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Posts posted by MrBrac

  1. So I had a Windows 11 VM with a NVME passthrough. But My unraid got all messed up and I lost my data and cfg. When I try to boot my vm with my gpu passthrough. I get no picture on my tv.



    This is my current XML for my vm.


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <domain type='kvm'>
      <name>Windows 11-NVME</name>
        <vmtemplate xmlns="unraid" name="Windows 11" icon="windows11.png" os="windowstpm"/>
      <memory unit='KiB'>33030144</memory>
      <currentMemory unit='KiB'>33030144</currentMemory>
        <source type='memfd'/>
        <access mode='shared'/>
      <vcpu placement='static'>8</vcpu>
        <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='4'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='12'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='5'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='13'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='6'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='14'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='6' cpuset='7'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='7' cpuset='15'/>
        <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-7.1'>hvm</type>
        <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi-tpm.fd</loader>
        <hyperv mode='custom'>
          <relaxed state='on'/>
          <vapic state='on'/>
          <spinlocks state='on' retries='8191'/>
          <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>
      <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
        <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='4' threads='2'/>
        <cache mode='passthrough'/>
        <feature policy='require' name='topoext'/>
      <clock offset='localtime'>
        <timer name='hypervclock' present='yes'/>
        <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='qemu-xhci' ports='15'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pcie-root'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='1' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='1' port='0x8'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='2' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='2' port='0x9'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='3' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='3' port='0xa'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='4' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='4' port='0xb'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x3'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='5' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='5' port='0xc'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x4'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='6' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='6' port='0xd'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x5'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='7' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='7' port='0xe'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x6'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='8' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='8' port='0xf'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x7'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='9' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='9' port='0x10'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='10' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='10' port='0x11'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x1'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='11' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='11' port='0x12'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x2'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='12' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='12' port='0x13'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x3'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='13' model='pcie-root-port'>
          <model name='pcie-root-port'/>
          <target chassis='13' port='0x14'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x4'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='14' model='pcie-to-pci-bridge'>
          <model name='pcie-pci-bridge'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x03' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <controller type='sata' index='0'>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x1f' function='0x2'/>
        <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'>
          <driver type='virtiofs' queue='1024'/>
          <binary path='/usr/libexec/virtiofsd' xattr='on'>
            <cache mode='always'/>
            <sandbox mode='chroot'/>
          <source dir='/mnt/user/BrangServ'/>
          <target dir='BrangServ'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <interface type='bridge'>
          <mac address='52:54:00:e0:b0:54'/>
          <source bridge='br0'/>
          <model type='virtio-net'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <serial type='pty'>
          <target type='isa-serial' port='0'>
            <model name='isa-serial'/>
        <console type='pty'>
          <target type='serial' port='0'/>
        <channel type='unix'>
          <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/>
          <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='tablet' bus='usb'>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
        <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
        <tpm model='tpm-tis'>
          <backend type='emulator' version='2.0' persistent_state='yes'/>
        <audio id='1' type='none'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x0b' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <rom file='/mnt/user/system/EVGA.GTX1080Ti.11264.170612.rom'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x0b' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <boot order='1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x07' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x08' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x08' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x08' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x08' slot='0x00' function='0x3'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x0a' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x0d' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x0b' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x0e' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x0c' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x0e' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x0d' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <memballoon model='none'/>



