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Everything posted by Cii1

  1. Thanks for the quick respond. I've inspected the file and seems this is not the cause of the issue There is another error not related to remote.php/dav, instead of QueryBuilder.php {"reqId":"hBPuJfXvElqoEA1eRRty","level":0,"time":"2024-05-07T03:16:22+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"no app in context","method":"","url":"--","message":"dirty table reads: SELECT `filecache`.`fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `path_hash`, `filecache`.`parent`, `filecache`.`name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `etag`, `filecache`.`permissions`, `checksum`, `unencrypted_size`, `metadata_etag`, `creation_time`, `upload_time`, `meta`.`json` AS `meta_json`, `meta`.`sync_token` AS `meta_sync_token` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` `filecache` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache_extended` `fe` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `fe`.`fileid` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*files_metadata` `meta` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `meta`.`file_id` WHERE `filecache`.`parent` = :dcValue1 ORDER BY `name` ASC","userAgent":"--","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"Exception","Message":"dirty table reads: SELECT `filecache`.`fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `path_hash`, `filecache`.`parent`, `filecache`.`name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `etag`, `filecache`.`permissions`, `checksum`, `unencrypted_size`, `metadata_etag`, `creation_time`, `upload_time`, `meta`.`json` AS `meta_json`, `meta`.`sync_token` AS `meta_sync_token` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` `filecache` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache_extended` `fe` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `fe`.`fileid` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*files_metadata` `meta` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `meta`.`file_id` WHERE `filecache`.`parent` = :dcValue1 ORDER BY `name` ASC","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Query/QueryBuilder.php","line":344,"function":"executeQuery","class":"OC\\DB\\Connection","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Query/QueryBuilder.php","line":384,"function":"executeQuery","class":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/DB/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilder.php","line":280,"function":"execute","class":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Cache.php","line":241,"function":"execute","class":"OC\\DB\\QueryBuilder\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Wrapper/CacheWrapper.php","line":119,"function":"getFolderContentsById","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Cache","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Wrapper/CacheWrapper.php","line":119,"function":"getFolderContentsById","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Wrapper\\CacheWrapper","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":380,"function":"getFolderContentsById","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Wrapper\\CacheWrapper","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":446,"function":"getExistingChildren","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":404,"function":"handleChildren","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":354,"function":"scanChildren","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":577,"function":"scan","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":589,"function":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\{closure}","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->","args":["*** sensitive parameters replaced ***"]},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php","line":576,"function":"runBackgroundScanJob","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/Files/Utils/Scanner.php","line":186,"function":"backgroundScan","class":"OC\\Files\\Cache\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/config/www/nextcloud/apps/files/lib/BackgroundJob/ScanFiles.php","line":76,"function":"backgroundScan","class":"OC\\Files\\Utils\\Scanner","type":"->"},{"file":"/config/www/nextcloud/apps/files/lib/BackgroundJob/ScanFiles.php","line":113,"function":"runScanner","class":"OCA\\Files\\BackgroundJob\\ScanFiles","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/public/BackgroundJob/Job.php","line":80,"function":"run","class":"OCA\\Files\\BackgroundJob\\ScanFiles","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php","line":102,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\Job","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/public/BackgroundJob/TimedJob.php","line":92,"function":"start","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/cron.php","line":176,"function":"execute","class":"OCP\\BackgroundJob\\TimedJob","type":"->"}],"File":"/app/www/public/lib/private/DB/Connection.php","Line":300,"message":"dirty table reads: SELECT `filecache`.`fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `path_hash`, `filecache`.`parent`, `filecache`.`name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `etag`, `filecache`.`permissions`, `checksum`, `unencrypted_size`, `metadata_etag`, `creation_time`, `upload_time`, `meta`.`json` AS `meta_json`, `meta`.`sync_token` AS `meta_sync_token` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` `filecache` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache_extended` `fe` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `fe`.