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Posts posted by H8Edge

  1. 10 hours ago, DELiRiOUS said:

    Is there anything else that you needed to change?

    I've done everything you've listed, but still can't connect to my Scorched Earth server.

    It shows up in the cluster list when at an Obelisk terminal, but when i go to transfer my character, it just reconnects to my Island server.

    You added "Port=###" to the [SessionSettings] section of \ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini? (on the ScorchedEarth docker)


    Not sure if capitalization matters.. I think it does.. I kept killing my girlfriend until I changed ServerPVE=true to =True



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  2. 7 hours ago, mpoffo said:

    Thanks I have Ark Ascended working well with your container. 


    I am wondering how to create a cluster with The Island and Scorched earth with your container.  I am not seeing much on that for Ark Ascended since it is newer.  I am somewhat familiar with cluster ID's but didn't think I could run 2 servers in on container.  Do I run two containers (can I even do that in Unraid with this image?) and have some common place for the data?

    I was able to get it working after messing around forever.. Granted it's probably not the best way, or even correct way to do it, but it worked.. ha..


    I made a new container for ScorchedEarth.. In Apps/Settings, Allow install of second instance to Yes. Gave the 2nd instance a different name and appdata dir, so they're separate.. TheIsland docker port 7777 and ScorchedEarth port 7779


    Then I added another path in both containers, naming it cluster 

    container path /cluster

    host path /mnt/user/appdata/cluster


    in extra game parameters for both dockers, I added

    -clusterID=yourclustername -clusterdiroverride=/cluster 


    For me, the second docker was only connecting on port 7777, no matter what i put in the template.

    I edited GameUserSettings.ini on the ScorchedEarth side and added the port in there.

    SessionName=My Session Name

    After doing this, we're able to transport gear and dinos back and forth between the two maps on my server..

  3. 2 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Are you talking about ARK:Survival Evolved or ARK:Survival Ascended?


    Please note these are two different games and basically using a different Engine.

    Oh sorry.. Ascended.. They just released the 2nd map yesterday, so I put that on a different port so I could transfer from TheIsland to ScorchedEarth.. putting ?port=7779 (or -port=7779, in my case) in Game Parameters, wasn't working, but after adding it to Gaameusersettings.ini, I was good..

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  4. On 7/4/2018 at 6:13 AM, NREES87 said:

    Firstly - love this plugin! Absolute god send.


    Quick question - I've got a few custom tabs set up and working (Krusader, Sonarr, Radarr & Plex) - but for some reason, the SabNZBd WebUI simply does not appear using - I just get a blank iframe. Am I missing something obvious?




    Same here.. Mine was displaying fine until the last custom tabs update..  Everything else is still good, It's just Sab that won't display anymore..

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