    I had very old backup of my VM



    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    OVERWRITTEN AND LOST. Changes to this xml configuration should be made using:
      virsh edit Windus-11-NVME
    or other application using the libvirt API.
    <domain type="kvm">
    <vmtemplate xmlns="unraid" name="Windows 11" icon="windows.png" os="windows11"/>
    <memory unit="KiB">13631488</memory>
    <currentMemory unit="KiB">13631488</currentMemory>
    <vcpu placement="static">8</vcpu>
    <vcpupin vcpu="0" cpuset="4"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="1" cpuset="12"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="2" cpuset="5"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="3" cpuset="13"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="4" cpuset="6"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="5" cpuset="14"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="6" cpuset="7"/>
    <vcpupin vcpu="7" cpuset="15"/>
    <type arch="x86_64" machine="pc-q35-6.2">hvm</type>
    <loader readonly="yes" type="pflash">/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi-tpm.fd</loader>
    <boot dev="hd"/>
    <hyperv mode="custom">
    <relaxed state="on"/>
    <vapic state="on"/>
    <spinlocks state="on" retries="8191"/>
    <vendor_id state="on" value="none"/>
    <cpu mode="host-passthrough" check="none" migratable="on">
    <topology sockets="1" dies="1" cores="4" threads="2"/>
    <cache mode="passthrough"/>
    <feature policy="require" name="topoext"/>
    <clock offset="localtime">
    <timer name="hypervclock" present="yes"/>
    <timer name="hpet" present="no"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="0" model="pcie-root"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="1" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="1" port="0x10"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x0" multifunction="on"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="2" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="2" port="0x11"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x1"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="3" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="3" port="0x12"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x2"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="4" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="4" port="0x13"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x3"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="5" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="5" port="0x14"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x4"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="6" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="6" port="0x15"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x5"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="7" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="7" port="0x16"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x6"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="8" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="8" port="0x17"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x7"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="9" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="9" port="0x8"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x01" function="0x0" multifunction="on"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="10" model="pcie-to-pci-bridge">
    <model name="pcie-pci-bridge"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x01" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <controller type="pci" index="11" model="pcie-root-port">
    <model name="pcie-root-port"/>
    <target chassis="11" port="0x9"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x01" function="0x1"/>
    <controller type="virtio-serial" index="0">
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x02" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <controller type="sata" index="0">
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x1f" function="0x2"/>
    <controller type="usb" index="0" model="qemu-xhci" ports="15">
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x07" function="0x0"/>
    <interface type="bridge">
    <mac address="52:54:00:23:af:d1"/>
    <source bridge="br0"/>
    <model type="virtio-net"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x03" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <serial type="pty">
    <target type="isa-serial" port="0">
    <model name="isa-serial"/>
    <console type="pty">
    <target type="serial" port="0"/>
    <channel type="unix">
    <target type="virtio" name="org.qemu.guest_agent.0"/>
    <address type="virtio-serial" controller="0" bus="0" port="1"/>
    <input type="tablet" bus="usb">
    <address type="usb" bus="0" port="1"/>
    <input type="mouse" bus="ps2"/>
    <input type="keyboard" bus="ps2"/>
    <tpm model="tpm-tis">
    <backend type="emulator" version="2.0" persistent_state="yes"/>
    <audio id="1" type="none"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0f" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <rom file="/mnt/user/isos/asus-1050ti.rom"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x04" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0f" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x05" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x01" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x06" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x07" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x07" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0c" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x08" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0c" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x09" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    <driver name="vfio"/>
    <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0c" slot="0x00" function="0x3"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x0b" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    <memballoon model="none"/>



    Any Hints to right direction. I tried to do a VNC but I had issues with boot as well.


    got it to work all is great now

  2. image.png.bfcfdf6b83cf0f20d45b7f3631065d98.pngsad to say this little bastard is culprit and lasted a long time in service to me.


    when I swapped and plugged this boy into sata the ASUS stopped at A2 and had same odd bios issues.


    This guy prevented me from bios and tricked me. But I had some issues with asrock so I am at peace with my new used ASUS ROG X570-Gaming E.


    Live and learn , gonna have to reset my cache and im gonna just reset all my disks.



  3. So somehow I got replacement mob really fast , when I get this over with and fixed im tempted to just reformat my unraid and start fresh.


    so I just did a swap to ASUS ROG x570-e gaming and I just put in m2 and a 1050 ti and put some power and low and behold IT RUNS AND GOES INTO BIOS. ASROCK = SHIT

  4. 8 hours ago, itimpi said:

    You will need to make sure that the new board posts correctly before trying to plug in extra cards or even trying to Unraid


    It is very unusual for two motherboards to both fail to post.   Could it be something less obvious like a power issue?

    EVGA PSU 650 watts , I mean it powers on and everything , I looked up asrock a2 errors and a lot people have issues with this damn board being a psycho. I thought was the ram that messed up board at first and possibly that new board is not updated for 5000 series. There is supposed be a sticker on board showin bios ver but ofc no sticker.

  5. 22 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    Are you saying that you cannot even get the system to POST and the BIOS screen to come up?  That would strongly suggest some fundamental hardware related issue, although no idea what.

    I get to bios and mobo says A2 at drMOS error. Its shows asrock logo and says F2 or del for bios and f11 for boot menu


    But no key combos work.


    The mobo wont work. This happend on older asrock mobo and swapped for a new mobo. 


    I can not get this board to work at all. Ive tried swapping cpus, multiple ram.


    @itimpi I swapped like entire board for new ver of same board. I tried so many things like removing sas card , removing m2 boot , removing usb unraid boot.


    At this point I want reformat my unraid and stuff and redo it with my new asus mobo coming.


    I upgraded my cpu , I broke the pins on swap(getting rusty). So I went from like 1700x to 5700x. All my issues happend when I swaped 32gb ram to 16gb by accident.



  6. So I been having a lot on and off issues with my unraid as you can see from my history.


    I took a break from it. Well since then I swapped the entire motherboard with a new motherboard.


