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Posts posted by cpthook

  1. Hello Forum---  I was hoping someone could point me in the proper direction for instructions on how to configure the comskip cfg file.  I have the skip ads check box selected under the "record" configuration tab, but it's not working.  I figured there must be more to the set-up.


    Thanks, in advance for any assistance! 

  2. 2 hours ago, JM2005 said:

    Wouldn't this be lost if the docker needs to updated?  You would have to reinstall this again correct?



    Note that the current release of the NAS Install program does not make any changes to Linux configuration files on the NAS and does not configure the HDHomeRun RECORD engine to run at startup. If you reboot or power cycle the NAS you will need to run the NAS Install program again to start the HDHomeRun RECORD engine.


    I'm not sure what happens if the container is updated, but if a reinstall is required it would be quick and easy. 

  3. Hello forum.. 


    Just a note for anyone using SiliconDust HDHomerun TV Tuners. I was able to install the HDHR Record Engine on unRAID using the miniDLNA container and posted the instructions here: HDHR Engine on unRAID with MiniDLNA    I'm not sure if this is the only DLNA service that will work to install the HDHR DVR Engine, but minDLNA seems to work for me.  The current HDHR DVR software requires the DVR Engine be installed on a Local PC or on the NAS Server directly.  You cannot use networked share locations for DVR recordings currently.



  4. Hello forum.. 


    Just a note for anyone looking.  I was able to install the HDHR Record Engine on unRAID using the miniDLNA container and posted the instructions here: HDHR Engine on unRAID with MiniDLNA    I tried this particular container, urlxl - HDHomeRun DVR , a few times but couldn't seem to get it installed using repository link provided in the OP as I kept receiving errors, so I had to find an additional solution. 


    I hope you don't mind me pointing out this alternative method on this string.

  5. Quote

    what client are you using exactly?, are we talking tvheadend client for kodi?, or tvheadend webui "watch tv" link? have you tried using VLC to connect to tvheadend?.


    Yes...  both the Kodi client and "Watchtv" will not allow concurrent streams from the same frequency.  I will try VLC, I assume this is a Kodi add-on


    Im afraid this docker image does not currently include comskip (something im going to look into in the future), i think the LSIO image may include comskip


    OK good deal but are there any alternatives that can be used with TVHeadend?


    im not sure for HDHR devices, it depends on what channels your pulling in, but for freeview channels i manually downloaded the channel logos and put them in the right place,


    I am using both of the OTA grabber modules.  Ok...  so port a folder share to the Docker manually in edit mode, e.g., /logos, and then enter /logos in the "channel icon path"  then TVHeadend will scan the folder for logos/ icons?  OR is there more to it?


    sure you can :-), first post in this thread, donate link.



  6. Hello Forum.... I hope noobs are welcomed here.


    Just recently bought an HDHR Extend TV Tuner to use with an OTA antenna and I've setup binhex - Tvheadend on my server as back end for DVR support.  Things seem to work fairly well but there are a few issues on my end that i wanted to ask about.


    1.  I'm having issues when trying to stream two channels concurrently from the same signal frequency (195.028MHz), but only when using TVHeadend front end clients.

    •       The HDHR tuner has it's own PVR back-end, but can they both operate on my network at the same time without issue??  I cannot replicate this problem when using HDHR front-ends to stream multiple channels from the same frequency but i don't want to use HDHR Clients.

    2.  I tried this version of TVHeadend because I read somewhere in this post or in the forums that COMSKIP was included in this version.  If it is, can you point me to the instructions on  how to get it going?  Simply selecting the Skip Commercials box in the Recording File Options is not working for me.


    3.  What's the best way to set up an EPG Grabber that is rich with Icons and descriptions?  Should grabbers be installed on front-end or back-end clients?  I keep seeing the word "Picons" but don't know what they are entirely.


    I'm very new to this PVR stuff but trying my best ..so any assistance would be appreciated.  And by the way...  what a wonderful APP.  I donated to the overall project, but if i can buy binhex a beer too, just post the link. 


  7. Hello Forum..  I posted in the incorrect support post previously.  Is anyone else having issues when launching SAB?  I'm getting this error message:

    400 Bad Request
    Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 635, in respond
      File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 737, in process_headers
        raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg)
    HTTPError: (400, 'Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network')
    Powered by CherryPy 8.1.2 


  8. Hello forum..  is anyone else getting this error when launching the SABnzbd GUI? 



    400 Bad Request
    Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 635, in respond
      File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 737, in process_headers
        raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg)
    HTTPError: (400, 'Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network')
    Powered by CherryPy 8.1.2 
  9. Under Settings in the ipmi plugin, change Enable Network Connections to yes and then enter the IP, username and password. Then click apply. You'll have to reselect any sensors in the display and footer settings too.


