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Posts posted by JasonP

  1. Trying to get UNraid to work with a custom SSL cert is way more painful than it needs to be. nginx and letsencrypt are already built in, there should be a button under Management Access to add your own domain name and verify with DNS like Nginx Proxy Manager does so your cert will be auto-renewed by Let's Encrypt. You are already doing this with unraid.net Let's Encrypt certs just give us the option to add our own. Please? Thanks 🙂



  2. I would love to be able to do this too. Trying to get UNraid to work with a custom SSL cert is way more painful than it needs to be. nginx and letsencrypt are already built in there should be a button under remote management to add your own domain name and verify with DNS like Nginx Proxy Manager does so your cert will be auto-renewed by Let's Encrypt. 







  3. I wanted to post this incase anyone runs into this issue I had where I enabled a cert or changed Local TLD to something that didn't work. A way to get back to where you were before you enabled it since the GUI is inaccessible in this state. Login to the local shell or SSH into unraid server with Putty https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html if you had SSH enabled on the server ahead of time.



    nano /boot/config/ident.cfg


    scroll down with down arrow til you see 




    change that to "no" and press ctrl + o  to save it and ctrl + x to exit


    then run 


    /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart


    You should now be able to access the GUI with https://<IP address>


    Common reason why you get locked out is the Local TLD you changed it to doesn't resolve to the local IP of the unraid server. You need to create a local dns record so it will resolve on whatever you use to resolve local DNS. I use OPNsense and create an Unbound host override for unraidservername.local.domain.com


    I also use cloudflare for DNS for my domain name that I own and you can create local DNS records on your public DNS server that that will only work on your LAN.  Create A record in cloudflare DNS for unraidservername.local and enter local IP address, proxy status will be DNS only. With this in place you don't need local DNS as anywhere you are in the world it will resolve unraidservername.local.domain.com to local IP that will only work on your LAN.






  4. I followed the guide and ran into some errors. Port forwarding is working and showing it is accessible from internet but get Guest doesn't have permission to access "servers". I am logged in as root and root has a password. I have a Let's Encrypt cert. Not sure what else to check. Here are some screenshots. Let me know what additional info you need or any ideas how to fix this. Thanks, Jason



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