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Posts posted by TheBawse

  1. 2 hours ago, trurl said:

    Only the last 2000+ lines in syslog

    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: task abort: SUCCESS scmd(0x000000004380e880)
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: attempting task abort!scmd(0x0000000051f87a4f), outstanding for 30516 ms & timeout 30000 ms
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: [sdu] tag#2860 CDB: opcode=0x88 88 00 00 00 00 00 01 96 80 f0 00 00 04 00 00 00
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: scsi target10:0:10: handle(0x0014), sas_address(0x5001e67464526ff6), phy(22)
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: scsi target10:0:10: enclosure logical id(0x5001e67464526fff), slot(22) 
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: No reference found at driver, assuming scmd(0x0000000051f87a4f) might have completed
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: task abort: SUCCESS scmd(0x0000000051f87a4f)
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: attempting task abort!scmd(0x000000001715f78a), outstanding for 30431 ms & timeout 30000 ms
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: [sdu] tag#2848 CDB: opcode=0x88 88 00 00 00 00 00 01 96 9c f0 00 00 04 00 00 00
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: scsi target10:0:10: handle(0x0014), sas_address(0x5001e67464526ff6), phy(22)
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: scsi target10:0:10: enclosure logical id(0x5001e67464526fff), slot(22) 
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: No reference found at driver, assuming scmd(0x000000001715f78a) might have completed
    Jan 21 20:28:33 Tower kernel: sd 10:0:10:0: task abort: SUCCESS scmd(0x000000001715f78a)

    Yeah...No idea what it means though

  2. 4 hours ago, apandey said:

    Do you have any other read / writes happening on the array during the rebuild? That severely slows does the rebuild because the drive head needs to shuffle between near sequential rebuild access to random access needed for other activities

    No, I turned off docker and want doing any other work. 

  3. I just upgraded a drive to something larger and upon starting my rebuild I noticed my speeds are really slow.  I usually am between 75-100mb/s and I haven't gone above 25mb/s.

    I took a look through my logs but I didn't see anything that could explain the bottleneck.  I have attached my diagnostics if someone could take a look and give me a second opinion it would be much appreciated.


  4. Powered on my machine and tried to search through the community applications listings and was greeted with this error msg after awhile of it loading.





    Highlights in my LOG:


    Feb 11 22:43:57 Tower wsdd[2107]: udp_send: Failed to send udp packet with Network is unreachable
    Feb 11 22:43:57 Tower wsdd[2107]: Failed to send bye with Network is unreachable


    Screenshot (14).png

  5. 6 minutes ago, PeteAsking said:

    You would need the pc you are opening the browser to be plugged into the Old router on the 5.x range with an ip on the 5.x range also. Can you confirm you are doing that?

    No.  It's only plugged into the unraid server.  Can't I merge both custom networks through docker?  I would atleast want the WebUI run through my main network 192.168.0.X and the camera network available only to that docker container.

  6. So I'm trying to setup an IP camera system using the Shinobi docker app.  I want my IP cameras though a second network to be isolated from my main network that has my home devices and access to the internet.  I found a video from a youtuber called "spaceinvaderone" where he went through setting up his docker on a custom network to use either a separate VLAN or a second network using another NIC.  I went with the latter as I have a spare POE unmanaged switch which I planned to use on my POE IP cameras.  I have the second NIC installed and setup as Eth1 or Br1 in docker as a custom network.  I have set my shinobi docker container to use Br1.  Right now Eth1 has an old router plugged in and is set to use the range along with having the unmanaged POE switch plugged in.  The docker container is given its IP address, and the "Host access to custom IPs" has been enabled.  

    The problem I'm having is when after I install the docker container and go through the setup.  When I open the WebUI in the browser it always times out and won't connect to the app login screen. When in bridge or host I can access Shinobi as I do with my other installed docker (Plex, Krusader, Cadvisor).  What am I doing wrong here?







