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Everything posted by matrix20085

  1. So this is a weird one, at least for me. I was working on setting up the default WG VPN to push everything through the tunnel. I can connect to the tunnel without issues and internal routing works fine, I just can not access the internet when the tunnel was connected. I started trouble shooting and found the issues to be that the UnRaid server itself no longer was able to access the internet. After a few hours of fustration I realized that when I tried to ping something while SSH into UnRaid it was trying to go out of the tunnel IP. I turned the tunnel off (flipped the "Active" switch on the tunnel config page) and UnRaid was suddenly able to ping the internet. I tested it a few more times turning the tunnel on and off, rebooted UnRaid, deleted all peers. Every time I got the same results. If the tunnel is active UnRaid looses all internet, tunnel deactivated everything is fine. Imgur link to album with configuration and troubleshooting. Between the pictures and the diagnostics log that is everything I can think of that would have an impact on this. Please let me know if anything else is needed. EDIT: I am on version 6.9.2 tower-diagnostics-20211231-0946.zip
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