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Report Comments posted by thedman

  1. Having the exact same issue on 6.10 rc1 and Q35 6.0, passing through Intel UHD 630, using intel-gvt plugin.  Lasts days sometimes, or locks up twice in 20 minutes just random.  Have tried disabling vm manager and re-enabling.  Still can't start vm, until reboot, at which point on the console it says "rebooting" but never does, have to hard power off and back on, which triggers a parity check.  Happened twice this evening.  Diagnostics also attached.  The diagnostics are before trying to reboot, seems to hang the web interface as well, can't get it back until hard power off/on.  Also don't know if this helps for troubleshooting but when the vm locks up and becomes unresponsive, two of the 4 cpu cores that were pinned for this vm sit at a constant 100% utilization.


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