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Posts posted by vchris

  1. Hi guys, today I executed the update from 6.7.2 to 6.8.2. Installed perfectly, it asked to reboot, I did and now I'm stuck passed the boot splash screen at "Loading operating system...". No other modification was made.


    I have already confirmed the USB key is still the first boot device. I have a total of 8 drives which worked perfectly under 6.7.2. I noticed that right after the splash screen I'm getting a RAID message about no valid devices, see screenshots. In the RAID utility I have 2 drives listed, not sure I should be having a RAID setup at all.


    Thanks in advance.



  2. 12 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

    Run the mover, on the main page

    Thanks! Saw that last night but wasn't really sure what that did. I'll give it a try tonight.


    9 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    You probably want Use Cache=Yes.    With that setting new files are written to the cache, and then moved to the array when mover runs (typically overnight).    You also want the Minimum Free Space option under Settings->Global Share Settings to be set to the size of the largest file you expect to download (or larger).     When the free space on the cache drops below this value new files will stop bypassing the cache (rather than error it out due to lack of space).

    Makes sense. So instead of the default 20GB I could drop it to 5GB and set appdata and downloads to use cache yes. I guess I should not move plex data to /mnt/cache as that will fill it up.

  3. Only appdata and Downloads had cache set to yes or only. I can see how that could be a problem but I figured cache should clear itself within 24h. I since switched them. I also moved radarr, sonarr, sabnzbd on /mnt/cache, plex is still on /mnt/user. 


    How do I clear the cache drive?

  4. Hi guys first post. I'm loving Unraid but I'm getting issues this week. I have Plex with Parity, 2 drive cache pool of 120GB. Ever since I started recording with Plex I'm getting no space in Plex and now it won't play anything. I'm getting Failed to commit transaction (../Playlists/PlayQueueRequestHandler.cpp:123) (tries=1): Cannot commit transaction. database or disk is full in the Plex logs. Also common fix is saying my cache is full "All writes to your cache enabled shares are being redirected to your array. If this is a transient situation, you can ignore this, otherwise adjust your cache floor", I have 20GB free. Appdata is now set to not use cache. 


    Really need your help guys, I'm not sure what to do here.


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