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Everything posted by elvismercado

  1. I actually have the setup that @JorgeB wrote. Dropping my build here as @bagican question can be answered by the example I have. I have many devices I use almost every day. And I have a lot of files and stuff saved for quick access. I used to use Dropbox to synchronise my files between Personal Laptop, Work Laptop, Android Phone, Game PC and any other PC I need. These files are about 50GB of files. To do that efficiently Dropbox requires you to pay almost €200 a year for this type of quick and easy synchronisation. So I decided to move to Nextcloud. But I also didn’t want a power-hungry pc running 24/7. So I took those €200 and bought an N100 mini pc from aliexpress. I am very happy with the snappiness and the low power consumption even though its not the most powerful thing out there. I already had an unused unpaid license so I install unraid on it and installed the nextcloud aio docker container. To abide by the requirements of Unraid I added USB flash drive I had lying around and use that as the Array without parity. And the 256GB SSD of the mini pc is setup as a pool device using zfs. And then setup the pool device as the storage for docker and vm’s and everything else. That way ill benefit from the SSD. My setup: Mini PC GK3 Plus CPU: Intel N100 CPU Drive: 256GB SSD RAM: 8GB OS: Unraid Containers: Nextcloud-aio: Used for file synching, calendar, contacts, notes, etc syncthing: sync different files and folders cloudflared: Opens up a tunnel to access Nextcloud from wherever I am. duplicati: Used to create backup of nextcloud to the cloud.(yes ironic) For the zfs setup i would think very hard about it because as i understand you can’t just add any drives at a later moment. They have to be of the same size and you need to add the same configuration. So if you start with 2x 4TB and later want to add storage you can only expand it with a new pool of 2x 4TB. Please correct me if I’m mistaken. I hope my example helps.
  2. I did exactly this and still get a "502 Bad Gateway" error when I try to go to the page from the internet
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