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Posts posted by fullnet85

  1. I moved my Unraid installation to a dell r520 and the last few days have been good. But while using it today, my uptime kuma on another machine reported it was down as well as plex running on it. No webgui, no ssh and no ouput to a plugged in monitor. Had to use idrac to cold boot. Ill post diagnostics i took right when access was restored. Nothing looked out of the ordinary but I dont know what im even looking for. I was using a ryzen based machine and had problems like this all the time so i was hoping going back to the big boy would fix all this. Thanks all.


  2. Ive been checking my logs and they only seem to show Get and not Hit/Miss. Does that mean everything is fine? I never got steamcache to work properly and Id thought I would get this to work but I cant tell if it is. When I delete and reinstall a steam game the second time my speed is aroud 30MB's.

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