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Posts posted by tyanu

  1. 19 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Probably those got created by having docker/VMs enabled without a cache drive installed.


    Mover ignores cache-only and cache-no shares. You would have to set them to cache-prefer to get them moved from array to cache.


    But, nothing can move open files, so you would have to go to Settings and disable Docker and VM Manager.


    And mover won't move duplicates.


    Really simpler to leave mover out of it for getting these off the array. Do you know how to work with the disks and files directly on the server?


    I don't trust the mover much because i never know what it's doing.

    i work in IT, so if i have to do some terminal commands, i think i can manage

  2. 5 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Your appdata and system shares have files on both cache and disk1. In addition to specific containers keeping their appdata open, the docker service will keep docker.img on system share open if Docker is enabled in Settings.

    Ok, how can i move those back to the cache drive ? I've put both of those shares as "only : cache" so i thought everything would be put on the SSD ...

  3. Hi folks,


    I am here today because i need troubleshooting an issue with my Unraid system.


    I recently switched my system from an old tower that was made from scraps and was quite inefficient to this setup : NUC + docking for drives


    After transfering everything, it worked fine for a while. When the system was not in use, the drives where spinning down and the LEDs on the docking where turning off. Those LEDs have 3 states, Solid blue is powered on, blinking blue is in use (read or write) and off is not powered.


    2 weeks ago, i tried to setup nextcloud as well as modyfying stuff on the shares becuase they were not using the cache SSD and it was making transfers quite slow.


    Since then, the drives arent going to sleep (aka unpowered, with the LED off). The LEDs on the docking stays at a solid blue when the array is spun up, and the LEDs are blinking when the array is spun down. Which seems really weird to me.


    I tried to reapply a backup i had from some time ago. After finishing rebuilding parity, the docking put the drive to sleep like it was doing initally. Sweet ! Except that after a reboot it never did it again.

    I can't remember what i changed, but something is fucked up and i can't seem to fix it myself.


    Any help would be great and i can provide more info if needed.

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