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Everything posted by gblackburn

  1. i just figured it out, and now i feel pretty stupid. thanks for your help!
  2. where do i find a setting for that? i looked at the config file and it was public. share status just says share contains data i see all the shares i created and the flash drive but thats all windows can see. i tried to type the ip/appdata to access it with no luck either.
  3. This feels like a really stupid question, but im new to this and for the life in me cant figure out how to copy files from my pc to the appdata folder(for delugevpn pia files). I can see all the other shares in windows but appdata does not show up nor can i find a interface or terminal command to make the transfer. How can i copy the openvpn files if i cant see the appdata as a shared drive on windows?
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