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Everything posted by PROJECTBLUE

  1. Try my solution of changing the machine type from i440fx to Q35. I was about to give up on unraid too but now everyhting's working perfectly and I plan to buy the license if it continues to work for the rest of the week. I'm just going to avoid using i440fx as it seems to be for older machine types anyway. Q35 from my understanding has better support for PCIE and emulates more modern hardware. i440fx on the other hand emulates older hardware and was built to support PCI.
  2. I've managed to get the sound working reliably, after days of Google searching I stumbled upon a reddit thread with someone who had the same problem. He changed his machine type from i440fx to Q35 and all was good. I did this and now my HDMI audio with the actual AMD audio drivers are working correctly even after VM/Host reboots!
  3. Which version of unraid did you not have issues with? I'm tempted to just roll back to a known working version... Spending 20 odd minutes every time I want to use my computer with suitable audio is a pain to say the least.
  4. That sucks, did it start after a certain Windows update or UnRAID update? The only way I can fix mine is to uninstall the AMD drivers and reinstall them upon every reboot of the VM's/UnRAID. As you can probably tell this is a very frustrating thing to have to do, especially when it's on two VM's at a time. (I use this machine as a dual headed gaming machine)
  5. I have tried this and I can't use the Windows drivers as they only allow Stereo audio. The AMD drivers allow me to use 5.1 channel output to my AV receiver.
  6. Okay the "PCI Device" was the Balloon driver & "PCI Simple Communications Controller" was the serial driver. I don't know why it didn't pick these up when I pointed it at the VirtIO CD (including the individual folders) but at least I know for next time, thanks for the help! My HDMI audio still doesn't start when I first start the VM though... I have to disable the device in device manager then re-enable it for it to work...
  7. Having worked in IT with primarily Windows for a few years now I should have thought of that... I've got too used to Windows being able to just auto install everything driver related these days, plus trying to pick up Linux/UnRAID for the past few days having not used either of them much/at all (except the occasional Linux VM to mess about with) is turning my brain into mush it seems haha. I'll give that a try when I get back home and will update the thread with the outcome, thank you. Oh believe me I know, I made that mistake back in the Windows Vista days. It's like clicking "basic install" on a freeware installer... Never again.
  8. I have, it's always mounted int he VM and I've tried searching manually for drivers both in the root of the CD and each of the subfolders where the .INF files are located. In both cases it doesn't seem to find drivers for these devices.
  9. This seems to be the issue, installed an older driver version using the "clean install" option on the driver installer then rebooted and the sound started working again thank you! Hopefully it will continue working properly when I next reboot the machine. Now to figure out what these unknown PCI devices are in device manager...
  10. I have multiple times, I cannot keep the system running 24/7 due to power costs.
  11. Problem 1: I have recently finished setting up my unraid server with two Windows 10 VM's, everything is working great apart from the following: I have a Radeon 290X passed through to one of my Windows 10 VM's. I use HDMI audio from the 290X to my AV receiver, which worked fine for the first day or so but now it will not "see" that I have the HDMI cable plugged in and will not play sound. (Yes I have checked the cables etc) I have passed through the audio part of my GPU and also tried the MSI audio fix. I have tried changing driver versions which doesn't help. The device shows in device manager and playback devices inside the VM. Any further information required I can supply. Problem 2: Inside device manager there are two devices on both of my VM's with no drivers loaded. These devices are named: "PCI Device" & "PCI Simple Communications Controller" - what are these? I have tried to install drivers of any of my PCI-E devices to these unknown devices but they don't seem to match anything I have passed through. These appear on both of my VM's. Any ideas?
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