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Posts posted by intertet

  1. Stupid question on this one, but if the Plex server and NAS are on two separate machines, would it be beneficial to run this on the NAS?

    I ask because I have much more RAM on my NAS than I do my Plex server to accomplish this.

    Second question, and trying to not be a choosing beggar here, but has anyone figured out an elegant way to limit the scope of media for the preloader? For example On Deck for all users +5 episodes instead of the whole Movies/TV library folder

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  2. Sorry I found this so late!
    This was my request to get the driver added and I was able to add this by creating this script and using User Scripts to load "At Startup of Array".
    echo "Creating drive directory in /mnt/disks"
    mkdir /mnt/disks/skddrive   #This is the mount I chose since i exported my "disks" share
    echo "Done!"
    echo "Mounting drive to skddrive"
    mount /dev/skd0p1 /mnt/disks/skddrive   #I partitioned the drive first, this references the device and first partition
    echo "Done!"

    Was solid until I upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10-rc2 where Limetech seems to have forgotten or removed this driver for some reason....

    I just pulled it out and replaced with a SATA SSD to work around this for now.

  3. 1 hour ago, binhex said:

    ive found the issue, looks to be triggered when the stack size is set to unlimited:-



    so ive got a workaround for this, will test and if good then will release.

    Just updated to the latest branch a few minutes ago and confirmed this fixed this recent pgrep: cannot allocate 4611686018427387903 bytes issue for me.
    Thank you for correcting this so quickly and all the hard work you do for us @binhex

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  4. Binhex,

    Been using this docker since you released it and have had zero issues for my use cases.
    Wanted to take this oppurtunity to personally thank you. So thanks for all your hard work!

    Only question is would it be possible to  add either our own or use the current BETA key listed on the forum?
    jlesage/makemkv docker has not worked for me in a while, but has this variable set so I can use my own key or it will download the BETA key on startup.

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