    However, I don't think the error will go away. I believe unRAID has the ipmi driver enabled by default. Before I had to enable it with modprobe.


    Understood!!  I need to modify settings within the unRAID IPMI plug-in :)  Sorry, didn't catch that at first!  I'll give it a shot and if errors disappear then great, if not...like I said, no biggie.  IPMI sensors are all recognized by the plugin currently and BMC is not reporting any events.  Not relevant, but in the past I have ignored errors from my syslog because I did not understand them and consequently, my server suffered problems that required me to work with unRAID community support to resolve.  Moderators and the Community support team have since warned me about ignoring syslog errors, even if not reported by Fix Common Problems.


    Thanks again!



  10. I would just switch to network connection in the ipmi settings and forget about it. You don't lose any functionality.


    You mentioned that before.  I currently access IPMI using the Java IPMI Viewer.  My Router's DHCP service issued an IP address to the viewer, which I use to access.  Is what you're suggesting the same thing? 

  11. According to the SuperMicro website, the IMPI/BMC Firmware Revision: R 1.13 is the latest for the X11SSL-F which was the Firmware version installed when I build the system.  But I began to notice the error after the 6.2.4 update.  Once I updated to 6.3.0 the other day, I noticed the error remained and I figured I should ask to see if anyone else is reporting the same.


    I'm using 1.26 sent by Supermicro support because of another issue, you can try and ask for it.


    When you requested the update, did you reference issues that were logged from unRAID syslog, or did the BMC also have your issues logged?  I'm asking because; if I were to include the errors logged from unRAID syslog, would SuperMicro support even care?  My BMC event logs have no entries regarding IPMI/BMC issues.   

  12. johnnie.black & dmacias...  Thanks a lot for the responses!


    Sorry I'm not sure. It's sone kind of kernel problem with your BMC. You could try updating your BMC or try out unRAID 6.3 which just came out.  Since it just happens once and if everything runs ok then it might be fine. If it's not running fine you could try using the network connection of your IPMI. I use networking even though local is available.


    I've never noticed any issues with my BMC at all, I just notice this error each time I boot and wanted to inquire about it


    I have an X11ssm-f but only get the "error clearing flags", try updating the BMC firmware.


    According to the SuperMicro website, the IMPI/BMC Firmware Revision: R 1.13 is the latest for the X11SSL-F which was the Firmware version installed when I build the system.  But I began to notice the error after the 6.2.4 update.  Once I updated to 6.3.0 the other day, I noticed the error remained and I figured I should ask to see if anyone else is reporting the same.


    Thanks again for the help :)








  13. Hello Forum...  I've been receiving this error each time I boot since v6.2.4.  Has any one else posted this:


    Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: The BMC does not support clearing the recv irq bit, compensating, but the BMC needs to be fixed.
    Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: Error clearing flags: cc
    Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48


    Running v6.3.0


    Full syslog from boot attached



  14. Ff you check the raw log (/boot/logs/unbalance.log), does it show any progress ?


    Yes it does!  But I guess I am expecting "Real Time" statuses.  See attachment; using Chrome, statuses are now shown but  has been stuck in this state for about 2hours.  I'm noticing it only being refreshed after the transfer of an entire share is complete.  Should this be expected behavior or should the status be refreshed more often?  Currently transferring 1.5TB of data to clear a disk for format to xfs.




    Oh ok.


    Currently, that's expected behavior.


    It refreshes after each rsync command has completed.


    I wrote about that when I first introduced the progress feature, but forgot to mention it in the updated github README.


    The thing is rsync's progress is somewhat difficult to parse, so I just track the whole operation, not the individual files.


    I'll eventually look into improving that :)



    Thank you so much for the update!  Used this morning to clear cache drive for formatting and it worked per my request above. 

  15. In looking at the UD code, the function


    is fired every 5 sec to check for usb device changes.  You can verify you have the latest version of this plugin by looking at the beginning of the file on your server:


    less /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php


    The beginning of the code should look like:


    $plugin = "unassigned.devices";
    $config_file = "/boot/config/plugins/{$plugin}/{$plugin}.cfg";
    $var = parse_ini_file("state/var.ini");
    $csrf_token = $var['csrf_token'];


    Looks to me that it's properly handling the csrf_token.  Are you 100% sure there is not another browser window opened somewhere sitting on the UD page or Main page?


