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Posts posted by AndreasLindroth

  1. So this was working and all suddenly the website wont load nor clients will connect.


    This is what it says in logs


    Starting PHP-fpm
    Starting Apache
    Starting mariaDB
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 10.5.12-MariaDB-0+deb11u1) starting as process 213 ...
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] mysqld: File '/data/database/aria_log_control' not found (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied")
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] mysqld: Got error 'Can't open file' when trying to use aria control file '/data/database/aria_log_control'
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' init function returned error.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'Aria' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [Warning] The parameter innodb_file_format is deprecated and has no effect. It may be removed in future releases. See https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/xtradbinnodb-file-format/
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [Warning] The parameter innodb_buffer_pool_instances is deprecated and has no effect.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Could not open mysql.plugin table: "Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist". Some plugins may be not loaded
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Failed to initialize plugins.
    2022-05-20 11:54:18 0 [ERROR] Aborting


    What do i need to do to get it work again? I have changed nothing for it to go from working to non working..

  2. 4 hours ago, advplyr said:

    Currently the only way to do this is to open up the JSON file containing the root user and manually change the password.
    The JSON files are located in /config/users/data and then you need to find the data.json file that has a JSON object id root.

    These are not actually valid JSON files because each line will have a JSON object for each user, so don't edit these files in anything that will auto-format on save.

    Once you find the root user object the attribute after id and username is "pash". Update the value of pash to empty quotes "".

    Make sure you have turned down the server for this and do a backup of that data file you are updating so if something weird happens you can just copy in the old one and try again.



    Thanks, Worked like a charm!

  3. Hello, Quick question: 

    Is there a way to reset the root password when you do not know it via CLI or so?

    My password manager overwrote my generated password when i created a new account so now i don't know the root password anymore..


    Im still able to log in to it via auto sign-in from one of my computers so i've made an other Admin account, but would still like to recover the root password.


    Best regards

  4. 7 hours ago, advplyr said:

    Oddly I just came across this issue, checked my notifications and here you are. This will be fixed in the next server or mobile update. What is happening is the local audiobook on your phone is not linked to an item on the server but is still sending a request to the server to update the media progress. One workaround is to re-download the audiobook from your server so it is linked, or just wait for the next server release which will be set to ignore these requests and will probably be put out tonight.


    Oh yes, That was exactly the issue. I had a local audiobook on my phone and then i rearranged my folders to put the books into series and i cleared my library and rescanned.

    Got to love this when you post a semi edge-case issue before going to bed and when you wake up there is not only an answer explaning why, but also a update that fixes the issue!


    Thanks alot, my work day is saved and i can keep listning to my audiobooks!


    • Like 1
  5. I love this thing, but it keeps crashing for me..

    I can set it up as a fresh install, it runs for a while and then all suddenly it just dies and im unable to start it once again without having to purge the docker and reinstall it.. 


    In the logs it looks like this


    > [email protected] start
    > node index.js
    Config /config /metadata /audiobooks
    [2022-05-11T21:23:09.829Z] INFO: === Starting Server ===
    [2022-05-11T21:23:09.830Z] INFO: [Server] Init v2.0.12
    [2022-05-11T21:23:09.890Z] INFO: [DB] 0 Collections Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.055Z] INFO: [DB] 1 Libraries Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.058Z] INFO: [DB] 1 Users Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.060Z] INFO: [DB] 3 Authors Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.062Z] INFO: [DB] 12 Series Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.102Z] INFO: [DB] 47 Library Items Loaded
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.103Z] INFO: [Db] Root user exists, pw: true
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.110Z] INFO: [BackupManager] 0 Backups Found
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.111Z] INFO: [BackupManager] Auto Backups are disabled
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.117Z] INFO: [LogManager] Init current daily log filename: 2022-05-11.txt
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.126Z] INFO: [Watcher] Initializing watcher for "Main".
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.161Z] INFO: Listening on
    [2022-05-11T21:23:10.837Z] INFO: [Watcher] "Main" Ready
    throw error;
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
    at /server/objects/user/User.js:285:47
    at Array.find (<anonymous>)
    at User.createUpdateMediaProgress (/server/objects/user/User.js:283:43)
    at PlaybackSessionManager.syncLocalSessionRequest (/server/managers/PlaybackSessionManager.js:63:27)


    Please help me to get this working so i can use this awesome thing!

    Best regards

  6. On 1/5/2020 at 12:44 AM, AndreasLindroth said:

    Anyone having the same as me, that as soon that i'm starting a torrent to download, my ruTorrent webclient just goes time-out and will not load.

    The download speed stays at like 10-60kb/s for a few hours, now and then it jumps up to my normal max speed (500/500mbits) and im able to load the webgui again... 

    After some times it goes back to time-out and 10-60kb/s..

    As soon the torrent is done downloading everything works as usual again..


    Help pls?

    Anyone? It is still the same and i feel like ripping my hair out :/

  7. Anyone having the same as me, that as soon that i'm starting a torrent to download, my ruTorrent webclient just goes time-out and will not load.

