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Posts posted by Goldoni

  1. 7 hours ago, JohnnyP said:

    @Goldoni Can you check, if you have Webhooks enabled?

    Plex Server Settings / Network / Webhooks (Advanced View)

    If yes and it is still not working, maybe try enabled Push Notifications as well:

    Plex Server Settings / General / Push Notifications (Advanced View)

    Restart Plex afterwards.


    If that also doesn't work, hit me up with a PM and we will figure this one out :)

    Holy **** that did the trick!!!

  2. @JohnnyP root@Tower:~# telnet localhost 32500
    Connected to localhost.


    root@Tower:~# telnet 32500
    Connected to


    Seems like I can ping it. PA seems to be set to bridge. Plex seems to be set to host. Also for the Plex webhook URL I set both localhost:32500 and


    ======== Running on ========
    (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    Inbound request
    Ignoring request, event type not of library.new
    Inbound request
    Ignoring request, event type not of library.new


    I receive this which makes me think that it is working correctly but even after added 4 different movies(which was not added ever before). Nothing :'(


    I trying my hardest to try all different ways of getting this going and just beating my head against the wall. Thanks for all of the help.

  3. I have started from scratch and seems to get to the point of ====Running on and nothing ever post in discord and nor does the logs ever say 'Handling new movie announcement. I am used binhex-plexpass docker for plex. Could that be my problem maybe?


    Log states this 3 times. (Edited for security). I have edited the config.json file in location /mnt/user/appdata/config.json and also edited the config in loaction /path/to/dir/

    Also When starting the container the second time it creates a second docker with a weird name and that in the log says inbound request hundreds of times.




    Plex webhook URL: http://localhost:32500/VmjEZFihh08vZmadZfPEd8--etc---
    Error reading configuration, please check your config file 



    GNU nano 4.6                                            config.json                                                       
        "plex_server_url": "https://app.plex.tv/desktop#!/server/_zyp2---etc---Xk",
        "plex_webhook_token": "VmjEZFihh08vZmadZfPEd8---etc---",
        "discord_webhook_id": "819788---etc---0248",
        "discord_webhook_token": "YHcWNmrcsx7WF---etc---4T1u-YuDo4nK3lvS5"

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