  7. Has anyone managed to get the two NIC's option spaceinvader referenced instead of the VLAN to work properly?  I followed his video and couldn't get it to work.  I have two NIC's (eth0 or Br0 and eth1 or Br1) and I have set docker to use the Br1 custom network I created.  When I open the WebUI for Shinobi in the browser it times out and won't connect to the IP.  I wanted to have my cameras on a separate network isolated from my main that has my home devices and internet access as was mentioned in the YT video.  I currently have eth1 connected to an old router set to the range and from there a POE unmanaged switch powering my IP cameras.







  8. On 1/31/2020 at 11:31 AM, bonienl said:

    Do the following:


    - In network settings assign eth1 with address /24 and NO gateway

    - In docker settings check the eth1 network (no modifications required)

    - In docker settings: Enable host access to custom networks

    - Configure your docker container to use br1 and a fixed address, e.g.


    Thanks Craftsman.  I finally found time to try the settings in your post.  I still cannot get it to work.  This issue I'm now having is when I start the docker and click to open the WebUI.  The browser times out on the set IP address ( and the shinobi login won't come up.






  9. Hi,

    I don't want my dockers to be run through eth1, only specifically the Shinobi docker.  I have other dockers like PLEX that are accessible by several media devices in my home through eth0 that also need internet access.  I wanted a new separate network (eth1) through a 2nd NIC just for the IP cameras and have them isolated from all my devices and the internet of eth0.  I only wanted Shinobi to have access to eth1 through unraid and I would in turn block all devices of eth1 from seeing any network past unraid by blocking IP's in the Shinobi settings.  Sorry if I'm not making sense.  I've never been great with custom network setups but I hope this diagram I made might clarify what my end goal is.  Thanks for your help.


  10. So I came across a video back in december from a YTuber name SpaceInvader One who did a video about using unraid as an IP camera system.  This particular video was about setting up the Shinobi IP camera app in a docker container to be configured either using a VLAN on a managed switch or through a 2nd NIC on a separate network from the main LAN with an un-managed switch.  I went with the latter as I already had a spare NIC and old un-managed POE switch.  I popped in my card and is now eth1 in unraid. As well as the switch and a test IP camera.  Unfortunately from there I've spent hours fiddling around with no success in getting Shinobi to work as it did in the YT video.  The video itself focuses more on setting up a VLAN instead of using a 2nd NIC. This setup was appealing to me as I liked the fact of having the non-name cameras not having direct access to my main LAN or the internet.

    The problem I'm having is when after I install the docker container and go through the setup.  When I to open the WebUI, the browser won't connect to the IP i've set for eth1 / Br1.  When in bridge or host I can access Shinobi as I do with my other installed docker (Plex, Krusader, Cadvisor).  What am I doing wrong here?








  11. Not sure if this is the correct thread to post in.  Ever since updating to V6.7 my Plex container has stopped working.  The issue I'm having is when attempting to login through the browser I'm getting "This site can’t be reached".  I'm going through the IP  It has been working fine for over a year since I first installed until now.

  12. 2 hours ago, trurl said:

    Sounds like a question for the plex forums. How long have you been using Plex?


    Plus, you haven't really given us any details about what you have done. Plex tries to match movies and shows to online databases but it can have trouble matching those databases with the way you have named your files/folders. If one database doesn't match, you can get it to try another.


    But, we don't have any plex developers here. This thread is mostly about how to get this particular plex docker setup and running.


    And there are more plex users on the plex forums than here so maybe those forums are better suited to answer questions about how to actually use plex.

    Thanks.  I just started using it.  The issue i'm having is even when I attempt to manually add metadata through searching on the various databases available it won't apply it to the media in question.  e.g: simpsons.  I search on tvdb...find it...tell plex to apply it...and no thumbnails or episode title are applied.  Weird thing is for movies there are no metedata issues plex found most of them and added thumbnails and titles, and for the ones it couldn't find i was able to apply manually.  its just tv shows that won't work.

    Another question.  If I wanted to start again from scratch.  How would I go about removing plexserver along with all of the files and docker container off the share its using and start over? 100% clean re-install


  13. Has anyone ever experienced Plex not loading the proper Metadata for certain scanned playlists?  My plex server is setup and all of my Movie playlists have been properly scanned and the thumbnails loaded and applied, but in my TV playlist only a quarter have been properly scanner and the rest are blank and even when doing manually not proper title or thumbnails are applied.

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