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Report Comments posted by Wody

  1. Not sure if this is the right place, since technically I'm still on 6.12.10 but since this appears with this upgrade...

    When you go to update OS, and then next, there is a link 'Provide Feedback on the Preleases Forums' which doesn't go to this thread, or even this forum, instead it goes here   . (Verified on mutliple servers)

  2. I updated from RC3 to RC4 then told unRAID to reboot, and went to do something else. 10 minutes later, I found the system hung, with no way to access diagnostics. After rebooting manually, everything came back fine, so I guess that is not a real problem. However, since I never saw this before, I thought I'd mention it.


    Something else though, now unRAID complains ' System notifications are disabled. Click here to change notification settings. '.

    So, I clicked here, and got to settings, where the help told me ' By default the notifications system is disabled. Enable it here to start receiving notifications.'

    Why am I getting notifications about a notification system that is disabled as default when it is disabled and so I shouldn't be getting notifications?

    In other words, why does unRAID complain about its own default settings?


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