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  1. Ah i gotcha. thinking about it, it started when the new Sonarr client was pushed. I'll take a look and see. The problem i have with moving the files out of that share is the shear about of data. I'll see what i can do.
  2. It appears there is both a Media and media folder. Attached is the Diag. tower-diagnostics-20210421-1459.zip
  3. Hi have an interesting issue that i've been trying to work through for about a month and i've made zero progress. About a month ago, i noticed that when i goto //tower/media i can only see one folder (which is empty and it shouldn't be). When i go to my unraid i should see a number of folders. When i go into shares in unraid i can see everything fine . I have attached photo's to show the problem im having. My questions is. How can i get my folders to be visible through Windows Explorer again?
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