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Posts posted by bobbo489

  1. Is the issue still happening for you?  I find it hard to believe that Unraid would want to force everyone to use as their dns resolver.  I use my gateway, which then points to Cloudflare on  It would be nice to hear someone from the team chime in if this is a known bug or something they may be tracking.

  2. argh, still does not work.  Still drops me straight into character creation instead of region select like it should.  I enabled caching on appdata.  I ensured the files that I uploaded both reflected in /mnt/cache/appdata/projectzomboid/Zomboid/Server and /mnt/user/appdata/projectzomboid/Zomboid/Server.  


    It works now.  I needed to upload my spawnregions.lua to the cache directory!

    • Like 1
  3. Ah, yeah, my appdata is set to No for Use cache pool.  So I am going to try to change it to Prefer, remove the container completely, then reinstall it.  


    As for the start/stop/start thing.  Once I pull down the container it starts up, being that I had cache set to no on AppData, I was just going the path I mentioned.  I will try this. 


    I am guessing I would then upload the servertest.ini file to the cache directory of PZ instead of the final location.  Then the mover will invoke the move at a later time?

  4. Hello,

    I am running into an odd issue with the Project Zomboid container.  I asked on the Project Zomboid forums and the support team is thinking it might be a container issue.  


    So the issue.


    I have edited the servertest.ini file to include the mods I want to use, the following section have been edited


    Mods=tsarslib;amclub;AquatsarYachtClub;ATA_Jeep;isoContainers;RainCleansBlood;Super Bulldozer;Chestown;Fort Knox;lakeivytownship;KingsmouthKY 
    Map=Kingsmouth;li_township;Fort Knox, KY by Woldren;Chestown;Muldraugh, KY

    I have not adjusted my SpawnRegions.lua file, so it remains with having the default 4 regions.


    I am facing the issue of the game not allowing me to choose my spawn region, whenever I join it drops me into Char creation.  I then spawn in Kingsmouth.


    This is a new world.  I installed the container, it auto started.  I stopped it, removed the world.db file, as well as the Saves/Multiplayer/world/ directory.  I then took the local servertest.ini file and uploaded it to /mnt/user/appdata/projectzomboid/Zomboid/Server/.  Then restarted the docker container.  The game spins up but drops me in like described above.


    Is there possibly another location I need to be updating for the PZ Container?  Or some permissions issues?

  5. Saw this and wanted to get a nice recipe holder so I don't have to have hundreds of links to sites.  However, I am having huge setup issues.  The biggest setup issue is that no tables are being created in my MariaDB docker (using the one that is advised, went into the docker and created the openeats user and created the openeats database).  Attached are the settings I have so far. (I have ping connectivity between the containers).  The next issue is that I cannot log in (but I am guessing that is related to the fact that there are no tables created and populated, so openeats can't cross check to ensure authorization)



  6. So I just ran into this issue, again.  I have docker set up on 1 network, and the rest of the things in my house set up on another.  And somehow, Unraid decided that using BR2 was best to get to the internet....it didn't work.  


    In order to fix the issue I changed the metric for BR2 and associated Eth2 to be 5 and set BR0 and Eth1 to be 1.  Now I can reach out to the internet again.

  7. So, still having the issue.  I installed tcpdump on unraid from nerdpack.  TcpDump shows data flowing to br3 (the port that is hooked up to the mirrored port from the switch).  


    I have also tried adding BR3 to other VM's, the only data that goes through to these other VM's is the same that goes to Security Onion.  It seems that the VM Manager is dropping everything that isn't a broadcast/multicast.

  8. Hi, thanks for looking at this.  The Sensor VM of Security Onion is dual homed, 1 NIC is set to promiscuous that is supposed to receive all traffic on, the other is how I can connect and the Master Onion can connect to it.  So, it does have its own IP set for the interface that I need to talk to, while the other interface is set to Promisc so it doesn't get an IP.  


    As for making sure the switch is mirrored.  Yep, that was my first thought when I saw nothing was going through.  I connected my laptop in place of the cable that comes from the switch to that physical interface and turned on wireshark and then watched the packets flow!  

  9. 1 hour ago, clowrym said:

    If you click the advance button (top left of the unraid docker managment page) you will see a force update button. I would also chown 1000:1000 all the folders/files in /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft including ~/minecraft and see if it makes a difference. 

    Well, I found the password.  Odd that it is this (below).  Here is the run command.  

  10. On 5/1/2019 at 12:31 PM, clowrym said:

    CLick force resart and a window should pope up, your looking for this:


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='MineOS-node' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Denver" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'USER_PASSWORD'='password' -p '25565-25575:25565-25575/tcp' -p '8443:8443/tcp' -p '8120-8126:8120-8126/tcp' -p '25565:25565/udp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft/':'/var/games/minecraft':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/minecraft':'/mnt/data':'rw' 'hexparrot/mineos' 



    can you check the user:group on the folders / subfolders, they all should be 1000:1000 per below








    Hi, I had to go out for the week but am back.  I do not have a Force Restart option anywhere.  I tried looking at the Container on the Docker tab of Unraid as well as looking at the container in Portainer.  


    I did look at the subfolders and all the folders that you wanted me to look at are, (for /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft root:root), and for the sub folders they are (bobbo489:1000).

  11. Not sure where to get that.  I am using this all from UnRaid.  So it is just choose it from the list, download it, and then select start.  /var/log/docker.log doesn't show anything in there for the command run.  This is the command PS info for the correlating process that started when the mineos container restarted. 

    docker-containerd-shim -namespace moby -workdir /var/lib/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/82a7ab3eb8643a40f8f2933559da556ed50bdfd8a2f021b4dbf5f9979d05fade -address /var/run/docker/containerd/docker-containerd.sock -containerd-binary /usr/bin/docker-containerd -runtime-root /var/run/docker/runtime-runc


  12. But now I cannot get a server to run and this log entry from /var/log/mineos.log is kind of vague.  Any thoughts on fixing this?


    {"level":"info","message":"[testing] received request \"start\"","timestamp":"2019-04-30T02:46:35.985Z"}
    {"command":"start","uuid":"2bbb5d00-6af2-11e9-b791-ab42d78053ab","time_initiated":1556592395984,"success":false,"err":"!up","time_resolved":1556592396086,"level":"error","message":"[testing] command \"start\" errored out:","timestamp":"2019-04-30T02:46:36.087Z"}


  13. Hello,


    I would like to run a Security Onion VM (Network Security Monitoring Tool), and need to set up Unraid to allow the traffic that I am mirroring to go to that VM.  I have set up the VM according to the Security Onion guide, I also have verified that my switch is correctly mirroring traffic.  I cannot get the traffic to go through the server and into a VM though.  Attached are the settings I have.  ENP3SO is the VM ip info.  ETH3 is set up to work under BR3 (server has multiple ports).  Any tips/input/fix actions would be of great help!  


    Thank you 





  14. Hello,


    I have set up a couple VM's in unraid, when I go into them I am not able to use the pipe (|) key, the less than (<) key, or the 5 numpad (5) key.  The | and < end up outputting > while the 5 just does nothing.  I'd really really like to get Kali and SIFT up and working, with pipes working since that is a big deal.  I am accessing those VM's through unRaids web access (just click on the VM then select VNC Remote)

    If unRaids vnc viewer does not work, is there something else I can use?  That works that I won't have to do a ton of tweaking with the VM's in order to make it work?

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