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Everything posted by gugahoi

  1. Been fighting with this for a good 3 months after having unraid run briskly over a couple of years, had no idea it was a wide spread issue. Have restored radarr, sonarr and plex from backups and started them fresh just to see database corruption again and again. Any diagnostics or tests you'd like me to run that could help troubleshooting?
  2. I've tried this twice now and got failed checksums: Now installing LibreELEC version 6.7.2 Base URL: https://lsio.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/unraid-dvb/6-7-2/libreelec TO AVOID CORRUPTION DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW UNTIL YOU SEE THE DONE PROMPT Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzimage ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot-gui ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzmodules ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzfirmware ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzimage.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzroot-gui.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzmodules.sha256 ... done Downloading: /tmp/mediabuild/bzfirmware.sha256 ... done Checking SHA 256's: failed! Can I provide more information? UPDATE: It looks like bzroot is the culprit: root@cayde:/tmp/mediabuild# sha256sum -c /tmp/mediabuild/bz*.sha256 bzfirmware: OK bzimage: OK bzmodules: OK bzroot-gui: OK bzroot: FAILED sha256sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match
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