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Posts posted by Superman

  1. So heres an idea, cause i don't believe i see a thread on here about running a unraid pool. if you want since you seem to have created the template for chia. and i don't want to derail your thread with not supported replies to your docker. if you want to start a thread to advocate the starting up a fair running pool of chia and get the Devs and senior members of unraid onboard to govern and start the pool, i think skys the limit and a ton of ppl here would join up. just make it a private pool for unraid members only. this could be one way we can give back to the creators of unraid as well as the devs who have built this awesome community + plus everyone can hopefully make some $$ as the same time. id rather join a pool with a software and community i trust then some random on the net. thats Just IMO

  2. 9 minutes ago, Partition Pixel said:


    Yeah sorry I was still typing 😆, no worries this is new stuff.


    One problem I'm having is that I already used all my nvme and sata ports on my motherboard. I know some adapters exist that do sata -> pcie, are you planing on using that for your 6 Intel 480 SSD's ?

    yes, i current have a adaptec 71506 in my system with 8 disk array and a 6 in 1 icy dock cage for ssd.  i bought another  2 16 port raid card and a 16 bay icy dock cage for plotting only. and 3 5 in 1 hdd cage for drives. i found 2 adapter 71506 cards on ebay for 100 each with battery and breakout cables. my mobo is a asus x99 ws with 7 pic-e lots with a e-2697 v3 cpu 14c 28 threads. so i got plenty of slots to add raid cards and since unraid and chia both prefer to run as JBOD it seems like a win win. lol


    now that i think about this i might just build another system, buy another copy of unraid and scale it out for chia only. lmfao!

  3. you get disregard my question. i should have did a little more research in the unraid gui. looks like you can stop the array and add another pool and just use that pool for cache plotting. then it would just be the case of assigning the drive ID or new created cache pool to the docker. my bad still learning. lol


  4. I have been using UnRaid for at least 5 years and i love it. Also thank you for getting this is the docker hub. i was curious which way i was going to go, either setting up and total separate system for chia farming or expand my UnRaid system. i have read all the  green paper and documentation on the blockchain and find it interesting.


    I was hoping it would make it to UnRaid cause i read the xfs and btrfs filesystems are actually best for chia on read and write speeds for harvesting.


    i do have a question and concern though on running it in a docker though.


    1. you can use consumer ssd and nvme but will wear out rather quickly for plotting and recommends enterprise ssd's do to the overall lifetime writes of 1 PDW and up. i could see this problematic for the cache pools UnRaid uses for the average users who can't afford enterprise ssd's.

    so im curious if its possible to create a totally different cache pool designated specifically for chia. this would be one solution of replacing cache pools which most house our dockers and stuff.  other wise and VM in UnRaid would still be need to pass-through the HDDs to VM unless you feel like stubbing them out in the docker of chia itself.


    thank you for creating this docker i think chia is gonna take off because it is solving a case and real world use at least on the mining side IMO.


    Oh And if this community was to create a pool i total in and long as the rewards can get divided up evenly. i just order 8 18tb seagate's enterprise HDD's and i got 6 Intel 480 SSD's ready give it a shot.


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  5. So i currently in the same boat myself with my thermaltake veiw 91 case that comes with the riing fan controllers that connect to the usb 2.0 header on the motherboard. after doing dome research of looking up the vendor ids posted in the IOMMU groups. i notice i too had to devices with no description list in my usb groups. ID 264a:1fa6 and ID 264a:1fa5. the first section describes the vendor 264a the Second is the Device 1fa6. the Vendor id 264a is thermaltake according to the Linux website i found.


    once my VM is up and running i will let you know if i am able to pass them through to be controlled by the software if you haven't figured this out already.

  6. for some reason installing the docker with custom bro network configuration with a static IP doesn't properly setup the web-GUI configuration nor does it allow me to login to the web interface but if you use host everything installs fine and you can access the web interface. this a clean fresh install of this app on a fresh clean build of unraid 6.7.2. my other docker apps have no issues this using the custom bro network config.


  7. On 4/18/2018 at 5:35 PM, Djoss said:

    Yes it's definitely possible to have a "watch" folder and I'm planning to do it.  I'm just not sure yet what is the best way: simply call a user-defined script periodically (where the user will have the ability to call the AMC script) or have something more targeted toward the AMC script (where its behaviour is configurable via container settings (environment variables)).


    in my experience, you would be better off using user-defined script calling the AMC script and set the user-defined script configurable via containers. if they want to change the syntax of AMC script it can be done via shell or make it accessible via folder for changes with editors like notepad++. rednoah has the AMC script well documented on the filebot forums on change the syntax. this would make it easier for you to maintain and troubleshoot. but either way i look forward to the implementation change. i only need the the webui for the wife. lol!

  8. im with kizer on this one. is there a way to have it run headless on start up with the AMC script to watch for input and output folders plus still have the option to open the webui if needed at the same time? coppit's version runs great for headless operations but his webgui running on Guacamole isn't ideal for me. after a while the x11 session gets locked up. i like what you did to the webgui. it runs smoother and faster when parsing the media information. i noticed the was a option in the startapp.sh for headless operations.

  9. ok so after further troubleshooting. creating the symlink did work but created a different DB and kept my scheduler from running. so i finally figure the way this docker works.


    bare with me as i am new to the forums but have been following unraid for quite sometime and have been loving it. im usually able to find the answers i seek just by reading a ton of post and tutorials.


    installing the app you need to edit the key 4 value box for the password and at least 16 characters long (ex: s0m30n3$p@s$w0rd). even using flexget -c /config/config.yml web passwd s0m30n3$p@s$w0rd. still would not set or change the web pass in the cli like it was being override by the inital value box in the template.


    i order to execute, test or run flexget in cli you have to use the file path of the config (command ex:  flexget -c /config/config.yml <command here> ) that prefix is important or you will get the error soder posted above.


    here is a copy of my flexget config for a template that i have been using it for years. its simple with a schedule to trigger flexget to run at certains time inbetween intervals. you will need to fill in your own values to specify your environment setup. you can do more as there are tutorial cookbooks of flexgets website. do not copy and paste the template below as yaml is picky when it comes to indentions like you can't use tab to indent but have to press the spacebar 2 twice for indentions. i recommend using notepad++ when editing/creating your config.


      port: 3539
      web_ui: yes

            quality: 720p hdtv h264 webdl
              download: /download/path

        rss: https://rssfeed.here
          Cookie: "uid=uidhere; pass=secretpasshere"      
        template: HDTV
        download: /download/path

      - tasks: task111
          hour: 18-22
          minute: "*/15"



    My flexget config



    screenshot of flexget webui



  10. its the file path. i only saying this cause i have used flexget for the past 4 years on a arch linux system. just create a symlink from the flexget folder inside the .config folder to the proper user folder. there should be a tutorial on how to do this on the flexget website.

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