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Everything posted by PeteBa

  1. That is very useful. I might look into the ST1000LM049 with 128MB cache and 7200rpm. Looks to be closest fit to what I have and currently on sale near me. Again, thanks for all the insight.
  2. @itimpi, yep, JorgeB took my words. I just cant find any 2.5" CMR drives anymore which is a shame but understandable given the competition from SSDs. Unfortunately, I dont see a good incremental route forward for unRaid setups like mine. @JorgeB, interesting point about Seagete SMR disks. I'll take a look at the specs but dont think they'll tell me much about unraid performance. Any references you could point me at ? My experience with SMR is at the horrible end of the spectrum.
  3. @Veah, I'm pretty happy with the array size and unfortunately the priority is on replacing the failing data drive rather than parity. I like the idea of 2 x 4TB 3.5" CMR drives but case constraints make it difficult to migrate there incrementally. @JorgeB, thanks for the info on partition size. I think that blows the SSD option out of the water as I want to be able to easily swap out a failing drive. I take it there is no way to "shrink" my existing HDD partitions to allow future direct replacement with an SSD ? (suspect wishful thinking) Feels like the 2.5" HDD market is slowly dying with no natural replacement for the 7K1000 drive. Suspect I will opt for a cheap SMR drive and maybe buy a few lottery tickets at the same time
  4. I have an old array that I first built about 9 years ago mainly for serving media and running docker containers. It consists of 5 x 2.5" HGST 7K1000 drives (one parity, 4 data). The drives are CMR and have done a great job. Unfortunately, they are showing their age and you cant buy replacement 7K1000s anymore as gone out of service some time ago. So I've been exploring my options. I was hoping to just replace each drive over time with a new equivalent but it seems that 1TB 2.5" CMR drives are not generally available. I could swap to 3.5" drives but that would mean replacing my entire array in one go and is a bit expensive for me. So I guess there are two options: 1) go for a 1TB 2.5" SMR drive and accept its suboptimal, or 2) use a 1TB 2.5" SSD and accept that performance may wane over time (this is based on the SSD only array posts I've read). My inclination is option 2 but wondering if any more experienced hands have a better solution that I haven't come across. Attached download of SMART log for current suspect disk (Reallocated event count has jumped up significantly). server-smart-20240521-1513.zip
  5. Hi, My ubiquity unifi router is complaining that it sees two MAC addresses referencing the same IP address. The mac addresses belong to my UnRAID server's eth0 and vhost0. Note that I am using macvlan rather than ipvlan for my docker containers so that I can better see/manage them within the unifi interface. Is there any way to have different IP addresses for eth0 and vhost0 ? At the moment, I am getting a daily "nag" email from unifi that would be good to quiet. Thanks. root@Server:~# ifconfig ... eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ether 70:85:c2:49:49:72 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 1312049842 bytes 1715808516599 (1.5 TiB) RX errors 0 dropped 43501 overruns 4 frame 0 TX packets 592446388 bytes 64135910321 (59.7 GiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 device memory 0xdf200000-df21ffff ... vhost0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ether 02:2f:25:90:90:5d txqueuelen 500 (Ethernet) RX packets 42872774 bytes 19317802710 (17.9 GiB) RX errors 0 dropped 15410 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 42247302 bytes 33452512600 (31.1 GiB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  6. @JorgeB, I haven't rebooted the server so hoping the attached diagnostics are useful? Many thanks. server-diagnostics-20231120-0951.zip
  7. @itimpi Thanks for the response. I recall the CRC errors occurred many years ago due to a faulty sata cable that was replaced at that time. However, the drive has just started showing a "yellow thumbs down" on the Dashboard page and I'm getting daily e-mails quoting read error messages as below. I took a closer look at the SMART log attached above and it suggests the only recent error was a UNC error. Not sure what that is and whether it is terminal or not. I have run a few Extended SMART Test and they have all said PASSED. So this is a bit confusing 8(. Do you think I can just click acknowledge on the "thumbs down icon" and monitor ? Thanks again. Most recent error from the SMART log: Error 90 [1] occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 21475 hours (894 days + 19 hours) When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle. After command completion occurred, registers were: ER -- ST COUNT LBA_48 LH LM LL DV DC -- -- -- == -- == == == -- -- -- -- -- 40 -- 51 04 f8 00 00 30 05 f9 28 00 00 Error: UNC at LBA = 0x3005f928 = 805697832 Recent notification emails from unRAID: Event: Unraid array errors Subject: Warning [SERVER] - array has errors Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors Importance: warning Disk 2 - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JG40006PG3RD0C (sdd) (errors 159) Event: Unraid Parity-Check Subject: Notice [SERVER] - Parity-Check finished (1 errors) Description: Duration: 3 hours, 10 minutes, 47 seconds. Average speed: 87.4 MB/s Importance: warning Event: Unraid Status Subject: Notice [SERVER] - array health report [FAIL] Description: Array has 6 disks (including parity & pools) Importance: warning Parity - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JR1020BN0J90DE (sdg) - active 21 C [OK] Disk 1 - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JR1000D31PL5WE (sdf) - active 26 C [OK] Disk 2 - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JG40006PG3RD0C (sdd) - active 26 C (disk has read errors) [NOK] Disk 3 - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JG40006PG6PP7C (sde) - active 27 C [OK] Disk 4 - HGST_HTS721010A9E630_JS1020620JGW6W (sdc) - active 26 C [OK] Cache - Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_250GB_S3ESNX1JB30291E (nvme0n1) - active 35 C [OK] Parity is valid Last checked on Sun 12 Nov 2023 03:10:48 AM GMT (yesterday), finding 1 error. Duration: 3 hours, 10 minutes, 47 seconds. Average speed: 87.4 MB/s
