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Everything posted by PerformCPU

  1. Hmm, I do have a random high port number forwarded through my firewall for remote access to the web admin. Requested diagnostic attached. server-diagnostics-20210205-1558.zip
  2. So today I noticed 4 of the 8 threads on my UnRaid server was running pinned at 100%. At first I thought it was one of my VMs running screwy, but instead I found a docker container I'd never seen before. It was named gallant_snyder and it was running xmrig which appears to be a crypto-miner. The really odd thing is that I've haven't installed any new docker containers or community apps in years, just updated the ones I started with. So I'm really worried now wondering how it got installed in the first place. Docker Containers: NoIp iPXE-buildweb Apps: Community Apps CA Fix Common Problems Dynamix Local Master Dynamix SSD Trim Disable Security Mitigations Dynamix System Info Preclear Disk Wake On Lan Any ideas how this may have happened? Any steps I should take to prevent this?
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