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Posts posted by planetix

  1. 22 hours ago, hotio said:

    Could be, maybe my welcome party has given me a bad aftertaste, then again it's just your opinion and we all have one.

    Having said that, it doesn't make it any less true.

    Nor does you stating something make it true either.


    You're better than the response you gave to this.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, clowncracker said:

    Is there going to be an update for this container for version of Plex?


    It looks like the newest Plex update fixed the api issue per the support thread:




    Why wouldn't you just click the update button and check? LSIO always keeps the container up to date and when it's available that is all you have to do. 


    For the record the 2058 version is available now for the container and I verified it is working with the new API changes, shows that wouldn't update before now do. 

  3. Got this working and imported a pool from FreeNAS - nice work!


    I'm guessing this conflicts with the Unraid Nvidia plugin? Or does it need to be re-installed for it?


    Edit: To answer my own question, if you install the Unraid Nvidia plugin, which has it's own kernel package, you need to re-install the ZFS plugin to re-enable it. 

    • Like 1
  4. Less an issue with the plugin and more an issue with the Supermicro BMC only supporting two zones. Asrock, for example, supports individual zones for fans and thus you can assign them individually with this plugin.


    Though with splitters you can probably at least get the two profiles you want, one for fans on one side and one for the other.

  5. Didn't know it still tar'd the files.


    Your best bet then is to leverage Duplicati's custom commands (in advanced options): --run-script-before, --run-script-after, --run-script-before-required and --run-script-timeout. You'll want to stop your dockers prior to having it backup Appdata then restart. There's some suggestions on how to script the latter around the forums, do a search. They might be able to help in the CA Appdata backup thread since I am pretty sure that is exactly what it does.

  6. Stopping dockers is a good idea prior to backing up appdata. Not all of them require it but there are enough variables, particularly if you run a lot of dockers, to make it the safe thing to do.


    You can just use CA to automate that part then Duplicati to back up CA's backup? You can disable compression in CA and have it retain only one copy if you'd rather manage the rest with Duplicati. Not like the CA plugin takes up a lot of space or resources.

  7. Djoss maintains the container, not the application. You may have better luck making the request on the application Github site: https://github.com/hsoft/dupeguru/

    Edit: Although this statement on Github means it will likely not be addressed (at least he is upfront about it):

    Current status: Unmaintained

    I haven't worked on dupeGuru for a while and frankly, I don't want to. I never had any duplicate problems so I don't even care about the raison d'être of this thing.

    I don't want to answer incoming issues and I don't want to let them pile off unanswered either, that feels rude. So here I am, being straightforward about it.

    If you're considering using dupeGuru, you might want to give it a try but if it doesn't meet your needs I suggest that you use another program because it's unlikely to ever be improved again.

    If you're a developer wanting to pick it up, by all means, do so! Fork it off and release something. I will be more than happy to "officially" point to any fork that remotely looks like a serious effort. I will also be happy to assist if you have questions about the code.

  8. 15 hours ago, interwebtech said:


    v2.2.4 started itself properly when the server was rebooted (os update). I still have the message on the console (last line before uR version & IP display):


    cat: write error: Broken pipe


    Same. Works for me but the cat error is still present. Could be considered cosmetic, all things considered, but something is clearly wrong still.


    Thanks for the updated plugin btw, much appreciated.

  9. I've updated and so far, so good.


    Supermicro X10DRI motherboard, SC743TQ-SQ case. I'm using 3 of the 80mm SQ fans for intake and the  92mm SQ fan for exhaust, and two SNK-P0050AP4 heatsink/fans. Idles nice and quiet and doesn't scream under full load, though of course you can hear the fans then.

  10. BTW thanks a LOT LSIO for creating this container, the above issue aside it makes it a lot easier to install Bazarr than trying to do it manually and Bazarr itself is a great app. Plex may have the SubZero plugin but Emby users like myself needed something like this which also leverages Subliminal.

  11. 7 minutes ago, XenapZ said:

    Thank you for your detailed answer.


    It appears I initially thought right in using the specified host paths but the template showed them wrong.

    When I bashed in as you suggested I saw that TV is actually tv and Movies is actually movies.


    Maybe the template should be updated so others don't make the same mistake?


    Got it working now anyway, thanks for your help!


    Don't feel bad, I got bit by that exact same problem - I forgot that the description under the path in the container options is just that, a description, and the actual path it maps to is lower case. Which in case sensitive environments like this one is something of a problem :)


    Since it's happened to at least two of us I agree that perhaps the container should be updated to correct this minor, but important, typo in the description. It is an easy thing to overlook.

