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Posts posted by underdone

  1. I thought I would just do (I hope, a helpful) update on here wrt this issue. I recently bought myself a nice new HP laptop with windows home on it and it couldn't see my Tower server. My resolution went like this:


    1. Did the SMB 1.0 thing. No luck

    2. Double checked all my network settings on Tower (DNS config etc.). No luck

    3. Screwed with Dword settings in registry. No luck

    4.  Installed Group policy  (https://www.itechtics.com/enable-gpedit-windows-10-home) - method 2 worked for me.  Then changed GP settings. No luck.

    5. Got really, really frtustrated. 

    6. Rebuilt laptop with Windows 10 Pro.


    Immediately worked. 


    Time: 4.5 hours. Can I bill Bill?


    I am more of a fan of Windows than I used to be but this sort of thing does my head in. I don't need a solution anymore but if anyone figures it out I suppose you could post it here. I think this is something that UNRAID should get solved because I suspect they will be losing customers at test stage. Unraid is great but you do have to be reasonably nerdy to use it still. 


    I should have mentioned that I wouldn't have gone ahead with UNRAID if it wasn't for SpaceInvaderOne - his videos are brilliant. 




  2. SOLVED: Couldn't understand it - moral of the story - it's probably hardware based... which it was. Rather than downgrading UNRAID which I don't like to mess around with (I have had bad experiences with RAID arrays in the past), I instead stuck a new hardrive in and installed windows 10 (my more familiar OS). Both NICs are unrecognised - hence, mobo is dead - I will get a replacement. 


    This isn't the first time that a mobo has had onboard NIC problems for me. 


    Johnnie - thank you for taking the time to respond. A second pair of eyes on the problem helps me to see thing a bit more clearly. Appreciate the help.

  3. Hi


    [Status: I have no linux skills].



    I've been running UNRAID for about 3 years, no problems - it's bloody marvelous.


    Last week by mobo Network Card (NIC) packed up. Don't think it was an update related problem - basically no lights on NIC backplate. At least I don't think this is the problem (?!)


    Checked BIOS and nothing wrong in there either.


    Bought new PCIe card, installed and UNRAID seems very unsure of which card is which and I don't seem to be able to set things up correctly. (The screen for network settings isn't my favourite).


    It sees the card ok but it doesn't seem to be able to do anything with it.


    I have tried deleting network.cfg and network-rules.cfg with no luck. (Unplugging the USB boot stick and renaming to .OLD versions). 


    Multiple reboots with onboard NIC switched off, on etc all to no avail. 


    Objective: New NIC working on its own and binding to network normally. 


    I will post the zipped log in a moment. 


    Any help greatly appreciated and many thanks 🙂



  4. Hello - (first post from a noob).


    I recently migrated away from Nas4free having had years of uneventful (and welcomed) use. My unraid is all working very well but on 2 occasions it has stopped: Not shut down but something has stopped disallowing access via network. Console hasn't given any clues to me either.  My linux experience is v. poor. 


    I believe I need to be able to write the syslog actively to a drive locally so that I can understand the nature of the problem. Does Enhanced Log viewer allow me to do this?


    Forgive me if I am on the wrong thread. 


    Many thanks




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