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Posts posted by Cogito

  1. My setup:

    Zotac GT710 1GB in primary slot, my only gpu in this system
    Asus X99-WS/IPMI (no onboard video) 

    I'm trying to pass this GT710 to a Win10 vm. IOMMU looks perfect on this motherboard, i have an isolated group with only my gpu and its audio (which i'm passing too). I dumped the bios and edited its header, but i get black screen on vm startup and the dreaded error 43 (the os boots fine, i can see everything else working through a Remote Desktop session). I tried both Hyper-V on and off and i tried a techpowerup vios too. 
    I read something about the GPU not dumping correctly its vbios (or kvm unable to use a different vbios, can't remember which) if the card is plugged in the primary slot. Could someone give some clarification on that? Do you think i have no chance in passing this GPU with the right vbios without using a second card?
    Right now i'm saving money for a proper gaming gpu and i will try to pass that once i have two cards to experiment with, but i would really like to have my vm up and running with a single gpu in the meanwhile. 

    Thank you very much for your efforts, i do really like the idea of keeping this vbios list.

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