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Posts posted by mgiggs

  1. Great tool, thanks for your work on this.


    I'm a long time Borg user but never really liked managing it all through scripts and have tested that I can migrate my existing backups into this Vorta docker quite easily which is great!


    One thing I'm keen to do and looking for the author's or others guidance is getting the results into the Unraid syslog server, as having to open the interface and check the log of each profile for success or failure is not sustainable.


    In my existing scripts for borg, I send a mesage based on the output code to the Unraid syslog and I will explore doing that here but a proper capability within Vorta or this container would be great. I will also raise this as a feature request with Vorta.


    Interested in ideas though, I will try and post messages to the systlog from within the docker using the post command line but keen to hear ideas around this or if people have a better way.

  2. Thanks for the response Andrew, that fixed it, I could not find that setting anywhere and all resources pointed to changing the system time.


    One more question I'm hoping you can help with. I use Splunk as a syslog server and so setup both TCP and UDP port 514 Data Inputs but it seems that these data inputs were lost so I'm guessing the inputs.conf file is not setup to be persistent. I can of course copy this folder and map it to a persistent location using Docker but I am interested in your input as to whether I have misunderstood it or if you have a better way?




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