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Posts posted by Jacrushar

  1. From the fix common problems plugin:

    /var/log is getting full (currently 80 % used)
    Either your server has an extremely long uptime, or your syslog could be potentially being spammed with error messages. A reboot of your server will at least temporarily solve this problem, but ideally you should seek assistance in the forums and post your

    Server has only been up for 32 days and just started getting this warning over the weekend. I attached the diagnostics zip file.


    Any assistance in understanding what the problem is would be greatly appreciated.


  2. On 12/4/2016 at 2:49 AM, saarg said:

    You will not get the unraid GUI back when you shut down your VM.

    The solution is to use the igpu for unraid and connect it to one of your monitors and just switch the input when you want the unraid GUI. Then leave the gtx card for the VM.


    I know this post is old... I have a VM with a GTX 970 passed through to it and I am wondering how one would set unraid to use the igpu when you boot it into gui mode?

  3. I've googled "unraid wireless" a few times and the results show there to be at least one thread from every year in the past few years from someone requesting the feature or wondering how to do it.


    I live in a small one bedroom apartment where the only wired access to the internet is at a small desk between my bathroom and bedroom doors. There is not enough space there for my unRAID server and my gaming PC. I have placed my unRAID server in my living room by the TV because that is the only place I really have space. I also plan on having it run a gaming VM to play VR off of in the future (so I don't have to move my gaming PC back and forth for VR and normal PC games).


    I purchased an AC power adapter like this one based on most threads saying that is the best option... but I think my apartment building has too much interference on the AC power lines because I only get around 6megabits/sec... its not like its going that far either, my apartment is small. Running an Ethernet cable across the floor in front of doorways is not an option, and since I am renting the place I can't drill into the walls or tear up the carpet to run cables either... I own a pcie wireless card that I could add to my server but unRAID doesn't support it. With wireless AC speeds approaching the normal read/write speeds of a traditional HDD, I don't see a good argument to not support it other than the difficulty of implementation which I would not know of. Even just requiring a physical connection for initial setup is fine I think.


    I feel like there could be a lot of potential unRAID users that may turn away from using it because they won't be able to run an Ethernet cable to their machine. Like pwm said in this thread (the most recent thread I could find asking about the feature):

    The important thing is that different users have different usage cases and different needs.

    Even though it is optimal to have a wired connection, it is not always practical/possible, especially when wireless would be a better/faster solution for people like me where any possible wired option is actually slower than my wireless speeds... so slow that I can't even stream plex movies to my chromecast from it...


    Pardon the lengthy post... I'm new here, let me know if I need to say something differently.

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  4. I see this thread has been idle for a month or so but I found it because it is the most recent thread that comes up on google when searching for "unraid wireless"... which I think is a much needed feature based on quite a few threads coming up on google asking for it.

    I live in a small one bedroom apartment where the only wired access to the internet is at a small desk between my bathroom and bedroom doors. There is not enough space there for my unRAID server and my gaming PC. I have placed my unRAID server in my living room by the TV because that is the only place I really have space. I also plan on having it run a gaming VM to play VR off of in the future (so I don't have to move my gaming PC back and forth for VR and normal PC games).


    I purchased an AC power adapter like this one based on most threads saying that is the best option... but I think my apartment building has too much interference on the AC power lines because I only get around 6megabits/sec... its not like its going that far either, my apartment is small. Running an Ethernet cable across the floor in front of doorways is not an option, and since I am renting the place I can't drill into the walls or tear up the carpet to run cables either... I own a pcie wireless card that I could add to my server but unRAID doesn't support it.


    Like pwm said, the important thing is that different users have different use cases and different needs. Even though it is optimal to have a wired connection, it is not always practical/possible, especially when wireless would be a better/faster solution for people like me where any possible wired option is actually slower than my wireless speeds... so slow that I can't even stream plex movies to my chromecast from it...


    Anyone know if there is a way to contact the devs for a formal feature request? I feel like this feature should at least be given a look at.

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