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Everything posted by GregB

  1. Thanks, I've got some reading to do on that but it helps to get that overview. I'm rebuilding disk by disk, I have gotten through those five drives and a few left to preclear. Currently, I'm only seeing three additional of my 8TB drives, ZCT039NF/WCT0TPZ8/WCT0FDB9. But other drives that were present, some partially pre-cleared, have disappeared from Unassigned devices, but are still showing online in Tools>unRAID OS>System Devices. First on the list is 7SJ2S6YW. I can kinda validate from the truncated view but looking through fdisk -l, I think I see those drives. But my goal is to figure out how/why and get them back into UD so I can preclear them fully and get them back into the array.
  2. Long story short, I ended up rebuilding my server from scratch. A number of disks that were showing up are MIA from Unassigned Devices but still show up in System Devices. Also, fdisk -l is showing a number (I think these are the MIA ones) as mdx instead of sdx. I'm fairly ignorant of linux (Sorry MS&Right-Clicker here) but isn't a disk identifier mdx for software RAID and a sdx disk label/identifier is a standard physical disk? How can I reset these drives and get them back into UD so I can preclear and add them back into my array? Thanks, Greg plexist-diagnostics-20230228-1141.zip
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