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Everything posted by chancez

  1. Would it be possible to have a 5.10 branch so that us trying to run 5.10 aren't required to use "latest"? I'm mostly considering what happens when 5.11 comes out at some point, it would be nice to be on 5.10 but have time to investigate 5.11 before upgrading.
  2. So it's pretty easy to just fork the linuxserver.io images and modify the Dockerfiles as needed, and build the image yourself to run a new image. That's the beauty of Docker, it's fairly easy to take an upstream image or Dockerfile and modify it. So, for everyone complaining, you can do that, just like I've done. Here's a 5.10.12 image for anyone unable to do the above themselves. That said: - You should always verify images yourself, so while I consider myself a good guy, you shouldn't just trust me/random images. - There's no guarantee at all this will work for you, and I've done effectively 0 testing of this version, as I needed it to migrate from my windows Unifi controller after setting up my gear. - My image tags may change wildly, so this could cause you to pull new versions unexpectedly. Here's my fork's unstable branch: https://github.com/chancez/docker-unifi/compare/unstable...NASholes:unstable The image is quay.io/nasholes/unifi:unstable, which you can find at https://quay.io/repository/nasholes/unifi?tab=tags Builds are just automated from Github pushes like Docker hub does. I will probably switch back to the upstream Linuxserver.io images when they're available, so don't expect updates.
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