    The download speed stays at like 10-60kb/s for a few hours, now and then it jumps up to my normal max speed (500/500mbits) and im able to load the webgui again... 

    After some times it goes back to time-out and 10-60kb/s..

    As soon the torrent is done downloading everything works as usual again..


    Help pls?

  8. Im most likley just stupied, but as soon as i try to start this i just get this


    time="2019-12-18T12:55:40Z" level=error msg="database.load: could not read file: open config/playlists.json: no such file or directory"
    time="2019-12-18T12:55:40Z" level=fatal msg="<nil>"


  9. 1 hour ago, cheesemarathon said:

    Hi Andreas


    Unfortunately the drop in download speed is just a function of the current caching system. There is no fix or work around at the moment. However, @mlebjerg is working on a new version that should fix a large number of bugs. However, both @mlebjerg and I have been rather busy with school and work, so it's taking a while to get together. Sorry about this.


    As for battle net, have you made sure that in the container settings, battle net is NOT disabled?


    Okey awesome, ill be waiting for the new update then! 


    As for battle net i'm sure it is not disabled, but it might be something with the dns record i guess.. I will keep trying abit later on tonight!


  10. So I installed this today and got it kind of working... I hit 2 problems so far, which one is, unfortunately, is a deal breaker.


    So my main problem is that on steam, without cache I download the test game at 15-20 MB/s (250mbits down).

    With the cache, speed goes to 4-8 MB/s the first time and hits 100-170 MB/s while reinstalling.  (3gb game, 5gb ram cache size, 2tb cache size and 10gbit network from the server to PC)


    How do I fix the initial first download speed to be the same as while not using the cache at all?



    My second (small problem) is that it seems not to work with battle.net? I tried both Hearthstone, WoW, and Starcraft and neither goes over the cache? 


    Best Regards

  11. So im having a problem with Sonarr freezing after start up. 


    Basically the container just freeze up, not letting me to retart/stop it via the GUI, or via command but just sits there loading, doing nothing.


    This also do so that i cannnot turn off any other docker containers (even if they will keep working) after it froze, or disable docker in the GUI or even turn off the server / Stop the array..

    My only option is pull out the power and restart the entier server that way..


    I've reinstalled the container about 10 times, deleting appdata and even delete the Docker img and recreated everything..



    Im quite new to this, so ill copy the logs i see, but please let me know any other info you need.





    (Quick note, it does not freeze while refresh the same series, it is diffrent every time)

