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  1. Just as a follow up and to close this out in case anybody has the same or similar problem in the future... I replaced the parity drive, restarted, and rebuilt parity over 30 days ago. Every weekly parity check since has turned up with zero errors. I also reset the data drive that had reported errors and it has not reported any problems since (though I have a feeling it will before long) The attached diagnostics no longer show any of the ata links as slow to respond. Thanks again to everybody for their help. the-dark-tower-diagnostics-20220922-1035.zip
  2. Thanks again. After resetting everything back the way it was before (including original cables) I see that the ATA6 is showing the "slow to respond" message as well as some other messages that are not being mentioned for any of the other ports. Ok, new drive should be here Friday. Once it is installed should I check the diagnostics before or after rebuilding parity? Or Both? the-dark-tower-diagnostics-20220817-1704.zip
  3. Swapped Disk 3 and Parity. I used the new cables, but couldn't switch the cables at the motherboard, had to switch the cables at the drives because one of the plugs has a 90deg bend and the other port on the board is obstructed. For my own edification, which log and which details are we looking at for the ATA errors? (if you can explain without too much effort that is, I'm so grateful for the help, I want to learn more but I don't want to put you guys out any more than I have to) the-dark-tower-diagnostics-20220817-1409.zip
  4. Replaced both with the last 2 cables I had Disk 3 is in an ICY DOCK FatCage MB155SP-B Parity is connected directly to the motherboard Would it help to swap Disk 3 from it's current slot in the cage into a different slot to see if the ATA errors follow it or remain on that slot?
  5. I'm glad I asked. Diagnostics attached the-dark-tower-diagnostics-20220817-1108.zip
  6. Thanks. Just so I'm understanding correctly, 1. Replace Cables 2. Restart and run Parity Check (with corrections?) 3. Post Diagnostics
  7. which is why I'm kinda cool with only 1 drive having errors, but I have 2 drives with errors (one of them the Parity drive) which makes me nervous. I understand my data is not on the parity drive but it is not the only drive showing errors.
  8. It was my understanding that the Parity drive is what enables you to rebuild a Data drive if it should fail, but if you only have a single parity drive and multiple drives fail at the same time then you will lose data. Is that not true?
  9. Sorry about that... Yes, Disk 3 is the one that reported errors last month. Any ideas about the error report for the parity drive? Or should I just not worry about it? That's what's kind of concerning to me. I'm cool with waiting a bit to see if more errors appear if it is only one disk, but being there are 2 and one of them is Parity I'm getting a little nervous.
  10. /Settings/DiskSettings - Default spin down delay is already set to "Never". Is there another way to disable spindown? I've set the parity check scheduler "Write corrections to parity disk:" to "No", but the check mark next to "Write corrections to parity" on Main does not go away. I suspect that check mark only applies if I tell it to check parity outside the schedule, correct? Diagnostics attached the-dark-tower-diagnostics-20220816-1520.zip
  11. About a month ago my server warned 4 times over 3 hours of “[5] reallocated sector ct” and once of “[187] reported uncorrect”. At the same time it was running it’s parity check, at the end of which it also reported parity errors. (I have it run a parity check w/ corrections weekly, and this was the first time it EVER reported parity errors) Understanding that the Data drive is probably on the way out the door, I acknowledged the errors and restarted the server to clear the warning and see how long it would take for it to report more errors That disk has not reported any more errors since then. However, the parity check has reported errors each week since. Then yesterday, before the parity check was finished, it sent me the following : “Event: Unraid array errors Subject: Warning [THE-DARK-TOWER] - array has errors Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors Importance: warning Parity disk - ST4000VN008-2DR166_ZDHAF8R2 (sdg) (errors 134) “ Running extended SMART tests on all Data disks (including the one the reported errors) returns “Completed without error”. However, the SMART test on the Parity drive ends with “Interrupted (host reset)” All disks are 4TB Seagate Ironwolf NAS. The drive that gave the initial errors was put into service in May 2018 (currently shows 37245 power on hours). The Parity drive was only installed last November (currently shows 6715 hours, and is thankfully still under warranty). (Also note that the Parity drive has a green thumbs up and says “Healthy” on the dashboard) Am I looking at replacing both drives? Any opinions on whether it was errors on the Data drive or problems with the Parity drive that has been causing the parity errors? Any suggestions on further tests of the Parity drive to aid in a warranty claim? Thanks for your help
  12. For the record, replacing the bz files as described got my system back online. Thanks
  13. I am having this same problem. I'd like to know exactly which suggestion solved the problem? Was it overwriting the bz files? Also, how did you do the power cycle? Clicking on the "reboot" button in the webGui does nothing for me, so I wonder is there another way or do I just pull the plug. Thanks
  14. Tried to download diagnostics and got this message
  15. just tried again, and was able to get to the dashboard and home screens
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