`fileid` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*files_metadata` `meta` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `meta`.`file_id` WHERE `filecache`.`parent` = :dcValue1 ORDER BY `name` ASC","tables":["oc_appconfig","oc_jobs","oc_filecache"],"reads":["oc_filecache","oc_filecache_extended","oc_files_metadata"],"exception":[],"CustomMessage":"dirty table reads: SELECT `filecache`.`fileid`, `storage`, `path`, `path_hash`, `filecache`.`parent`, `filecache`.`name`, `mimetype`, `mimepart`, `size`, `mtime`, `storage_mtime`, `encrypted`, `etag`, `filecache`.`permissions`, `checksum`, `unencrypted_size`, `metadata_etag`, `creation_time`, `upload_time`, `meta`.`json` AS `meta_json`, `meta`.`sync_token` AS `meta_sync_token` FROM `*PREFIX*filecache` `filecache` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache_extended` `fe` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `fe`.`fileid` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*files_metadata` `meta` ON `filecache`.`fileid` = `meta`.`file_id` WHERE `filecache`.`parent` = :dcValue1 ORDER BY `name` ASC"},"id":"66399d09f3b26"}
  2. {"reqId":"LDwXkautrpm5Zep8sOA9","level":0,"time":"2024-05-05T09:25:01+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"cron","method":"","url":"--","message":"CLI cron call has selected job OCA\\DAV\\BackgroundJob\\EventReminderJob (id: 21919, arguments: null)","userAgent":"--","version":"","data":{"app":"cron"}} {"reqId":"LDwXkautrpm5Zep8sOA9","level":0,"time":"2024-05-05T09:25:01+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"no app in context","method":"","url":"--","message":"dirty table reads: SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*jobs` WHERE (`reserved_at` <= :dcValue1) AND (`last_checked` <= :dcValue2) AND (`time_sensitive` = :dcValue3) ORDER BY `last_checked` ASC LIMIT 1","userAgent":"--","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"Exception","Message":"dirty table reads: SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*jobs` WHERE (`reserved_at` <= :dcValue1) AND (`last_checked` <= :dcValue2) AND (`time_sensitive` = :dcValue3) ORDER BY `last_checked` ASC LIMIT 1","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Query/QueryBuilder.php","line":344,"function":"executeQuery","class":"OC\\DB\\Connection","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Query/QueryBuilder.php","line":384,"function":"executeQuery","class":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/DB/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilder.php","line":280,"function":"execute","class":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/DB/QueryBuilder/QueryBuilder.php","line":293,"function":"execute","class":"OC\\DB\\QueryBuilder\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/lib/private/BackgroundJob/JobList.php","line":230,"function":"executeQuery","class":"OC\\DB\\QueryBuilder\\QueryBuilder","type":"->"},{"file":"/app/www/public/cron.php","line":163,"function":"getNext","class":"OC\\BackgroundJob\\JobList","type":"->"}],"File":"/app/www/public/lib/private/DB/Connection.php","Line":300,"message":"dirty table reads: SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*jobs` WHERE (`reserved_at` <= :dcValue1) AND (`last_checked` <= :dcValue2) AND (`time_sensitive` = :dcValue3) ORDER BY `last_checked` ASC LIMIT 1","tables":["oc_appconfig","oc_jobs"],"reads":["oc_jobs"],"exception":{},"CustomMessage":"dirty table reads: SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*jobs` WHERE (`reserved_at` <= :dcValue1) AND (`last_checked` <= :dcValue2) AND (`time_sensitive` = :dcValue3) ORDER BY `last_checked` ASC LIMIT 1"}} I've encountered syncing problem with my desktop client after upgrading to Nextcloud 29.0 Files are not able to sync while some small files have no problem syncing. The desktop client shows the error "is out of base url (remote.php/dav/)" and the logging on Nextcloud shows "Exception ditry table reads" I've been looking for similar problem online but I've no luck. Is it an issue with the newest update messing up the database? I am using latest Nextcloud and Mariadb docker
  3. I am rebuilding the data and there is a read error warning with one of the healthy disk. Now the log is 100% and server is unresponsive and I can't stop the data rebuild process. Should I just force power off or there is a work around in this situation takserver-diagnostics-20240109-2302.zip
  4. I tried swapping to on-board SATA controller, changing different SATA cables and rearranging the SATA power connections, the problem is still here
  5. The diagnostics is uploaded above
  6. I had one drive fail, so I got an Ironwolf Pro 8TB to replace. I've noticed there are issue with this drive with LSI controller in Unraid, so I follow the steps from the link bellow I also changed the SATA connection to on-board one as well. However, there are errors keeps popping up with the drive, like COMRESET FAILED (ERRNO=-16), and I/O error logical block async paage read. This is a replacement, I had the same problem with the first one I got. I don't know if it's the drive issue, the power delivery issue. Since I am using 550W for 4x 12TB HDD, 1x 8TB HDD, 4x 4TB HDD and 1x 1TB SSD Here is the diagnose file takserver-diagnostics-20240104-1821.zip
  7. Thanks. I totally forgot about thepower supply issue. I've rearranged the power cables for the drives and it works fine again for now. I think my 550W PSU doesn't provide enough power for 1x SSD + 5x 7200RPM +5x 5400RPM harddrives when it's under full load.
