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Posts posted by Johan76

  1. So I have not updated my unraid server for quite a while due to the risk of something going wrong. 


    Took the plunge and updated yesterday. 

    Was on 6.6 something and upgraded to 6.9.2.


    Of course it didn't boot. 😬

    I'm on a headless server so always a pain to go and grab a monitor to hook up. 


    First I realized it tried to boot from a connected USB drive. Made it simple for now and just remove it. 


    USB stick started and I get to unraid menu selection. It defaults to non gui. Boots bzimage and then server reboots. It gets stuck in this loop. 

    I tried non gui failsafe. Same problem. 


    Now I was really worried. But gave unraid gui a chance. It booted up without a problem. 


    bzimage is loaded in both cases so it is hard to think there are any problem with this file? 


    Anyhow I changed gui to default boot option so now it works. 


    But what could be the reason for non gui not booting and makes the server to reboot. 


    I know I have not given any information about my hardware etc but tell me what info you need because I'm not sure what info is needed to be able to troubleshoot. 


    Maybe it's something obvious that doesn't have anything to do with the hardware? 

  2. Flood listens in port 3000.
    Rutorrent listens in port 9080 and 9443 (Https).
    If you want both you can set ENABLE_FLOOD to BOTH. 
    Be warned that, while it looks great, flood uses a lot of memory and is not as feature complete as rutorrent. With 1k torrents Flood's Node.js process is using quite a bit of memory, plus the UI lags so much that it's barely usable; Rutorrent is still doing "reasonably" fine.
    As for rutorrent not starting, try to start from scratch. Delete the container, pull the latest image and start with a fresh volume / host folder bound to the container's /config folder.
    Got it working by removing as you said.
    Had to remove everything and choose enable flood. Then flood work.

    Cannot switch between flood/rutorrent just by changing variable and restarting docker. Need to remove everything between switches. However I found out I preferred rutorrent so switched back [emoji4]

    Skickat från min SM-G950F via Tapatalk

  3. How do I get Flood frontend working?

    I set ENABLE_FLOOD to yes in docker settings.

    Some thing about preventing rutorrent from starting since Flood is enabled in log. Docker start without any problem.

    No webinterface at all at port 9080 anylonger. Am I doing this wrong?



    Ok changed to "no" and now Im not even get rutorrent interface back.

    Have restarted docker several times :(

    NO idea what could have been messed up by just changing the variable from no to yes and then back to no

  4. Have you found out anything else about this?

    I have the EXAKT same problem as you describe. Sometimes it however resolves itself.

    I dont need to reboot, but I can actullay enter setting and disable dockers. This forces everything to stop and then I can restart docker agan and it works normally.


    This is really annoying and I am not sure how to check what is causing this. 

    I am not running Couchpotato but Radarr (and Sonarr). I have not made this connection. I have however sometimes files moving around which could seem to be forever but they dont use all this CPU when that has been occuring.


    Most annoying things is that Plex is non responsive so my movies for the kids does not work (if I am not home to "fix" it).



    Ok. Thanks for the tip. I logged into console. Killed off Sonarr docker with docker command. 

    CPU dropped down to normal use in a few minutes (guess when all processes belonging to Sonarr where all killed).


    I will try to disable Sonarr for the moment.

  5. 1 hour ago, saarg said:

    Did you change the User Interface Level as I instructed you in an earlier reply?

    Dude! I am so stupid. I was reading fast and did not realise it was a "standard" setting for expert. I only changed to expert in the actual channel/epg view which didnt work. Now I see it! Thanks a lot :)

  6. 48 minutes ago, saarg said:


    You need to configure the grabber you want to use, then run it, then map epg source to the channel. There is a link in the first post to the readme on github which has information about configuring your grabber.

    Thanks. Managed to configure it inside docker and I think it went ok. 

    However I cannot enable any grabber. 


    Actually cannot find Configuration --> Channel/EPG --> EPG Grabber Modules at all. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, saarg said:

    It's all there in Configuration --> Channel / EPG.

    You need to switch on Advanced or Expert User Interface Level in Configuration -->General --> Base to see it.

    Yes. But channels doesn't map. I cannot set a specific epg source. 

    If I edit a channel advanced there are no epg sources to choose from in the dropdown list. 


    How am I supposed to fix this. Havn't found any guide that works. Some are referring to installing grabbers from bash but not sure this really is necessary or the problem. 

  8. I'm using Deluge together with Radarr. 

    All the logic kind of work. Torrents are added. Files are downloaded and moved to /download/complete folder. 


    I have also enabled standard Extraktor plugin (also tried SimpleExtractor). 


    The movie gets extracted without any problem. 


    After this Radar detects the movie file and creates the new movie folder in my movies folder. 

    It starts copying the file from /download/complete folder to my moviefolder. 


    The problem starts now. 

    Radarr copies the file to movie.partial~

    When it reaches 100% it doesn't finish but restarts the copying from 0%. This keeps on indefinitely.


    If I stop seeding the torrent in Deluge, Radarr completes the copying. 


    Seems like Deluge locks the file in some way. 


    I can understand lock on the seeding rar files but the extracted moviefile really shouldn't be locked when seeding (since this file is not actually seeding). 


    Anyone knows what could cause this problem and how to fix it. 





  9. Making backups to Onedrive Business (Office 365 account).


    I get some strange error on the three files all the time.


    Failed to process file duplicati-b01282c80cf5e410daadfcf715916bee1.dblock.zip.aes
    System.Net.WebException: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. ---> System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.MyGetRequestStreamAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00070] in <b3d41b23de534128a4f18a6e1312f79c>:0


    The files are





    They seem to be available on weblogin for Onedrive. Very irradic search for them though. Search for complete name does not find them but if I search for part of name they are there and can download them as well.


    Anyone else experiencing this?


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