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Posts posted by XenapZ

  1. 24 minutes ago, planetix said:

    Your paths are wrong. The easiest way to fix this is A) Find the correct paths and B) Delete the Bazaar container & it's appdata folder and start again (I discovered that in some cases, changing to the correct path doesn't always work if it's already logged the wrong one and it was easy to just start over).


    Step 1) In the Bazarr container note Host Path 2 and 3. You'll link 2 to wherever your movies are, like /mnt/media/movies and 3 to tv, like /mnt/media/tv. Note these are *not the paths you use in the applications!* Like all containers, this just maps to an internal container path. *That's* what you use.


    For the Unraid Bazarr container Movies are mapped to /movies and TV mapped to /tv. Note the case! It is case-sensitive. Inside the container itself that is where Bazarr sees the content. You can easily test this by opening up a console shell for the container and cd'ing to /movies and /tv - if you mapped this correctly you'll see a list of your respective files in each.


    Step 2) You need to use the same *container* path for Sonarr/Radarr - the ones those containers are using. For example, Binhex-Sonarr/Radarr maps your directories to /media for those containers. So /mnt/media/movies (if that is your actual Unraid path) is mapped to /media inside the Radarr container, and so on.


    Step 3) Use the respective container path mappings in Bazarr. In the above example, you'd use /media for both the Sonarr and Radarr path (left side) and /movies for Radarr /tv for Sonarr for the Bazarr mapping (right side).


    Obviously you need to use the actual paths you are using. Quickest sanity check is just to open a console shell for all 3 containers and cd/ls each container path. That will insure you are using the right ones.


    This probably seems obvious but I know sometimes container paths, especially when using containers from different sources, can get confusing, and the Bazarr instructions are somewhat unclear at the moment.


    Last tip: After you get it working and Bazarr correctly scans all your shows/movies (it can take a bit) you can mass-edit the list and choose the languages, or language, you want to apply to them. Then do a sync (or wait for it to kick off on it's own, it's scheduled) and it'll be able to show you what you have and what's missing.


    I have this working and downloading subs for my movies and tv shows. It is quite handy, actually. Plex users can use the SubZero plugin but Emby users like myself have been stuck with the built-in Opensubtitles support which is pretty lacking. Bazarr lets you use more providers by leveraging Subliminal, which is what SubZero leverages as well and is one of the better, if not best, subtitle matching apps around.

    Thank you for your detailed answer.


    It appears I initially thought right in using the specified host paths but the template showed them wrong.

    When I bashed in as you suggested I saw that TV is actually tv and Movies is actually movies.


    Maybe the template should be updated so others don't make the same mistake?


    Got it working now anyway, thanks for your help!

  2. 13 hours ago, InVisibleGoD said:

    You have to point the Path Mappings for Sonarr and Radarr to the same path as configured in the container's options!

    Therefore replace "/media" to "/mnt/user/Movies" for Radarr and "mnt/user/TV Shows" for Sonarr.



    I tried that and it still says "This path doesn't seem to be valid" on all the files in the Series and Movies tab, any ideas?




  3. I'm having some problems with the Path Mappings that I cant seem to be able to figure out.


    I had this working with the dockerhub-version but when I changed my cache-drive something screwed it up so I decided to reinstall using the CA-template but I'm obviously doing something wrong since I keep getting "This path does not seem to be valid" on everything in Bazarr.


    This is my current settings: https://imgur.com/gallery/fj2vis2

    I think this is how I used to have it but I could very well be wrong, I tried a couple of different variations but no luck.

  4. 1 minute ago, Djoss said:

    I just saw in your screenshot that you were accessing through Muximux.  Is it working if you access the Firefox UI directly (http://[unRAID IP]:7814)?

    Muximux is just in the bookmarkfield, I'm accessing it directly but it doesn't work through Muximux either.

  5. This has been working pretty good so far but yesterday it stopped working, I only get a blank side when I access the webgui.


    I tried uninstalling it, wipe appdata and reinstall but I get the same error:


    " 24/08/2018 20:59:48 rfbProcessClientProtocolVersion: read: I/O error
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 client_count: 0
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 Client gone
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 Statistics events Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 Statistics events Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
    24/08/2018 20:59:48 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%) "

  6. 40 minutes ago, rmilyard said:


    Just installed your update docked and seems be running again. Thanks 


    I just switched my cachedrive and thought I messed something up as usual lol, good to know its not just me anyway.

    Working as intended again now, thanks for the quick fix Binhex!

  7. On 7/24/2018 at 12:51 PM, binhex said:


    thanks @jonathanm, i will consider going ahead with it then, it would include privoxy and i guess that would fill the gap for people who want only a secure proxy and not a torrent client.

    This sounds like an excellent idea, especially if sound could be added as well.

  8. Not strictly a delugevpn question but I thought I'd start here since it involves privoxy, please point me in the right direction if its the wrong topic.


    I use a reverse SSH proxy to connect to my unRAID server and have set it up so all traffic on Firefox runs through it. 

    I was wondering if this could also be tunneled through privoxy so it my browsing is protected by my VPN?

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