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Report Comments posted by RifleJock

  1. Changed Status to Open

    Changed Priority to Minor

    So, I've changed up the configuration.

    Eth0 is now br0 ( DHCP and default shows correctly as in both docker settings and interface settings.

    Eth1 is now br1 ( DHCP and default shows correctly as in both docker settings and interface settings.
    Eth2 (Disabled/unplugged and port down) is now br2 DHCP (no network associated, because its port down/unplugged).

    br1 is still not an option for docker containers whereas br0 is. I'll plug up eth2 later to see if br2 will show up as an option for docker containers.

    None the less, outside of complex configuration(s) aforementioned, br1 still does not show as an option as an interface for configuring docker containers.



  2. So, the eth2 connection is disabled at the moment, (set to port down, as well as unplugged).

    The br1 pluggs into a Xfinity Business Modem/Router. The ports on the Modem/Router are basic switch ports, and there is a DHCP server that runs for basic networking connectivity within that network. However, there is a /29 network, of which the modem is also a part of. The modem acts as 96.x.x.134/29 (last useable address) and the uses the 96.x.x.134 as the WAN address when being NAT'd.

    Plugged into the Xfinity Modem/Router is also an Asus GT5300 Wireless router, configured to use 96.x.x.129/29 (first IP address in my global range) on its WAN interface. Additionally, the LAN side is the network.

    I dislike Xfinity for this reason, as the switched interfaces on the Modem/Router use both Private and Public addressing on the same switched network.

    The idea here, even though the unraid server doesn't actually have a global IP address assigned to it, is to allow specific docker containers to use global IP addresses in the event I use them as a host for something and don't want to worry about port forwarding/control.

    Say like SteamCMD servers running via docker containers.

    Additionally, to allow passthrough of br1 to VM's. Currently, VM's work fine, and will adopty a address if not manually configured to use a global IP.

    Since the unraid server doesn't have a global IP address assigned, I have removed the global default gateway, which now makes the docker interface settings use the gateway address.

    However, br1 is still not a visable option to use as a network br for containers.

    Why does br1 not show up as a custom network option?

  3. Tested with 6.8.2 as well. Here is the new diag.

    One thing to note, before manually adding my global network information. This shows correct default for docker setting.


    However, after editing the routing table to include the global addressing scheme, even if I remove the information and re-add it... Docker settings shows incorrect default route for br1.



    I went ahead and removed the global default route. It's not really needed, since the unraid server doesn't have a global IP address assigned. (VM's will have global IP addresses, but they can specify the defaults within the VM)

    Still not able to add br1 to docker containers, even if all global IP addressing in the route table is removed.


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