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Posts posted by truck24000

  1. Good morning.

    I've had unraid for a few years and I'm noticing a lot of different errors and issues popping up.  i am the only one who has access to server as far as i know lol.

    these issues keep popping up and nothing i do will correct them.  I have searched and searched forums and internet for fixes or to understand whats happening but i have come up empty every time.  I've included my logs. in a zip for you to look at if you would please. I am running the currant Unraid 6.12.0 and everything is up to date as i know .

    any help would be greatly appreciated and if there is anything else i need to do on my end i will do as quick as possible!




    I am running Version: 6.10.0-rc1


    Plugins are as follows and all up to date.

    CA Auto Turbo write

    auto update

    cleanup app data

    config editor

    community App

    disk location

    dynamix active streams

    dynamix date time

    ssd trim

    system info

    system stats

    system temps

    fix common problems

    my servers

    nerd tools

    theme engine

    tips and tweaks

    unassigned devises

    unassigned devises plus



    Dockers are:








    all dockers are up to date



    ASRock - X570 Phantom Gaming 4

    AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core @ 3.8 GHz

    32GB memory

    single Parity drive 4 TB

    8 mixed hard drives total 28TB

    Cruzer Glids flash drive 16GB


    for some reason this just started this evening.

    i cannot find why or where the issue is so i hope someone can help me?





  3. i came across this error tonight and wanted to know what it means or if i need to worry any?


    Feb 1 19:00:41 Mattflix nginx: 2020/02/01 19:00:41 [error] 12922#12922: *518 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /admin/api.php?version HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""
    Feb 1 19:00:41 Mattflix nginx: 2020/02/01 19:00:41 [error] 12922#12922: *520 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /admin/api.php?version HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "localhost"

  4. Person who helped is the one who got me started on Unraid and i thought he was better at helping me then myself.

    i went back and reinstalled all my dockers that were missing and they seam to be OK so far, i haven't noticed anything yet on performance.


    I use my Unraid system mostly for a media streamer with Plex and Emby both.


    I do know he went into my shares and changed some of the ways they used Cache.


    Is there a defsault setting for Cache that i can change it back to or is there more involved with fixing it?


    11 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Apparently this "help" was not on this forum since it isn't in your post history. 


    You would have to give us more and better information.

    what kind of info do you need?

  5. If this is in the wrong spot please let me know or move me to the right spot please!!


    i dont know what i did but i let someone help me after i had a disk fail and it was hell to get it all back going,

    but i finally got it up and running then he changed a few things and next thing i know all my dockers have disappeared.  They still show in the installed apps but i cant find

    them anywhere.  

    Please can someone help me and show me the right way to do this as i really dont want to have to start from scratch again!

  6. 9 minutes ago, Squid said:

    If it's all local network access, then use Kodi / LibreElec directly.  Personally, I think of Plex as a necessary evil, but I only use it (or even have it installed) for the times when I'm on the road for extended periods.  Emby however is a viable alternative.

    but issue is i have extended family around the globe that use the plex to watch stuff


  7. 3 minutes ago, Squid said:
    Dec 22, 2018 13:54:12.185 [0x14d319dfc700] ERROR - SQLITE3:0x10, 11, database corruption at line 51210 of [fc49f556e4]

    What else is new.  Plex is a P.O.S., and since this happened on Saturday after LSIO's weekly updates to the latest and greatest and bug-ridden Plex you've probably been hit with one of the numerous issues on Plex.  I'd suggest reverting the Plex app to :158 (edit the container, and add :158 in the repository line), and also hit up the Plex forums for advice.

    all ive ever known is Plex lol what else out there is comparable but easy enough for the wife to learn and use as well

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