    The history is this I went to upgrade my 32gb ram to 64gb. I lost my original 32gb ram. and ended up actually with 16gb ram with 2 sticks so 2x8.


    So I ended up buying another 2x8 and making it 4x8. So now I started to have issues with my boot and I had to manually set f11 boot to unraid. I could not access the bios menu anymore it would not work.


    So much later I swap entire board hoping to fix it. I broke my cpu fins T_T. so now I upgraded from whatever I had to a AMD ryzen 7 5700X.


    Same CPU. so I realized it should be the ram right if I am still having same issue?


    The ram mhz speed was 3200 mhz. IS that the cause? I tried reseting cmos via pins and other methods. I removed ram and made it just 2 slots A2 B2.


    But no success. the system boots into bios and hits A2 which means cant find boot disk?


    but USB unraid is there and NVME of windows boot.


    should I downgrade ram in mhz speed and see if it boots. I am just lost at this point and tired.


    ASROCK x570 taichi

    650 watt corasir psu

    1080 ti hybrid

    2x8gb corsair vengence lpx 3200 mhz ram



  7. image.thumb.png.e8391e2ae2029956c0129a8b2fa51bab.pngIf I put this one disk in array as zfs would it work with unraid without a format?


    I did zpool create -m /mnt/zfs1 zfs1 sdd


    forget everything I been saying I am all good now.


    Simple question off topic.


    I got a EVGA 650 watt PSU I think I need upgrade or swap to better one


    I have 13 HDDS + 3 SSDS and a 1080 TI AMD Ryzen. Is that enough power?

  8. you cannot expand a raidz pool with a single disk (at least not for now), you can add another vdev of the same width, say for example you have a 4 disk raidz1 pool, you can add another 4 disks in raidz1 to expand it


    Its not soon for the pool to add same vdev thing huh?


    I can have ZFS compression on the array right and other features except performance and self healing..


    What about my XFS disks can I make a 2nd pool and them like an array to move data?


    Last question if you where in my spot would you move to ZFS or stay XFS.


    Is ZFS so great that I should move?


    If I go ZFS array in future can I make a a ZFS RAID Z with same data?

  9. 8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    If you want a zfs pool yes, if you want array disks formatted zfs you can change one by one.

    Ok wait can I put all my disks as unassigned and move all data to zfs array one by one?

    Can I swap my array with a pool ? can I have a pool of xfs?

  10. So currently I have 13 disks all 8 tb 2 of them are now empty with 3rd on the way to be empty.


    I want to migrate my XFS to ZFS.


    so can I make a ZFS RaidZ1 pool of 3 x 8 TB and move data then add more 8tb to that raidz1 ?


    Can I do that in a pool then move the pool to array when clear?

  11. 10 hours ago, trurl said:


    Also, reading a share includes all disks with files for the share regardless of include setting. If a disk has problems with reading, Unraid can try to get its data from the parity calculation and try to write it back to the disk. If that write fails the disk is disabled.


    This might even happen when just doing a parity check, since all disks are read.


    If a disk is getting disabled in the parity array


    Connection problems are much more common than bad disks.


    If it has problems, even if not currently disabled, it could affect ability to rebuild other disks from parity.




    If you don't care about rebuilding anything



    what do you think when I put my sas card in slot 2 of my mobo it got 8,000 errors like nuts on all disks. It was very odd.

  12. On 1/12/2023 at 4:14 PM, trurl said:

    How exactly did you tell it to not use the disk?


    When replacing files, the replacement file will go to the drive that already has the file, regardless of other settings.

    exclusion on shares.


    On 1/12/2023 at 4:20 PM, Frank1940 said:


    Another potential candidate would be the power supply...

    Well my mobo eth0 died and errors where on port 2 .

  13. I keep getting this error 

    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel: ata2.00: status: { DRDY }
    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel: ata2.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel: ata2.00: cmd 60/40:f8:20:70:6b/01:00:05:00:00/40 tag 31 ncq dma 163840 in
    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel:         res 40/00:f8:20:70:6b/00:00:05:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel: ata2.00: status: { DRDY }
    Nov  5 14:09:26 bracservultra kernel: ata2: hard resetting link


    On me trying to do parity check Disk 1 is disabled What should I do? I swapped the sata cables and y spliter to the hard drive is not hurting another drive?


    Did some tests it has to be PSU or power splitters.



    New disk in spot with cables of old disk 1 cables


    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed.
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: md10: unable to read partition table

    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed.
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: Buffer I/O error on dev md10, logical block 0, async page read
    Nov  5 15:25:54 bracservultra kernel: md10: unable to read partition table



    Kinda clear that that spot of cables ruins the disk right?

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