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Posts posted by nick.longworth

  1. Sorry.  Didn't mean to complain about my blessings. 😏  I am fortunate to have access to fiber and currently get 500/500 but my gaming PC has smaller Nvme storage so was looking for quick way to swap installed games if I need to.  My unraid cache is raid 0 850 evos and I have 1TB total there so I will just keep the lancache on the unraid cache array.  SSD to Nvme is currently bottle necked by my network.  I know its a minor issue to "wait" on 500mbs downloads. :)  Thanks for the assistance and work on this docker.

  2. Mover ran last night and moved lancache off my SSD cache and to my spiny disk array which is how I had things setup.  Lancache appears to be working still but speed is horrendous.  Only getting 20MB/s with high CPU usage when trying to pull data.  At these speeds it will be much faster to just DL from internet.  I am moving lancache back over to my SSD cache and will retest.  I knew speeds would be slower than pulling from SSD but I was not expecting that sort of drop off. 

  3. I cannot get this docker to run.  I have left the template at it's default for all of the IP settings and pointed the data to a local share. Looking at the log I am getting an error on the last line of the log snippet below related to nginx permissions or missing file/dir.  I am not sure what I should be looking at to resolve this.


    Executing hook /hooks/entrypoint-pre.d/19_doc_root_setup
    /var/www/html already exists.
    Setting document root to /var/www/html
    Executing hook /hooks/entrypoint-pre.d/20_perms_check.sh
    Running fast permissions check
    Fast permissions check successful, if you have any permissions error try running with -e FORCE_PERMS_CHECK = true
    Executing hook /hooks/entrypoint-pre.d/20_ssl_setup
    Not enabling SSL as neither key nor cert provided.
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/10_config_check.sh
    checking Bind9 config
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/20_test_files_setup
    Checking if /var/www/html is empty - Directory not empty.. don't touch content
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/21_cleanup_log_files
    Cleaning up log files older than 3560 days
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/50-sniproxy_config.sh
    Setting Upstream DNS to
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/90-bind_config.sh
    Configuring Bind...
    Executing hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/90-nginx_config.sh
    Configuring Nginx...
    chown: cannot access '/var/log/nginx/*': No such file or directory
    ERROR: hook /hooks/supervisord-pre.d/90-nginx_config.sh} returned a non-zero exit status '0'

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