  8. Unfortunately, the issue has came back. I noticed there is problem with the connection. Is it also cause by bad connection between the drive and motherboard? Jun 30 22:15:58 TakServer emhttpd: error: hotplug_devices, 1706: No such file or directory (2): tagged device ST12000NE0008-2PK103_ZS805F5F was (sdg) is now (sdn) Jun 30 22:15:58 TakServer emhttpd: error: hotplug_devices, 1706: No such file or directory (2): tagged device WDC_WD120EFAX-68UNTN0_8DGG1WTY was (sdf) is now (sdo) takserver-diagnostics-20230630-2246.zip
  9. After switching to onboard SATA controller, the disk errors are gone. I suspect that either the HBA is loosen by the vibration, or the mini SAS to SATA cables are broken. I have a spare cable at home and I will try to replace it later when I have time to do maintenance. Thank you for all the help!
  10. Thank you for the quick response. I am currently working on a project involving the server. I hope no drives fail before I can rebuild the parity in a few days. Thank you for the help! I will post an update in a few days.
  11. Thanks for the reply. I've swapped to onboard SATA connection for the parity drive. Howevery, the parity is still disable. Is there any method which I can enable the parity drive without rebuilding the whole parity again?
  12. All drives works after I secured all the cables. I ran extended self-test on the parity drive and disk9, which both having warnings before, and no error has been found. I thought it all went well. But after I rebuilt the parity drive and the array started normal, I ran the parity check and now there are errors again on the parity disk. takserver-diagnostics-20230626-1236.zip
  13. Thanks. I noticed the free space was ~5GB for disk9. After a rebooy and the free space went back to ~60GB. There is a warning from Fix Common Problem. I think the disk9 is too full to copy the files. So the parity sync failed. And now docker doesn't work as the path of the docker folder doesn't exist anymore
  14. I am rebuilding the parity. And it seems one of my drive is going to fail soon, as it has read error during the parity rebuild. I think will let the rebuild finish and replace my failed drive. I got 2 Ironwolf drives and both got read errors with 3 years. I have 7 WD Red drives in my server and I only replace 2 in 5 years. I am really disappointed by Seagate..
  15. The parity drive is disabled right after I copied 100GB of video footage to the array. I tried running SMART short test and it finished with no errors. I am not able to resolve the issue no matter what I tried. I updated my server from Unraid 6.11.5 to 6.12.0. But I have restored back to 6.11.5 after I encountered this situation. I also tried to replace with several different SATA cables but no luck I attached the diagnotics of my unraid serve below takserver-diagnostics-20230620-1954.zip
  16. I don't really know what to do with that. So ending up, I restore the flash drive with backup. Now all the issues are gone. Everything works fine now.
  17. Even I reinstall the docker, it doesn't work either
  18. I have those tools already. But these two tools are excluding the appdata folder.
  19. I accidentally used "New Permissions" instead of "Docker Safe New Perms" to try fixing some problems. I included all the shares, including "appdata". Now, some of the dockers like OpenVPN, MineOS, etc aren't working properly. What should I do to fix the permission issues of the appdata?
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