    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [284190][Marvel's Jessica Jones]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [284190][Marvel's Jessica Jones].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Marvel's Jessica Jones
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Marvel's Jessica Jones
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Marvel's Luke Cage
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [304219][Marvel's Luke Cage]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [304219][Marvel's Luke Cage].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Marvel's Luke Cage
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Marvel's Luke Cage
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] RecycleBinProvider: Recycling Bin has not been configured, deleting permanently. /media/Alaska- The Last Frontier/Season 07/Alaska- The Last Frontier - S07E09 - The Day the Crane Collapsed WEBDL-720p.mkv
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Moonshiners
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [253695][Moonshiners]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [253695][Moonshiners].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Moonshiners
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Moonshiners
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Mountain Men
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [259203][Mountain Men]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [259203][Mountain Men].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Mountain Men
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Mountain Men
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Mr. Robot
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [289590][Mr. Robot]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [289590][Mr. Robot].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Mr. Robot
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Mr. Robot
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Narcos
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [282670][Narcos]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [282670][Narcos].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Narcos
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Narcos
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for NCIS
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [72108][NCIS]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [72108][NCIS].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for NCIS
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for NCIS
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for New Girl
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [248682][New Girl]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [248682][New Girl].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for New Girl
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for New Girl
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Notorious (2016)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Notorious (2016)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Notorious (2016)
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Operation Repo
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Operation Repo
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Operation Repo
    [Info] SeriesScannedHandler: [Operation Repo] was recently added, performing post-add actions
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Orange Is the New Black
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [264586][Orange Is the New Black]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [264586][Orange Is the New Black].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Orange Is the New Black
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Orange Is the New Black
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for The Originals
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [266883][The Originals]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [266883][The Originals].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for The Originals
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for The Originals
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Orphan Black
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Orphan Black
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Orphan Black
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Ozark
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [329089][Ozark]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [329089][Ozark].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Ozark
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Ozark
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Parks and Recreation
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Parks and Recreation
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Parks and Recreation
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Peaky Blinders
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [270915][Peaky Blinders]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [270915][Peaky Blinders].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Peaky Blinders
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Peaky Blinders
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Penny Dreadful
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Penny Dreadful
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Penny Dreadful
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Person of Interest
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Person of Interest
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Person of Interest
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Power
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [276562][Power]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [276562][Power].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Power
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Power
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Preacher
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [300472][Preacher]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [300472][Preacher].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Preacher
    [Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Banner for [299139][The Magicians (2015)] http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/299139-g3.jpg
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Preacher
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Pretty Little Liars
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Pretty Little Liars
    [Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Poster for [299139][The Magicians (2015)] http://thetvdb.com/banners/posters/299139-9.jpg
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Pretty Little Liars
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Prison Break
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Prison Break
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Prison Break
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for The Ranch (2016)
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [305165][The Ranch (2016)]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [305165][The Ranch (2016)].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for The Ranch (2016)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for The Ranch (2016)
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Rick and Morty
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [275274][Rick and Morty]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [275274][Rick and Morty].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Rick and Morty
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Rick and Morty
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: River
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for River
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for River
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Rome
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Rome
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Rome
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Ronnie's Redneck Road Trip
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [326806][Ronnie's Redneck Road Trip]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [326806][Ronnie's Redneck Road Trip].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Ronnie's Redneck Road Trip
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Ronnie's Redneck Road Trip
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Salem
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Salem
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Salem
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Scream Queens (2015)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Scream Queens (2015)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Scream Queens (2015)
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Scrubs
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Scrubs
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Scrubs
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Secrets & Lies
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Secrets & Lies
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Secrets & Lies
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Secrets and Lies (2015)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Secrets and Lies (2015)
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Secrets and Lies (2015)
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Shadowhunters
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [295837][Shadowhunters]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [295837][Shadowhunters].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Shadowhunters
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Shadowhunters
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for The Shannara Chronicles
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [289096][The Shannara Chronicles]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [289096][The Shannara Chronicles].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for The Shannara Chronicles
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for The Shannara Chronicles
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Sherlock
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [176941][Sherlock]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [176941][Sherlock].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Sherlock
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Sherlock
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for Shooter
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [311900][Shooter]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [311900][Shooter].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Shooter
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Shooter
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for The Simpsons
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [71663][The Simpsons]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [71663][The Simpsons].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for The Simpsons
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for The Simpsons
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 1280 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 486 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for SIX
    [Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Fanart for [71663][The Simpsons] http://thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/71663-31.jpg
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [311809][SIX]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [311809][SIX].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for SIX
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for SIX
    [Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Banner for [71663][The Simpsons] http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/71663-g13.jpg
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Poster for [71663][The Simpsons] http://thetvdb.com/banners/posters/71663-15.jpg
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Sleepy Hollow
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Sleepy Hollow
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Sleepy Hollow
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Son of Zorn
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Son of Zorn
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Son of Zorn
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: Sons of Anarchy
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for Sons of Anarchy
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for Sons of Anarchy
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Skipping refresh of series: The Sopranos
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for The Sopranos
    [Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for The Sopranos
    [Info] ExistingMetadataImporter: Found 0 existing metadata files
    [Info] ExistingSubtitleImporter: Found 0 existing subtitle files
    [Info] ExistingOtherExtraImporter: Found 0 existing other extra files
    [Info] ExistingExtraFileService: Found 0 extra files
    [Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating Info for South Park
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [75897][South Park]
    [Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [75897][South Park].
    [Info] DiskScanService: Scanning disk for South Park


    Dec 7 13:36:54 Workilus kernel: eth0: renamed from veth5d5ae8d
    Dec 7 13:36:54 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth4dfb594) entered blocking state
    Dec 7 13:36:54 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth4dfb594) entered forwarding state
    Dec 7 13:36:55 Workilus ntpd[2024]: Listen normally on 4 docker0
    Dec 7 13:36:55 Workilus ntpd[2024]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/docker 'start' 'jackett' &>/dev/null &
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 2(vethc7b57fe) entered blocking state
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 2(vethc7b57fe) entered disabled state
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: device vethc7b57fe entered promiscuous mode
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: eth0: renamed from veth9f304aa
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 2(vethc7b57fe) entered blocking state
    Dec 7 13:37:11 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 2(vethc7b57fe) entered forwarding state
    Dec 7 13:37:19 Workilus php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/docker 'start' 'deluge' &>/dev/null &
    Dec 7 13:37:31 Workilus php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/docker 'restart' 'sonarr' &>/dev/null &
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth4dfb594) entered disabled state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: veth5d5ae8d: renamed from eth0
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth4dfb594) entered disabled state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: device veth4dfb594 left promiscuous mode
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth4dfb594) entered disabled state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth1069786) entered blocking state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth1069786) entered disabled state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: device veth1069786 entered promiscuous mode
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth1069786) entered blocking state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: docker0: port 1(veth1069786) entered forwarding state
    Dec 7 13:37:35 Workilus kernel: eth0: renamed from veth59eebc4
    Dec 7 13:41:02 Workilus ntpd[2024]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:41:38 Workilus kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
    Dec 7 13:43:25 Workilus sshd[28167]: Accepted password for root from port 60689 ssh2
    Dec 7 13:50:04 Workilus php: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/docker 'stop' 'sonarr' &>/dev/null &


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