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Posts posted by Rodahle

  1. Sorry more questions s post migration to 6.7.2


    I've recently moved from 5.0.6, when I first booted my plus key failed the registration and i didn't have enough slots for all my disks to be added to the array.


    I've added the new plus key and gone to add the other drives but my last data drive is saying will be erased once array is started.


    I've read a post advising to go to Tools/New Config, select all assignments.


    Do I just start the array from this point now?


    Cheers in advance, Phil


    NB, Parity now showing same message so I'm guessing parity will be re built from data on all drives?

    Sorry still working out new version and dont want to loose any data where possible.

  2. Cheers Imtimpi, yeah I did think that was prob the way forward as I have several backups of my original 5.0.6 FD so could respawn from that if need be. Will request a new key for new drive and start checking out the new features :) Cheers again for the reply.

  3. Morning Guys, well it's morning here anyway :)


    I've been using my server on version 5.0.6 as a vanilla NAS for quite a while now and decided recently to make the move to the new GUI.


    I've refurbished an old chassis and moved all the drives over fine, built a new Flash Drive with the latest version of Unraid, on booting though I'm getting the "registration failed" for the Plus key I purchased some years ago.


    My intention was to keep my original flash with 5.0.6 on it just in case I had any issues migrating over and get used to the new environment. My question essentially is, will this old flash continue to work as a backup, or will my saved backup on my main PC suffice if I need to go back to the old version if I request a new key for the new drive?


    I have read some threads on the subject and understand the reasons behind the blacklisting, but none really answer the above question.


    Keep up the good work guys.



  4. *Update*


    I have managed to solve this I think and for anyone else with the same issue, this seems to have been a setting in Windows 10 that needed to be disabled in order to stop this,

    "netsh interface tcp set global chimney=disabled"


    Needs a reboot after disabling and I'm finding any new/separate file copy also needs its own reboot, but its working. :)

  5. *Update*


    I have 2 main shares setup on SMB, Movies & TV. Movies is then split between various folders, but in the main A-Z. Its these folders I'm having a problem copying to.


    I can copy a small 300mb file to //Tower/Movies/Folder, but not a large file.

    I can though copy the 11gb file to the TV root folder.


    When i tried to copy this 11gb file from TV/ to the Movies/A/ i got the same 0x8007003b Error ???


    Might i have an issue with one of the disks?


    When i added the parity drive it found 125 errors, but fixed them all on 2nd run to fix errors.


  6. Hi,


    I'm still having issues copying to my new Unraid build (I never had any issues with 4.7) and am pulling what's left of my hair out now. Iv'e done a search on here and there does not seem to be a particular complete fix for this issue.


    I'm running Server 5.0.6, Shares are set to High-Water, I still have 250gb+ left on the drives (1.06 tb free) and am trying to copy an 11gb file, but every time i start a file copy to the server, it stops about 6 % into the copy, box come up with the above error and after a minute or so my Unraid box will reboot!


    I have tried running in safe mode, disabling anti-virus, running fdsk on flash drive.


    The thing is I can move files within a disk share, I can copy FROM server/tower to a windows machine fine. Just not the other way. I should add that this is the first time I'm trying to copy anything since I added my parity drive to the array.


    I have attached the latest syslog.


    Any help on this very frustrating error would be appreciated.


    Many thanks





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