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Posts posted by calebcoverdale

  1. Hey! 


    I just found this - it's exactly what I need! I used to boot up my macOS VM and have to manually export the images.... 


    I am not able to run it, it has the following error: 


    2020-05-15 04:46:51 ERROR Destination volume not mounted - retry in 5 minutes

  2. Is there a way that I can connect unraid to a Wireguard VPN and route all traffic from my unraid through that? 


    EDIT: I literally just scrolled down from this post and I found this: 



  3. When I try to use 1000-82545em it freezes my machine after boot. I use vmxnet3 but it won't allow iCloud services..... when I use virtio it causes a reboot after the clover screen. Any thought? 


    EDIT: Updated to 8.0rc5 (recommendation from another post) and this issue was resolved. 

  4. I have found that when I use an “external drive” (.img that I have mapped as raw) and I copy files to/from the drive it seems to bring my CPU usage up to 100% on one core. It also brings my system to a crawl. 

    I am using your clover image you uploaded with a Ryzen 1700X. 

    any thoughts on how I can increase my performance? 

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