  12. Your paths are wrong. The easiest way to fix this is A) Find the correct paths and B) Delete the Bazaar container & it's appdata folder and start again (I discovered that in some cases, changing to the correct path doesn't always work if it's already logged the wrong one and it was easy to just start over).


    Step 1) In the Bazarr container note Host Path 2 and 3. You'll link 2 to wherever your movies are, like /mnt/media/movies and 3 to tv, like /mnt/media/tv. Note these are *not the paths you use in the applications!* Like all containers, this just maps to an internal container path. *That's* what you use.


    For the Unraid Bazarr container Movies are mapped to /movies and TV mapped to /tv. Note the case! It is case-sensitive. Inside the container itself that is where Bazarr sees the content. You can easily test this by opening up a console shell for the container and cd'ing to /movies and /tv - if you mapped this correctly you'll see a list of your respective files in each.


    Step 2) You need to use the same *container* path for Sonarr/Radarr - the ones those containers are using. For example, Binhex-Sonarr/Radarr maps your directories to /media for those containers. So /mnt/media/movies (if that is your actual Unraid path) is mapped to /media inside the Radarr container, and so on.


    Step 3) Use the respective container path mappings in Bazarr. In the above example, you'd use /media for both the Sonarr and Radarr path (left side) and /movies for Radarr /tv for Sonarr for the Bazarr mapping (right side).


    Obviously you need to use the actual paths you are using. Quickest sanity check is just to open a console shell for all 3 containers and cd/ls each container path. That will insure you are using the right ones.


    This probably seems obvious but I know sometimes container paths, especially when using containers from different sources, can get confusing, and the Bazarr instructions are somewhat unclear at the moment.


    Last tip: After you get it working and Bazarr correctly scans all your shows/movies (it can take a bit) you can mass-edit the list and choose the languages, or language, you want to apply to them. Then do a sync (or wait for it to kick off on it's own, it's scheduled) and it'll be able to show you what you have and what's missing.


    I have this working and downloading subs for my movies and tv shows. It is quite handy, actually. Plex users can use the SubZero plugin but Emby users like myself have been stuck with the built-in Opensubtitles support which is pretty lacking. Bazarr lets you use more providers by leveraging Subliminal, which is what SubZero leverages as well and is one of the better, if not best, subtitle matching apps around.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 9/24/2018 at 10:10 AM, planetix said:

    Need recommendations for a tower case that fits:


    X9DRI-LN4F+ (E-ATX)

    (3) 3x5 HDD hot-swap enclosures (15 drives)


    What's the latest? The Antec 1200 is sold out everywhere and also ancient, are there better options?


    Also has anyone tried the Kingwin 3x5 here: https://www.amazon.com/Kingwin-Enclosure-Internal-Backplane-Optimized/dp/B01BMJ1WD6


    Looks decent but hard to find reviews of it since Amazon mixes all their models up as usual in the review section.

    Following up my own post:


    I first tried a Deep Silence 6 by Nanoxia, and while it was well built there's really no way to use more than 1 (3 slot) hot swap bay with it, the cooling wasn't great especially for the internal drive bays, and it is also enormous - not that I expected a small case, of course, given my E-ATX requirement and the number of drives I needed, but it was ridiculously big all the same and ironically, didn't make great use of all the extra space either - in fact I found it harder to work with than the case I ended up with. Luckily I was able to return it - Nanoxia support is pretty good.


    Next, I found a Xigmatek Elysium Black on Ebay, new, for a good price. This case has 12x front bays, so 4x 3x5 hot-swap bays fit in it. It also fits E-ATX though I had to use 3 silicon motherboard standoffs at the top of my Supermicro X9DRE-LN4F motherboard - 6 mounts (including one in the center) fit but the holes didn't align for 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom. The silicon standoffs (old-school PC builders will remember those) worked fine and I didn't have to drill the case.


    Good case overall, though I needed to add some sound deadening (SilverStone sells sheets of it for PC cases for $14) - not that it is loud with the right fans (I replaced all 3 stock case fans with Noctua PWMs controlled by my BMC), but the deadening helped quiet it all the way down. The case also has lots of open venting slots, particularly at the top, which made balancing airflow difficult and let the sound from the CPU fans at full rpm (also Noctua) escape easily. Cheap to remedy, at least, and not hard to install. Overall the case isn't outrageously big like the Deep Silence 6, has rubber grommets and plenty of tie downs, and overall was easier to get fitted out than the former in spite of being maybe 3/4 the size.