    No I'm not gonna say that I'm 100% sure!  I do check my server from time to time from peripheral devices.  Seems like this issue is specific to me, so I will lurk around and try to figure out where my server is going wrong.


    Thanks for everyone's assistance with my problem.  Community support is great here in unRAID forums :)

  16. Hi squid!  Thanks for the response, but yes... I have done my "Due Dilligence"    UD developer is pointing me this way:


    I posted on the rc9 post and this is Tom's response:


    If it says "wrong" it means the csrf_token is being included but its value is stale.  This would happen, for example, if you had a browser window open and there is some javascript doing some kind of periodic ajax call to the server (like what webGui does to update dashboard), and then the server is rebooted.  If you don't refresh the browser window then the token held in the browser page will not match the newly generated token which is generated as system boot.


    Could this be your problem?


    Beautiful response from TOM!  This could very well be my issue and let me tell you why I think so..


    Since updating to the new rc9 there have been a few serious unrelated issues occurring on my server so I now keep the logging window open at all times to monitor events.  After the updates to UD & PreClear Disks, I rebooted my server, but left my logging window open.  I also launched my IMPI Viewer to monitor reboot routine.  When unRAID OS returned, I mounted disks and refreshed the logging window, once refreshed, log events began popping in including errors.  Since then, I've uninstalled both plugins, rebooted and the like, but errors wont go away.  I use firefox primarily if that matters.




    Can you boot in the safe mode and install UD and see if the errors occur then?


    Uninstalled UD plugin, booted into safe mode and got the following csrf errors, see 18:02:35.  I also included full syslog from Safe Mode boot


    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: Listen normally on 3 br0
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
    Feb  2 18:02:35 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (18): rmmod md-mod |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (19): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.7.1 installed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 058F-6387-0000-000079010148 FILE: /boot/config/Pro.key




    Anymore on this, or am I stuck?


    If you booted in safe mode, this has to relate to unRAID and not plugins.  I would post this on the rc9 release post along with your diagnostics.


    As Tom has said, the wrong csrf_token is from a stale csrf_token that can happen from a web page needing to be refreshed.

  17. May I add that this is just the beginning of the issue.  The problem began after updating the Uninstall Devices and PreClear .plg's.  See here what happens after rebooting system and then installing a clean version of UD from the APPS tab.  After install, the version shown is as of 2/1/17.  No other plugins or dockers are engaged, and the array not started. The log entry time here is when I perform install, errors begin shortly thereafter. These errors will flood my syslog if I don't stop the array and uninstall plugin.

    Feb  2 13:54:39 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin install https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg
    Feb  2 13:54:40 Tower root: plugin: running: anonymous


    Diagnostics attached from this session


    Sorry I don't know what messages you are referring to that flood the syslog.


    Are you talking about these?

    Feb  3 05:15:35 Tower shfs/user: err: shfs_fallocate: fallocate: (95) Operation not supported


    That's a different problem.


    So sorry, I posted the incorrect diagnostics session.  Correct one posted, refer to log time noted in previous post.


    Thank you 


  18. May I add that this is just the beginning of the issue.  The problem began after updating the Uninstall Devices and PreClear .plg's.  See here what happens after rebooting system and then installing a clean version of UD from the APPS tab.  After install, the version shown is as of 2/1/17.  No other plugins or dockers are engaged, and the array not started. The log entry time here is when I perform install, errors begin shortly thereafter. These errors will flood my syslog if I don't uninstall plugin.

    Feb  2 13:54:39 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin install https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.plg
    Feb  2 13:54:40 Tower root: plugin: running: anonymous


    Diagnostics attached from this session




  19. I posted on the rc9 post and this is Tom's response:


    If it says "wrong" it means the csrf_token is being included but its value is stale.  This would happen, for example, if you had a browser window open and there is some javascript doing some kind of periodic ajax call to the server (like what webGui does to update dashboard), and then the server is rebooted.  If you don't refresh the browser window then the token held in the browser page will not match the newly generated token which is generated as system boot.


    Could this be your problem?


    Beautiful response from TOM!  This could very well be my issue and let me tell you why I think so..


