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Posts posted by Mark

  1. 41 minutes ago, binhex said:

    i dont believe so, no, all traffic from any other container is permitted, as well as that anything on your defined LAN_NETWORK is also permitted, which leads me onto my next question, what is your defined LAN_NETWORK ? i suspect its not correct.

    I disabled the proxy in sonarr and changed the IP back to the servers 192 address and that worked, reenabled the proxy and dead again. I went in to the running qbit container and had a poke around, I can ping unraids 192.x address successfully, tried curl but no joy same behaviour as the containers like it's hanging. I haven't verified that works on the older image though, can try that tomorrow if it helps.

  2. 9 minutes ago, binhex said:

    you shouldnt need to do this, and of course its prone to breakage as the ip could change, i just tested this with latest sonarr and qbittorrentvpn and i can add in a download client of qbittorrent and give it my host ip and it works straight off!, what network are you guys using for qbittorrentvpn, bridge or something else?.

    All of mine are set to bridge, I'm using your qbit vpn image with privoxy enabled and I use linuxserver jackett/sonarr/radarr. They're all set to use privoxy in their respective proxy settings pages. Inside sonarr and radarr for the download client / indexer settings I used to have a 192.168.1.x address that was the unraid server IP, after the update all traffic was blocked. Thinking out loud here, with the applications set to use privoxy they forward traffic through the qbit container and some change has now disabled the lan IP and default port from being reachable?

  3. 2 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    After updating qbittorrent all the indexers and jackets are now unable to connect. I just get a 503 error. I had tried adding their webui ports prior to your reply. Ive removed that setting now. Still getting the same error though. Ive attached the sonarr logs but they all show the same error.


    sonarr.txt 20.26 kB · 0 downloads

    I had the same problem guessing you have the same setup that I had, in the host URL for the indexers and download client I switched from my lan IP to use the docker IP.


    Run ifconfig -a on unraids terminal and look for docker0 up near the top, swap in that address and you should be good.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm getting the same error as the two guys above, fixed it by going in to the container and installing gsettings-desktop-schemas

    For those that can't wait for a new image with a fix to roll out exec in to the container and run apk add --no-cache gsettings-desktop-schemas restart the container and you're back in business

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