$fm['archive']['compress'][1] = array('-0', '-1', '-9');
    \$fm['archive']['compress'][2] = \$fm['archive']['compress'][3] = \$fm['archive']['compress'][4] = array(0);
    # Permissions for filemanager
    chown -R www-data:www-data $rutorrent_path/plugins/filemanager
    chmod -R 775 $rutorrent_path/plugins/filemanager/scripts
    # End of the script
    echo -e "\033[0;32;148mInstallation done.\033[39m"


  10. I'm doing a Norco 4224 build in a few days with (3) 9210-8i's and (12) 4TB drives to start. Does it matter how the drives are balanced across the controllers since I'm not using all 24 ports to begin with? This will be on a Asus Z9PA-D8 mb using PCI-E Gen3 slot's 3, 4 and 5 (x16, x8, x16).


    To aid with cooling, I might install drives 1-4 of the bottom row of the case, skip a row then drives 5-8, skip another row then drives 9-12. This would put 4 drives on each controller. 


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