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Posts posted by sreed77

  1. I had a problem with a bad motherboard and a bad unraid usb flash drive I was able to get all of the data off the unraid usb flash drive moved it over to a new usb flash drive and replace the bad hardrive however the array will go offline 5 to mins after it is fully started. 


    I have attached the unraid diag as I do not understand why the array goes offline and halts the pc.


  2. On 5/25/2018 at 10:30 AM, sreed77 said:


    Let me first say thank you for trying to help me with this problem. Your docker is truly one of the best things that have come along for a long time. I have attached all of the requested logs



    supervisord.log   https://pastebin.com/PfcK974Q


    There is nothing wrong in that log, its showing a successful start, you can try the following:-

    • Ensure you have any proxy settings turned off for your browser
    1.  All browser on all machines have the proxy turned off Capture.thumb.PNG.2b4307cd17b10f7ebee99e0fa4bf5ba9.PNGdel.thumb.PNG.23b35c3d056fbb4c374ca4327ef0e691.PNGdel2.thumb.PNG.cc8f9ccc0a8a813a582ec9297f661c63.PNG
    • Ensure you are connecting from inside your home LAN

           2.  All pc tested on are inside my network 

    • Ensure your lan_network value is correct - see here - Q3 for details

           3. the LANis correctly set for network Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :    DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

    • Try clearing down all cookies on your browser

           4.  cookies where clear no changes 

    • Try a different browser, IE, Firefox and Chrome.

          5. I tired edge, chrome and firefox same problem 

    • Ensure the machine you are browsing from has any firewalls turned off

          6.  firewall was turn off no change still cound not reach the GUI

    • Try connecting to the web ui from another machine

         5. Tired it on 4 different PC the GUI still was unable to be seen 


    I figured it the issue was being caused by my pfsense router when I added a route from to it all started working with Fixed IP address and in bridge mode

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, strike said:

    That's by design. If you want your dockers to be able to communicate with each other they either all have to be on the normal bridge or all on a custom bridge with fixed ip's. 


    is there a way to set a route in unraid to allow them to talk with each other 

  4. 3 minutes ago, strike said:

    But it does work, I've used a custom bridge with a fixed IP for a while now :) Does the provider come in to play at all? I don't think it should, but then again I'm not a network guru..  And there must be others then me got this working, for sure


    I just changed back using a fixed IP as soon as I turn on the VPN it stops working. If I turn it back to a bridge it starts working fine. One side note when I have sonar on a fixed IP and I try and connect to the proxy it fails so I had to move it back to a bridge as well. Is there something messed up with my unraid docker network. I have checked all the logs and do not see any problems

  5. 3 minutes ago, binhex said:


    your issue is you are using a custom bridge with a fixed ip address, this is currently untested and likely doesn't work, please switch back to the default bridge mode.



    It was working until the last couple of week. I have set it back to bridge and it works. Will the option to move this to fixed IP be supported in the future

  6. On 5/24/2018 at 4:39 AM, binhex said:


    • Ensure you have any proxy settings turned off for your browser
    • Ensure you are connecting from inside your home LAN
    • Ensure your lan_network value is correct - see here - Q3 for details
    • Try clearing down all cookies on your browser
    • Try a different browser, IE, Firefox and Chrome.
    • Ensure the machine you are browsing from has any firewalls turned off
    • Try connecting to the web ui from another machine


    Still not working?

    • Post a screenshot of your configuration for the container
    • Post the URL you are using in your browser to attempt connection




    Let me first say thank you for trying to help me with this problem. Your docker is truly one of the best things that have come along for a long time. I have attached all of the requested logs



    supervisord.log   https://pastebin.com/PfcK974Q


    There is nothing wrong in that log, its showing a successful start, you can try the following:-

    • Ensure you have any proxy settings turned off for your browser
    1.  All browser on all machines have the proxy turned off Capture.thumb.PNG.2b4307cd17b10f7ebee99e0fa4bf5ba9.PNGdel.thumb.PNG.23b35c3d056fbb4c374ca4327ef0e691.PNGdel2.thumb.PNG.cc8f9ccc0a8a813a582ec9297f661c63.PNG
    • Ensure you are connecting from inside your home LAN

           2.  All pc tested on are inside my network 

    • Ensure your lan_network value is correct - see here - Q3 for details

           3. the LANis correctly set for network Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :    DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

    • Try clearing down all cookies on your browser

           4.  cookies where clear no changes 

    • Try a different browser, IE, Firefox and Chrome.

          5. I tired edge, chrome and firefox same problem 

    • Ensure the machine you are browsing from has any firewalls turned off

          6.  firewall was turn off no change still cound not reach the GUI

    • Try connecting to the web ui from another machine

         5. Tired it on 4 different PC the GUI still was unable to be seen 

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