  8. Hi, I have a small unRaid server made up of 5 fairly old 2.5" HGST 7K1000 1TB drives (4 x data and 1 x parity). I also have a 500GB nvme cache drive. This has worked great for over 5 years now as mainly a media server and backup storage. But one of the drives is reporting errors (SMART test attached) and so I have been looking for a replacement. Unfortunately, my searching has struggled to find a modern equivalent drive for a reasonable price. I think it has to do with CMR vs SMR technology and that CMR is no longer very supported for what is now a small capacity drive. I think the WD Red Plus drive is roughly equivalent but seems very expensive (£100) compared to the various SMR drives (£30-40) that come up in an amazon search. So I guess I'm after some advice on a good 7K1000 replacement at a reasonable price. My thoughts at the moment, include: 1) I dont need any additional storage capacity so going for larger drives doesnt seem necessary; 2) having said that, if 1TB drives are going obsolete do I bite the bullet and upgrade the whole system to two 4TB drives but that seems excessive for one failing drive; 3) ideally, I would replace the drive with an 1TB SSD that is about the same price point but I see very conflicting TRIM messages on the forums, and; 4) maybe, I'm unfairly concerned about SMR drives and given I have a reasonably sized cache nvme drive then it wont make any material difference. Appreciate any thoughts/recommendations. server-smart-20231118-1554.zip
  9. @JorgeB, many thanks for the suggestion. I ran memtest a few times and got clean passes so it doesn't seem to be a persistent memory problem at least. I restarted Unraid and the cache filesystem looks fine and I can access the files that were previously erroring out. Which is great. The experience does leave me a bit wary and wonder what could have caused the problem. Is there any other testing tool that I can use or any way to monitor this going forward ? Thanks again for the help.
  10. Yesterday evening, I updated to 6.12.0. Everything came back online fine and I went to bed. Woke up this morning to find that all my dockers had stopped as well as the docker engine. Looking through syslog I can see a ton of "BTRF error" reports on my nvme cache drive that holds /appdata and /system. The main array looks OK. I note that just prior to these errors was a scheduled trim task but not sure if that is related. Sample of the syslog: Jun 19 04:56:22 Server kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): corrupt leaf: root=2 block=156609576960 slot=44, invalid key objectid, have 18446612688409594768 expect to be aligned to 4096 Jun 19 04:56:22 Server kernel: BTRFS info (device nvme0n1p1): leaf 156609576960 gen 15881817 total ptrs 105 free space 8093 owner 2 Jun 19 04:56:22 Server kernel: item 0 key (1956950016 168 45056) itemoff 16230 itemsize 53 Jun 19 04:56:22 Server kernel: extent refs 1 gen 13815472 flags 1 Jun 19 04:56:22 Server kernel: ref#0: extent data backref root 5 objectid 265178326 offset 24576 count 1 ... Jun 19 04:56:26 Server kernel: I/O error, dev loop2, sector 31924224 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x800 phys_seg 1 prio class 2 Jun 19 04:56:26 Server kernel: BTRFS error (device loop2): bdev /dev/loop2 errs: wr 36, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0 Jun 19 04:56:26 Server kernel: loop: Write error at byte offset 20109533184, length 4096. ... Jun 19 07:10:50 Server kernel: BTRFS error (device nvme0n1p1: state EA): parent transid verify failed on logical 156753166336 mirror 1 wanted 15881817 found 15881803 ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 7 TIMES] ### Jun 19 07:11:05 Server kernel: verify_parent_transid: 3 callbacks suppressed I noticed that the timing of the syslog errors corresponded to my nightly rsync job that copies "/mnt/user" to a standby server. The rsync log from that job reports that most files copied across to the standby server but around ~800 failed due to read errors. So I now have a mixed set of files on the standby as well. I do have a full archive from a week ago so I should be able to reconstruct a reasonable set of /appdata and /system files. Thankfully only around 50 of the 800 impacted files are what I would call important (e.g. influxdb data, home-assistant storage etc.) and should be recoverable from what I have. The rest are things like plex metadata files and the like. I haven't yet rebooted the server or tried to repair the nvme drive. I have however taken a copy of the remaining files from the cache drive onto a spare unassigned drive so that is positive at least. I think my options are either: 1) try a Scrub/Repair of the cache drive from the UnRaid GUI, or, 2) reboot the machine and see what happens. If both of those fail then I assume I need to reformat the drive and start the reconstruction process. Any advice on the best way forward ? I have attached my diagnostic files as I would really like to know what caused this issue in the first place. Is it coincidental with the OS upgrade? Appreciate any insight. server-diagnostics-20230619-1635.zip
  11. I am trying to use one of those dashboard/home page apps (Organizr in this case) that uses iframes to provide "one-stop-shop" access to all of your self-hosted app front-ends. Unfortunately, the browser is throwing an exception when trying to view the UnRaid GUI from within an iframe. Specifically, I'm getting the following error showing in chrome development tools: "Refused to frame '' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self' https://connect.myunraid.net/"." What is strange is that the error still occurs even after removing the connect plugin from UnRaid. Not sure why it is still trying to access connect.myunraid.net ? I'm on UnRaid 6.12.0 if it matters. Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated. [Let me know if I should move this to another area of the forum.]
  12. Hi, I bought a replacement drive on ebay that was advertised as new. Got it today and the initial SMART data suggested a new drive with 3 power cycles an an hour of powered time. I then did an extended SMART test and it came back OK. But I do notice a very odd Reported_Uncorrect value of 9796820402176 ! Is this cause for concern on what should be a new device or indicative of something else ? BTW, is it possible to reset SMART data if someone wanted to give the appearance of a new drive ? Attached smart test output: server-smart-20211123-1749.zip
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