    Since updating to the new rc9 there have been a few serious unrelated issues occurring on my server so I now keep the logging window open at all times to monitor events.  After the updates to UD & PreClear Disks, I rebooted my server, but left my logging window open.  I also launched my IMPI Viewer to monitor reboot routine.  When unRAID OS returned, I mounted disks and refreshed the logging window, once refreshed, log events began popping in including errors.  Since then, I've uninstalled both plugins, rebooted and the like, but errors wont go away.  I use firefox primarily if that matters.




    Can you boot in the safe mode and install UD and see if the errors occur then?


    Uninstalled UD plugin, booted into safe mode and got the following csrf errors, see 18:02:35.  I also included full syslog from Safe Mode boot


    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: Listen normally on 3 br0
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
    Feb  2 18:02:35 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (18): rmmod md-mod |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (19): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.7.1 installed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 058F-6387-0000-000079010148 FILE: /boot/config/Pro.key




    Anymore on this, or am I stuck?


  20. Refresh the browser?


    lol..  I wish things were that easy with this unRAID version.  But thanks anyway for the tip :)  Seems as though Tom pinpointed the issue in previous post, but the errors just wont go away.  Even after booting into safe mode this is the result:


    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: Listen normally on 3 br0
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
    Feb  2 18:02:35 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (18): rmmod md-mod |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (19): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.7.1 installed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 058F-6387-0000-000079010148 FILE: /boot/config/Pro.key


    Safe Mode boot syslog attached


  21. The message is wrong csrf_token.


    If it says "wrong" it means the csrf_token is being included but its value is stale.  This would happen, for example, if you had a browser window open and there is some javascript doing some kind of periodic ajax call to the server (like what webGui does to update dashboard), and then the server is rebooted.  If you don't refresh the browser window then the token held in the browser page will not match the newly generated token which is generated as system boot.


    That could explain it.  Thanks.


    If this is indeed the cause, is there a fix? 

  22. I posted on the rc9 post and this is Tom's response:


    If it says "wrong" it means the csrf_token is being included but its value is stale.  This would happen, for example, if you had a browser window open and there is some javascript doing some kind of periodic ajax call to the server (like what webGui does to update dashboard), and then the server is rebooted.  If you don't refresh the browser window then the token held in the browser page will not match the newly generated token which is generated as system boot.


    Could this be your problem?


    Beautiful response from TOM!  This could very well be my issue and let me tell you why I think so..


    Since updating to the new rc9 there have been a few serious unrelated issues occurring on my server so I now keep the logging window open at all times to monitor events.  After the updates to UD & PreClear Disks, I rebooted my server, but left my logging window open.  I also launched my IMPI Viewer to monitor reboot routine.  When unRAID OS returned, I mounted disks and refreshed the logging window, once refreshed, log events began popping in including errors.  Since then, I've uninstalled both plugins, rebooted and the like, but errors wont go away.  I use firefox primarily if that matters.




    Can you boot in the safe mode and install UD and see if the errors occur then?


    Uninstalled UD plugin, booted into safe mode and got the following csrf errors, see 18:02:35.  I also included full syslog from Safe Mode boot


    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered blocking state
    Feb  2 18:02:29 Tower kernel: br0: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: Listen normally on 3 br0
    Feb  2 18:02:31 Tower ntpd[1724]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
    Feb  2 18:02:35 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower root: error: webGui/include/ProcessStatus.php: wrong csrf_token
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (18): rmmod md-mod |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver removed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: shcmd (19): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat |& logger
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.7.1 installed
    Feb  2 18:02:36 Tower emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 058F-6387-0000-000079010148 FILE: /boot/config/Pro.key


  23. In the meantime, post the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices*.cfg files.  The best I can come up with is there is something about your configuration that is causing a problem.


    .cfg file attached


    Another idea that is a little easier.  Remove the UD plugin and then delete the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices folder.  When UD is uninstalled, the configuration files and scripts are left.  Removing these would give you a clean install with no devices configured.


    I actually tried that thinking the same because I have my Desktop PC VM sitting on an SSD configured with UD, but errors returned anyway after clean install.



  24. It appears the csrf errors are occurring when the UD plugin is installed and then whenever the flash drive is imported.  I also see a csrf error related to a dynamix.plg beta or test version.  Check and see if you have a dynamix.plg file in /flash/config/pligins/ and remove it.


    Can you boot in the safe mode and install UD and see if the errors occur then?


    Hey thanks for the tip... At work currently, but I can remote into my Home PC in a bit and try both tips out and report back later.  Hey thanks again!!  :)

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