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Posts posted by Dstubbs28

  1. Trying to set up duo... Ive put all the relevant info into guacamole.properties but I get the following error when logging into guac:




    I can curl ipinfo.io/ip so i know that the docker can at least access the outside world, and /var/log/* does not show any kind of errors (I dont know which one i should of checked, so I checked them all, none of them have any error relating to this...) 

  2. On 6/8/2018 at 5:28 PM, binhex said:


    ok so this is now done, please create an env var with key 'VNC_PASSWORD' value is the password you want, please ensure its 6 characters or more.


    if you dont have the key present, or the value is blank (or less than 6 chars) then you wont be prompted for a password.


    edit - its currently building so do a check for updates in about 30 mins.

    This is awesome, and confirmed it worked for me. Thank you!

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  3. On 5/31/2018 at 6:18 AM, Jobine said:


    Because all you need is access to the router, to redirect port 6080 to the unRaid server to get a root access.



    Yeah im not sure why hes so against a password.. its just a VNC server, and with no UN/PW all you have to do is be on the network to get root access. Mind you all you could really do is mess things up and not get data off it... but still I dont want some malicious person getting in and deleting all my stuff due to a lack of a pw on VNC.

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