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  1. What could be a solve is if you configure plexinc/pms-docker to run in bridge mode. I also learned that on my Ubuntu server that netstat -an did not list 33400 as a listening port. Then of course Docker does not have a way to add a port. So I had to remove the container and start over and this time listing the additional port. I also added a restart flag to always restart the container unless I issue a stop command. Notice I added the 33400 port and the advertise IP address. After that command, both sites came right up. Hope this helps. docker run \ -d \ --name plex \ --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 32400:32400/tcp \ -p 33400:33400/tcp \ -p 3005:3005/tcp \ -p 8324:8324/tcp \ -p 32469:32469/tcp \ -p 1900:1900/udp \ -p 32410:32410/udp \ -p 32412:32412/udp \ -p 32413:32413/udp \ -p 32414:32414/udp \ -e TZ="[time zone]" \ -e PLEX_CLAIM="[claim code]" \ -e ADVERTISE_IP="http://[host IP]:32400/" \ -e ADVERTISE_IP="http://[host IP]:33400/" \ -h [host ip] \ -v ~/.plex/config:/config \ -v ~/.plex/transcode:/transcode \ -v /data/Media:/data \ plexinc/pms-docker