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  1. That makes sense, I didn't have a cache drive to start with. I deleted my disk1/system folder in the terminal, checked that all my dockers were still there and working, and then set the /system share to only use cache drive. All went smoothly, thanks! I was just extra worried because the folder was called system - I didn't want to break anything important!
  2. Hello! I have spent the last month perfecting my Unraid NAS build and it's been awesome - I have understood & solved most of the challenges I've faced with my build. I noticed one strange thing though that I couldn't figure out and it's bugging me. The /system share, I currently have it set to Use Cache Disk-> Prefer Looking at the share, it's clearly spread out over both the Cache and Disk1 Makes sense, I guess, since it's not cache only - but if I go into the terminal and look at what is stored on each, clearly the files are stored twice! If I actually look at the files, they are definitely not the same files... each pair of files have different timestamps. The more recent docker.img & libvirt.img are on the cache, while the older ones (marked Jan 8 ) are both on the disk Now my question is - what should I do? I don't run any VM's, but I do run about 5 dockers. I would like to set the /system share to be Cache Only, without damaging any of my dockers. I am not 100% sure what these files do *exactly* so I am not sure if it's safe to delete the older files marked as Jan 8, or how to tell if they are being used or not. Thanks
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