    In fact, other than having to deaden it it'd be almost perfect for a large dual-Xeon tower case with all hot swap bays except for the fact they don't make them any more. You can find the remaining stock on Ebay (make an offer lower than advertised, they will take it trust me) but beyond that, you're out of luck. Which is too bad because tower cases like this that aren't obnoxious, fit weird Supermicro motherboards, and can handle 4 full hot-swap drive bays are unicorns these days.


    Next, for the hot-swap bays I went with 4x Icy Dock Black Vortex MB074SP-1B and...well....


    On the plus side, they have solid Sata III backplanes - power capacitors, sata power, no trouble with SSDs or large drives (I am using 10TB WD Reds) and the fans are in the front (and 120mm in size) so cool air blows in vs. being pulled in from the back of the cage. My drives run cool (37-40 under load - parity, preclear, etc. - and 29-32c idle), better than I've done with other cages in the past that have fans in the back. And the fans have removable dust filters in the front doors, which is convenient.


    On the minus side, quality control is lacking with these; I had to swap one out for a dead drive light, and 2 of 4 filters didn't fit right, I had to bend the internal fan mounts out with a flat head. Also the stock fans are a little loud at full power and there's no temperature sensor/alarm, just a 3 position switch on the front. They are also blue LED, which I think looks dumb on a server (you can turn the light off, at least). I ended up replacing all 4 fans with Phantec high static pressure PWM fans; they are connected to my Supermicro BMC in a zone I set up just for the drives. Much quieter and same cooling performance, and also when the drives are idle you can't even tell they are on.  And if one of the fans dies I get alerted.


    The cages also have a bit of a funky design to them, though I found they blended well with my Elysium case. If I did it over I might not go with them again but that could just be because I had to do a lot of modding work (including stripping part of the nice cable braiding Phantec has on the wires so they wouldn't impede the door, and a bunch of other little things like that).


    In any case I now have a dual E5-2697v2 server with 128gb memory, 8x10TB storage drives, 2x1TB ssd cache pool, and 1x1TB SSD for a passed through Windows VM game drive, in a case that fits next to my desk (though it isn't small by any means) and doesn't sound like a vacuum cleaner when running at full bore.


    I'll write up more on this later with pictures if anyone is interested, though this probably isn't the right thread for that.

  14. On 9/29/2018 at 9:57 AM, DoomBot5 said:

    Is it possible to add the Canary builds as tags for this? Duplicati added a lot of features since the last beta release, and there aren't any release builds.


    Use duplicati/duplicati:canary for the repository instead of LSIO's in the docker settings for the plugin.

    Duplicati Canary's can be hit or miss; no matter how stable they may be at any given time you really need to know what you are doing to get the best use out of them. I kinda doubt LSIO wants to get in that business for Unraid users but not my call :)

  15. Thanks for the awesome plugin!


    Can someone assist with the right config settings for my fans? I want to make sure I edit it correctly for my Supermicro X9DRE-LN4F:


    CPU and system fans-
    CPU 1: 92mm Noctua cooler/Fan2. Specs 2000rpm high 400rpm low

    CPU 2: 92mm Noctua cooler/Fan5. Specs 2000rpm high 400rpm low

    Side intake: 200mm Noctua/Fan3. Specs 800rpm high 350rpm low

    Rear exhaust: 140mm Noctua/Fan6. Specs 1500rpm high 300rpm low


    Drive bay fans (Icydock 5in4 front cooler hotswap) -

    Bay 1: 2x120mm Noctua/FanA. Specs 1300rpm high 300rpm low

    Bay 2: 2x120mm Noctua/FanB. Specs 1300rpm high 300rpm low


    I have Fans123456 set to System temp - should I use CPU1 instead perhaps? FANA/B are set to hdd temp. Want to make sure I have this configured correctly before I work on thresholds.


    My Supermicro BMC has the fans set to high/full as recommended.

    Thanks for any assistance!


  16. Need recommendations for a tower case that fits:


    X9DRI-LN4F+ (E-ATX)

    (3) 3x5 HDD hot-swap enclosures (15 drives)


    What's the latest? The Antec 1200 is sold out everywhere and also ancient, are there better options?


    Also has anyone tried the Kingwin 3x5 here: https://www.amazon.com/Kingwin-Enclosure-Internal-Backplane-Optimized/dp/B01BMJ1WD6


    Looks decent but hard to find reviews of it since Amazon mixes all their models up as usual in the review section.

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