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Everything posted by ct1996

  1. Updated this docker and experiencing lots of problems now. WebUI shows speeds as 'udnefined', and lots of stuff (eg, torrent name, size, etc) are all blank. Removed the docker/reinstalled, Tried again with additional step of deleting all appdata for qbittorrent, problem persists... Not sure what else to do.
  2. Well, such is life. They are spun up 24/7 for seeding anyways. Only the parity I really care about and it sounds like ya'll are doing what you can. Thanks you and the other poster for time. Have a good night
  3. Sorry folks, i'm realizing now just how bad my original wording was. I really do apologize. The diagnostics above is exactly what you've stated, I just personally felt it didn't contain much because the error is spammed every few seconds and has been going on for an unknown amount of time. I don't know how to get logs from when the error begins because I don't know exactly what is causing it, or when it starts. (thats what my terrible wording was trying to imply) Edit: I have confirmed its related to spinning the disks down. I set default spindown delay to 'Never' and my log is silent. So, i'm guessing the errors occur somewhere around 20mins after unRAID starts. Lol! I use this RAID controller: SAS9201-8I LSI Perhaps it is related to my issue. The only drive i've ever sucessfully seen spin down is one of my SATA drives, which obviously isn't on the controller. What a bummer if it is related...
  4. Sorry if I was unclear johnnie.black, the errors are currently being spammed in my log. I just said they're useless because they've been spammed for an unknown amount of time, and so the only info in there I copy-pasted in my post. I'll assume you already know know this and i'm being dumb, so after the next reboot i'll post back with a new log (before/after, just to be safe)
  5. Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183756): spindown 7 Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower kernel: md: do_drive_cmd: disk7: ATA_OP e0 ioctl error: -5 Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower emhttpd: error: mdcmd, 2639: Input/output error (5): write Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183757): spindown 0 Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower emhttpd: error: mdcmd, 2639: Input/output error (5): write Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: md: do_drive_cmd: disk0: ATA_OP e0 ioctl error: -5 Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183758): spindown 7 My log being spammed over and over with this junk. Varies between Disk 0 and Disk 7. Disk 0 is (I think) my parity drive - seems to be working great (no smart errors..) Disk 7 is my 7th disk, (of course!), and it also.. *seems* to be working good? I have space settings set to fill-up, and disk 6 isn't full yet so I haven't really been able to check its performance. Only similarity between these drives is their lack of use (I am writing to my cache pool so parity isn't necessary, and disk 7 isn't up to bat for storing data yet) So it seems like unraid *wont* spin these disks down? I don't really care, just curious why/what's going on. Most of my disks are spun 24/7 anyways.. but these two should be spun down I think. Edit: I added diagnostics but they're probably useless. I restarted my unraid box yesterday and within first few mins of booting didn't get these issues. (So restarting and getting new logs probably won't help, either.) Any advice? tower-diagnostics-20180912-2346.zip
  6. Thankyou. My single 128GB SSD is indeed BTRFS. I will add/format the 500gb and then add those commands you outlined. Thanks for being so knowledgeable about BTRFS! And double thanks for sharing that!! Marked as solved
  7. So after some googling I found johnnie blacks post about various formats for cache pool devices, raid0,raid1,jbod, etc I have a 128gb Ssd that I currently use for docker appdata only.. I transfer data too much/too fast to bother with enabling cache, and having it always be full, and whatever. So I bought a 500gb ssd to supplement and I want to add it to my array, and enable cache. Do I have to lose the data thats currently on my 128gb? I obviously can back it up (it already is), but maybe was hoping I didnt have to anyways, is add drive to cache pool, let it format/wipe the new drive (not the old 128gb!!) , and then set the options in both drives to the commands specified by johnnie black, the correct procedure? thanks folks
  8. chmod -R 0777 /mnt/user/Media redirect folder name to w/e you need, it runs on ALL subdirectories, I just run it on my /Media root folder every couple days.
  9. Hello, adding downloads to ruTorrent seem to be causing tons of lag to the docker (refresh wheel frequently lighting up, normal usage never lights up) And i'm also getting terrible download speeds. It seems to 'freeze' everytime it sucessfully connects to a seed to download. Please advise? I have 550+ seeding with no issues. Just downloading. I'm currently using a different client to handle downloads and then this one for uploading. Edit: not sure if this matters (it is downloading to corrrect directory), but the bottom-left "Disk Available" counter is showing xx.xxG/20.00G used, so I believe its registering its path as inside the Docker image (which is 20GB?) .. but maybe i'm offbase! Thanks. Edit2: I will leave this up , but I believe the issue was my settings. Google "optimizing rtorrent" for understanding the settings and not just making assumptions like me. Wished peers/minimum peers should never be set to 0, I believe this caused my issue. (I still am using a seperate client as I like the other functionality but the issue is likely resolved)
  10. Not a windows problem.. On my mac, the files inside these "bad permissions" directories don't even show up ? I tried using the above command, set -e UMASK_SET=000, in my qbittorrent advanced options under 'parameters' and it ruined the docker, requiring reinstall. Anybody have any suggestions there?
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