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Posts posted by AKR

  1. hey guys would appreciate your help, woke up today and found a million btrfs errors;

    May  9 04:37:17 KANA kernel: loop: Write error at byte offset 4952662016, length 4096.
    May  9 04:37:17 KANA kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev loop2, sector 9673168
    May  9 04:37:17 KANA kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bdev /dev/loop2 errs: wr 14, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0
    May  9 04:45:13 KANA shfs: cache disk full

    did my docker.img get corrupted because of the cache disk being full?

    Edit: rebooted the system, everything is working now but im afraid everything might crash again :( attached logs after reboot.





  2. hey guys, woke up this morning to a couple errors in letsencrypt out of no where, haven't changed the setting since i got it working months ago so i really dont know how to fix it :( 

    Here's the log;

    Brought to you by linuxserver.io
    We gratefully accept donations at:
    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100
    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
    using keys found in /config/keys
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 50-config: executing...
    2048 bit DH parameters present
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    Sub-domains processed are: -d akrapps.akrapps.duckdns.org
    E-mail address entered: [email protected]
    Different sub/domains entered than what was used before. Revoking and deleting existing certificate, and an updated one will be created
    certbot [SUBCOMMAND] [options] [-d DOMAIN] [-d DOMAIN] ...
    Certbot can obtain and install HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificates. By default,
    it will attempt to use a webserver both for obtaining and installing the
    certbot: error: argument --cert-path: No such file or directory
    Generating new certificate
    Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
    Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None
    Obtaining a new certificate
    Performing the following challenges:
    Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.
    Client with the currently selected authenticator does not support any combination of challenges that will satisfy the CA.
    - Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbot
    configuration directory at /etc/letsencrypt. You should make a
    secure backup of this folder now. This configuration directory will
    also contain certificates and private keys obtained by Certbot so
    making regular backups of this folder is ideal.
    ERROR: Cert does not exist! Please see the validation error above. The issue may be due to incorrect dns or port forwarding settings. Please fix your settings and recreate the container


    screenshot of letsencrypt settings gwEmTIj.png


    i made sure all the duckdnsdns settings are good reinstalled both letsencrypt and ducksdns, and made sure the ports (81, 443) are still forwarded, but no use, its been working great for the past 4+ months so idk honestly.

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